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Dead Wait

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Posts posted by Dead Wait

  1. Can't find anything official yet, but seeing reports that Samantha Juste has died.

    She was the girl who played the records on early 'Top Of The Pops' and was once married to Micky Dolenz of The Monkees. Wikipedia says she "suffered a major stroke on the night of Sunday, February 2, 2014, while asleep and never recovered, passing away on February 5, 2014."


    Juste died?

    • Like 4

  2. According to CBC 1990s Canadian Teen Pop Star Robin Daggers has died of a heroin overdose 2 weeks short of her 33rd birthday. 33


    Didn't realise we report fictitious TV character deaths on this forum now........!?!

  3. Is George Alagiah suffering from anything? I saw 6 O'Clock news on BBC last night and thought he looked terrible. I can find nothing on the web to suggest he is but if not why does he look so bad?


    Perhaps he was a big Only Fools and Horses fan and last night was a tough read.........

  4. Fancy we should earmark Bruce Forsyth for 2015. He reaches 86 this February, and in his own words treats every day as on borrowed time. DeathList 2015 could be alright if we "Play your cards right"

    I'm sure many of us are getting ready with the death puns based on Brucie's catchphrases for when he goes higher...or lower...


    You don't get nothing for two in a bed :D




    ah, sorry, thats a Yewtree one.


    Dying to see you.......to see you die!

    • Like 2

  5. So....... did he top himself or what? "No suspicious circumstances" seems to have worked itself into the modern journalistic language as a euphemism for that. Because apparently they think people can't handle the word suicide or something.....


    Not particularly bothered whether he actually did, TBH. I just like complaining about journalists, that's all.


    Somebody said to me today he was found hung. Dunno how true that is though


    Well hung?

    • Like 1

  6. Huh? I'm not a troll. I genuinely thought it was December when they were saying he was done for. Didn't realise it was the first day or two in Jan.


    I can confirm there was no news of his final decline before january 1. I made a point of googling his name almost every day to see if there was any news on his condition and I saw nothing before jan 1st


    Is this two different guests or is there some multi personality split here - one of these comments contradicts the other!?

  7. 1987: de Cesaris, Osbourne (2/31)

    1989: Bruno, Ditka, Ian Paisley, Osbourne, Brian Wilson, Jenkins, Cole (7/32)

    1990: Noriega, Aznavour, Queen Elizabeth II, Alliss, Ditka, Williams, Winfrey, Waite (8/42)

    1991: Willis, Gabor, Beenhakker (3/40)

    1992: Finney, Ryder (2/37)

    1993: Bennett, Ian Paisley, Kissinger, Ray Kennedy, Lineker, Jerry Lee Lewis (6/56)

    1994: Castro, White, Kirkbride, Holly Johnson, Thorpe, Shilton (6/50)

    1995: Castro, Holly Johnson, Forsyth, Connery (4/50)

    1996: Mr T, Thorpe, Domino, Castro (4/50)

    1997: Rooney, Domino, Kirk Douglas (3/50)

    1998: Rooney, Jaruzelski (2/50)

    1999: Leeson, Simon (2/50)

    2000: Farrakhan, Jaruzelski (2/50)

    2001: Tutu, Minelli, Pincher, Wallach, Wouk, Rooney (6/50)

    2002: Brady, Kirk Douglas (2/50)

    2003: Rooney, Gabor (2/50)

    2004: Brady, Musharraf, Wallach, Kirk Douglas, Michelmore, Rooney, Mugabe (7/50)

    2005: Karzai, Maradona, LaMotta, Wallach, de Havilland, O'Sullevan, Castro, Jerry Lewis (8/50)

    2006: Di Stéfano, Wallach, Kirk Douglas, Lynn, Bouteflika, Graham, Ali, LaMotta, Rooney, (9/50)

    2007: Castro, Graham, Tim Johnson, Piper, Wallach, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, LaMotta, Molinaro, Vigoda, Jerry Lewis, Farrakhan (13/50)

    2008: Castro, Pincher, Wallach, Kirk Douglas, Domino, Gabor, Lynn, Graham, Watson, LaMotta, Karzai, Charles Taylor (12/50)

    2009: Havelange, Pincher, Wallach, Castro, Kirk Douglas, Graham, LaMotta, Rooney, Nancy Reagan, Christopher Lee, Cardin, B B King (12/50)

    2010: Gabor, Pincher, Wallach, Castro, Kirk Douglas, Wouk, de Havilland, Healey, Tork, Edrich, Graham, Bough, O'Sullevan, Molinaro, LaMotta, Norden, Attenborough, B B King, Lansbury, Jerry Lewis, Domino, Garner (22/50)

    2011: Gabor, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Healey, Edrich, LaMotta, Khamenei, Jerry Lewis, Aretha Franklin, Dole, Cheney, Pincher, Wallach, Ellison, Schmidt, Molinaro, Brady, Cardin, Lynn, Michael Douglas, Nancy Reagan, Frederiksen (22/50)

    2012: Harper Lee, Wallach, Kirk Douglas, Adulyadej, Gabor, Graham, Pincher, Wouk, de Havilland, Jaruzelski, Mubarak, Lawson, Castro, Healey, Schmidt, O'Sullevan, Molinaro, LaMotta, Kissinger, PD James, Macnee, Mugabe, Van Dyke, Randi, Aziz, Ali, Berry, Domino, Gaddafi, Hawking (30/50)

    2013: Clive James, Pincher, Gabor, Havelange, Bush, Wallach, Prince Philip, Whitlam, Mubarak, Paisley, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Castro, Lynn, Healey, Harper Lee, Dole, O'Sullevan, Graham, Schmidt, Molinaro, Attenborough, PD James, Adams, LaMotta, Nancy Reagan, Sallis, Day, Stan Lee, Jaruzelski, Kissinger, Seeger, Parsons, Stritch, Domino, Garner, Brady (37/50)


    Updated for Sharon

  8. If you count all his TV appearances, from movies over TV series to documentaries, you'll have well over 300. If it is ever possible to show and/or list all of them I don't know, still working on it myself, and it might take me til Lee's age to complete this task!


    Maybe you've never heard of a website called IMDB!!

    • Like 1

  9. It's Luise Rainer, she was on some time yesterday morning then mysteriously disappeared by last night.


    is this an omen of her imminent death or am i just a massive cock?


    I've corrected the above for you and can answer that, yes, you are indeed a massive cock!!

    • Like 2

  10. As the night lingers on your dreaming if you hear a mysterious New Years person banging outside your window.


    Well I didn't, but the dog did and woke me up with incessant barking around 4 am.


    HYN to all.


    What does HYN stand for?

  11. Any word on Tito Vilanova??? Cured? No?

    he is definately on the top of both my personal deathlist & my DDP list


    Shuey makes a late bid for inclusion....




    his condition is serious but not critical, but we have to follow this very carefully as it could be a big & easy hit for early 2014.


    The story has now been changed on most news outlets removing the word "serious"........


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