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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. I couldn't find the broadcast on any of the BBC channels so listened to the BBC Radio commentary and 'watched' the Guardian's game-by-game text commentary; almost as good as being there!


    Nearly 5 bloody hours - and I don't even like tennis!


    You should have streamed it.

  2. Ron just checking on what he is meant to say "sorry" for. Not going to apologise for stuff the press invented about him.


    And please, don't take Mrs Biggs to be factual. In episode one they could not even get the date and time of the Great Train Robbery right. Ron has no involvement with the series, but offered to check the facts, which was turned down by ITV. Like some members of Deathlist they think they know the facts of his life better than he does.


    Ron has been enjoying the Paralympics and thinks in his wheelchair he could give wheelchair rugby a go in Rio in 2016. Stay tuned.


    Are you Biggs son, close relative or a fraud ?


    Critical Divide is the real deal representing Ron.


    No one (except Ron and any other surviving members of the gang) knows who actually beat up Jack Mills and David Whitby. I'm sure CriticalDivide can confirm that.

  3. How the f$&* can ppl be allowed to make these pages? I am a strong believer in karma and if you can sit back give shit and have a laugh at this then karma is creeping up on you. Brian Harvey is an amazing singer and to read these comments and see that ppl dont care what happened to him or take the piss out of it etc without even knowing him or understand what he is going through......you guys suck!!!! How the hell u can live and accept yourself when u r a horrible person and putting down Brian Harvey. You dont know him nor do I but that doesnt mean you can post and make a horrible page about him. Do you know anyone who is suffering a mental illness? Lets hope not coz if y do youve just put them down too. The ppl who run this site are dirty shits.


    Thank you for dropping in Brian.

    • Like 1

  4. Perhaps not near immediately death, but Clint Eastwood looked pretty gaunt and very senile last night giving an 'endorsement' (essentially an 11 minute ramble that concluded with 'vote for the one who's not Obama) to Romney last night at the Republican Convention. Outside bet as he is still working but he is 82 so who knows. Video is a good watch regardless.


    He's always been very health conscious so I dare say he'll be around for a while yet


    He's a vegetarian


    My, what would Harry Callahan say?


    "Go on pork, make my day"

  5. lots of people on my facebook page mourning the death of Lillian Lopez the original lead singer of Odyessey (Native New Yorker, Use It Up And Wear It Out) can't find anything official yet though.


    Checked my twitter, nothing on that one yet. (If true)

  6. There are no huns in the SPL and long may that continue.

    Of course, silly. Why would Germans want to play in the SPL. B)

    Andy Thom, Stefan Klos, George Albertz, Andreas Hinkel, Dirk Lehmann, Christian Nerlinger, Mathias Jack off the top of my head, there has been a few biggrin.gif


    Not exactly household names, Hinkel I recognise, didn't he play in the German national team? Oh, I see, so did Nerlinger.


    The evidence is incontrovertible: huns did play in the SPL. And now they don't (I checked at Wikipedia, so I may be wrong).





    Jorg Albetz played for the German team as well


    He went to my beloved

    for a spell. Poor pics of his debut goal.

  7. last night I posted that he was deteroriating and there was no hope for his recovery.why was that post removed? are guests not welcome on the forum anymore?


    Yes, guests are still welcome. Was it a duplicate post? The same one that was posted on the 17th August per chance?

  8. Founder of Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 93, is being treated for pneumonia in South Korea. His family is at his side and he's pretty much on deathwatch.


    Damn - I was going to include him for 2013.


    But it ain't over until Adele....


    Guess shes singing away now.


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