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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Remember to post piccies on facebook.


    Absolutely not. DL Con photos are only available for viewing to those that attend. You may see some shots of Amsterdam but you will not see DL'ers in my Facebook photos, I didn't take my camera to the first one I attended in 2008 but I did take it to the one I attended in 2009. The photos I have of the DL Con in 2009 have never been published on Facebook (or anywhere else online) and never will. If you want to see what goes on you will have to attend ;-)


    I don't see why not. All our photo's are on the 'special' page.

  2. Hello.I am not doing so well, so you may have good news shortly.I have been a fan of deathlist since it's inception in 1987,as I am unable to leave my house due to long term illness and tend to idle my days and nightsw away 'online' or reading..There is nothing I would like more than to add to your tally.Maybe my death will be more productive and useful than my life has been! Anyway good luck,and goodbye for now.Yours, JT


    Hello fuckwit.


    We don't give a shit about you being added to our tally, you're not on the list. Maybe next year or 2014.


    Yours, PB



    P.S. Did you really hire the hitman to bump off Norman?

  3. I couldnt believe my eyes when I found this fantastic website,for the last 2 years at work we've been doing something similar but we call it "The Next Hero to Die Game" where during the last weeks of the year we write a list of possibles,we have a big poster on our wall at work where everyone puts down the candidates,last year we got 8 correct,including Amy Winehouse,so far this year we have got Bob Holness and the latest Bee Gee.Also I stumbled on this website because I googled "Peter Shilton Wifebeater" thankyou so much to everyone behind this superlative website,it will be an inspiration to everyone at our workplace.



    Welcome to deathlist BadEgg. Glad to have you aboard.


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