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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. when do i become a mod?? I was one on crunchyroll.


    btw i got a warning on my account because their was false news that Walter Mondale had died i checked Wikipedia and it said the same i posted it here thinking two separate sources must be true but still got a warning anyway :lol: , im not bitter or anything honest :)


    Admins and mods meet up in a secret location to discuss whether or not another mod is required, and if so, nominate and vote for or against. TBH, looking at the number of regular posters and members, I really don't think another mod is required just yet.

  2. Anyone know how to neutralize the smell of Febreeze? You know, that air freshener that smells like rotting pears?

    Oh, and this is second hand Febreeze fumes, because I don't use it. It's either coming from the vents in the apartment building or the hall.


    Lots of fresh air - courtesy of hurricane Irene- worked great but now it's ba---ack.




    Are you sure it's passive febreeze fumes you're breathing in? Maybe your neighbour has a bowlfull of pears and went on a holiday forgetting all about them.


    Hehe, it does smell that way, but it ain't pears. I'm not allergic to pears, but I am sensitive to certain accessories of modern post-industrial revolution life, like Febreeze, Tide, certain perfumes, hairspray, bug spray, scented candles, etc. The usual stuff (pollen, dust, mold, cat and dog fur, etc.) doesn't seem to bother me at all.


    I have discovered some Febreze which is called "cascades de Nouvelle Zealande", it doesn't smell like rotten pears and it covers up the smell of sick. I don't know whether it smells like "cascades de Nouvelle Zealande" because I've never been to Nouvelle Zealande.




    I have. I'd love to smell it to see if it's true.

  3. Anyone know how to neutralize the smell of Febreeze? You know, that air freshener that smells like rotting pears?

    Oh, and this is second hand Febreeze fumes, because I don't use it. It's either coming from the vents in the apartment building or the hall.


    Lots of fresh air - courtesy of hurricane Irene- worked great but now it's ba---ack.




    Are you sure it's passive febreeze fumes you're breathing in? Maybe your neighbour has a bowlfull of pears and went on a holiday forgetting all about them.

  4. Rumours flying around that the rebels have done a deal alowing Gaddafi to go into exile in a friendly African country .Remaining Gaddafi holdouts to surrender in return..NATO has allowed safe passage to a convoy possibly including Gaddafi and his son Said to Niger. If t his is true a lot of Libyans wil be very angry that Gaddafi has escaped justice.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-09-06/liby...fi-deal/2873692

    Well turns out that report was a load of crap-things have turned a lot more violent overnight..Seems the final battle for Libya has begun...




    Wouldn't you be better off waiting until you have all the facts before making any posts?

  5. a, Madam et Monsieur...

    With an amount of prompting...

    I'll announce that the DeathList 5th Convention (DL Con V) shall be going continental and will be held in either...


    Northern Germany,



    Luxembourg or

    Northern France.


    Votes please...


    How exciting! I vote for the Netherlands. I'd also vote that it's in August, simply because I'd already be in Holland.


    My vote is for the Netherlands too, a country I have never visited but would like to and it would also be nice to meet up with Hein again - I think I am the only UK DL'er to have met him, he spent his summer holidays in Scotland 5 years ago. As has already been mentioned, there is a strong Dutch presence on the DL, so I feel it would be nice to take the DL to Holland. I'm with Six on next August as a date, that will give me time to organise a passport and brace myself for flying (not my favourite thing). Six, can you give us the dates you will be available then?




    Looks OK. Dates anyone?

  6. Janey Cutler has died aged 82.


    She made it to the finals of last year's series of Britain's Got Talent.

    That's a shame.She was quiet a character .


    Anyway , New Zealand broadcaster Graham Moody has drowned so he would be a bit moody I suppose ,if he wasnt dead of course.


    Former Whacko (Michael) Jackson Manager, Frank DiLeo told to "Beat it" and promptly complied.





  7. Libya Government: In past 11 hours of violence, 1,300 people have been killed and 5,000 injured


    Libya Government: We need Gaddafi to lead us to peace, millions of people support him and whole cities are coming to Tripoli to fight


    Latest tweet.



    Good to see the old propaganda weapon being put to full effect.


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