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Dead Wait

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Posts posted by Dead Wait




    Dunn was legendary because he had appeared to be fucking old for decades.

    He was playing septuagenarians when he still had hairless bollocks.

    That was they key to his DL legendary status 'How does somebody who is so old live for soooooo long?'

    Twas all smoke and mirrors.

    That's the way it goes, unless we can find another BRITISH character actor who has appeared to have lived for centuries there cannot ever be another Dunn.

    Let it go!


    On that basis, Warren Mitchell would fit the bill, he's British and has looked ancient since the sixties. Yet somehow he doesn't seem worthy.


    It's a difficult one as I think DL benefited in a strange sort of way from worshipping at the totem-pole of the omnipresent deity that was Clive Dunn, but, as you say, he is just irreplaceable.

    I think a lot of Dunn's legendary status is down to the perception of time.


    Those of us who grew up in the seventies and eighties would have sat through episodes and episoses of Dad's Army understanding that the programme had been running forever (before one was born) and because it represented the war (which in 1975 was closer then than the Falklands war is now) pushed it further back in time in our minds. We would also recognise Dunn from kids TV and again assume the distance between the two was longer and then 20 years later when we start deadpooling and the guy is still alive it is a miracle.


    I agree Mitchell is a possibility but I think the closest is probably Peter Sallis who spent 40 years playing a retired man in LOTSW. As well as delighting everyone as the voice of Wallace.

    I just had a brainwave: what about Gudrun Ure?
    Brilliant! Having known her as Supergran when growing up I was surprised to find out when googling a few years ago that a) she was still alive and B) wasn't as old as most seemed to think.
    • Like 1

  2. If he is still breathing come 1st January can I make two requests to the DL committee.1)That Carter is number 1 on the list and 2)That his caption is Peanut Farmer.Seems the DL is not doing as many mildly amusing descriptions.I think the trend should continue.

    Or how about "Bought the peanut farm"


    Absolutely no chance he'll make it to September 31st let alone December 31st. It's good to see someone so comfortable with their own fete though.

    Even you won't make it September 31st!


    He has edited the original post and made you look foolish.... :)


    I for one hope that he doesn't make the starting line given that I have him on my current list. Sad news though......



    Any news on his health?


    I didnt realise he was the voice of Wallace in Wallace& Gromit until checking

    Have you been on the moon?


    Actually, even there they know this - he visited it with Gromit once for some cheese......




    not the moon just my own little world.


    Okay............try Google.........great tool for you to use.........

  5. Any news on his health?


    I didnt realise he was the voice of Wallace in Wallace& Gromit until checking

    Have you been on the moon?


    Actually, even there they know this - he visited it with Gromit once for some cheese......

    • Like 2


    I think the top 10 as it stands will look like this:

    1)Jimmy Carter

    2)Zsa Zsa Gabor

    3)Billy Graham

    4)Bhumibol Adulyadej

    5)Joao Havelange

    6)Fidel Castro

    7)Muhammad Ali

    8)Denis Healey

    9)Clive James

    10)Kirk Douglas


    The striked out ones won't make it.


    Striked? Really....?!

    • Like 1


    'haemorrhage' is the correct 'Brit thingie' - so an 'a' is needed but, as with many US spellings of English words, the US way makes sense if you like things dumbed down to a simple level.

    It's not our fault you Brits like to add a bunch of pointless letters everywhere.

    You mean poinztless

  8. I used to watch Minder a lot when growing up, although I barely remember any of the episodes with the exception that Dennis Waterman sang the theme song.

    He wrote the theme toon, sang the theme toon....

    • Like 2


    He looks like a shadow of his former self in his BAFTA acceptance speech

    Patrick swayze looked like that in April 2009 and was dead by September 2009. That's 5 mouths but Clive is older and has had terminal cancer for a few years now so my prediction is 13 of December 2015

    This sounds like a contradiction. You make a comparison to Swayze and give every reason why he would die much sooner and then plump for a date at the back end of year. I'll go for September - same date as Swayze!


    Repeating my joke from 2 days ago:


    He has full-blown AIDS, he's probably riddled with it.



    it looks to me as if he has long cancer but I could be wrong

    Long cancer? A cancer that takes a long time to take effect.......?


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