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Dead Wait

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Posts posted by Dead Wait

  1. Then again Lynda Bellingham was about the same weight a couple of weeks ago.


    Well, both of them had terminal (metastatic) colon cancer, but weight might not be the best prognostic factor we could think of. Of course, he could die in a heart attack tomorrow (like a cancer-stricken relative of mine did), but it's not the most likely course.


    My guess is, he will be completely bedridden for at least a couple of days, twitter activity will slow down, and he might even make a final ("farewell") post along the lines of "I'm finally at the end of a long journey, I feel that I had a wonderful life and I can't express how grateful I am for...[blablabla] Goodbye and good luck everyone!"

    Very strange post!

  2. Recently posted on Superstar Billy Grahams Facebook page


    "Hello Fellow Superstar Fans,

    This is a message from Superstar's wife Valerie. Billy has been admitted to the Mayo Clinic from complications from his previous medical conditions. Not much information is know at this time, but this post will be updated soon. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers."


    If he is anything like his namesake he'll be in the clinic a long time - one big tease!!

  3. Guilty on all 12 counts of indecent assault.


    I Didn't think he would get found guilty of all counts. I'm guessing they will strip him of his knighthoods quickly too and you won't see Rolf paints the Queen on your TV ever again lol.


    If max Clifford got 8 years for eight counts then rolf will easy get over 10 years .


    Well we will find out in the next few days if he does suicide.


    Sentencing is this Friday - that gives him 3 days to sit and stew about the rest of his life in prison and whether the "alternative" is more appealing!

  4. Wow, this was actually unexpected with the recent rate of things

    I think that the death of a 98 year old man who has been out of the public eye for four years and had already had a stroke is hardly surprising !Anyone got any ideas for a caption ?


    In keeping with the theme this year how about "Eli Wallach dies".....

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