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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. I follow Galloway on Twitter. It's some of the best entertainment you can get for free.


    I used to, but the guy is such a prick, I decided to include him in my monthly cull last week.



    "George Galloway vs Jere..."

    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants, including:

    • dmcl

  2. The point is this thread was created on the supposition that Megrahi and Gibb were in a race to ther finish line and that at least one of them would be dead within days at most.It's now obvious that isn't going to happen,so this thread is now irrelevant.


    As neither of them are dead yet, the poll stays open.

  3. Robin Gibbs wife celebrates her husbands survival with champagnme and pokes fun at the 'losers on death forums who predicted his demise'. We have been put in our place. We are indeed a bunch of losers. lets just give up this shit and get a life


    You first.


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