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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. OK, but poolers wouldn't have known that last year when they were making up their list.




    Sorry, my brain is obviously a year behind. I withdraw my last comment.

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2....html?hpt=hp_t1


    Tariq Aziz, the last big member of Saddam Hussein's government, has been given a death sentence and will be executed next year.


    Remember folks, he's been sentenced, so the only way he could qualify for points is if he died of causes other than being publicly executed...

    Time to drag this old arguement in again.


    As he was only sentenced today/yesterday. The poolers that have him wouldn't have known if he was going to be given the swinging sentence. (they obviously thought he might have been) So, wouldn't the people that have him on their list now (for this year) be given points? Obviously no points would be awarded for his death in 2012.




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