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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Whoever came up with these death lists are sick and need to be locked up and the key thrown away. No wonder the world is in the mess it's in. People like you have nothing better to do than to put this garbage of sheer negativity and evil out there for all the world to see. What happens when our name is on that list? People like ou don't care about other people's feelings. You are one of the reasons that abortion was made legal.This is absolutely disgusting and it houldn't be allowed to even take up space on line. ou have no conscience.


    Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyy! Our first drive-by ranter for years! (Well, it feels like years)

  2. Bollocks bollocks bollocks. He was going to be on my list and then I saw him on TV and he looked quite well :banghead:


    When I was a kid I never got the joke about him being a one-armed washer-upper in 'Robin's Nest' (oooh, a chance to mention Richard O'Sullivan!). I think I finally twigged about, umm, three years ago...


    One of his best parts I thought.

  3. Nothusile Bhulehluthi


    Nelson Mandela's last surviving sibling has died aged 81.



    Her funeral was today. Ironicaly the anniversary of Mandels release from prison. Did he attend does anyone know? If he was too frail to attend his last siblings fuenral he must be in a bad way


    Do you know the meaning of the word "irony"?


    Obviously not!

  4. Swayze and Jobs had pancreatic cancer which is a certain death sentence. Probably the most deadly and fast killing cancer of them all.




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