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Everything posted by Youwanticewiththat

  1. I'm not sad a la emoticon - my eyes are watering.
  2. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    I'm up for it - unless I'm still scything after Trump & J(wr)ong Un's efforts.....
  3. Youwanticewiththat

    The one

    Paging LFN. Paging LFN. There are some pictures I refuse to paint....
  4. Youwanticewiththat

    Last of the Summer Wine

    Sad to say Robert had surgery for Bowel cancer recently - hopefully on the mend - but at 92......
  5. Youwanticewiththat

    The one

    I always thought it came from where peeps of 'negotiable affection' had to sluice their cavities in preparation for the next client?
  6. Youwanticewiththat

    Bruce Forsyth

  7. Youwanticewiththat

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Me too Handy - ddp hit and one I'm nay overjoyed to have.
  8. Youwanticewiththat

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Nah, adopted
  9. Youwanticewiththat

    Ian Brady

    Aye, had similar thoughts Paul.
  10. Youwanticewiththat

    The Dead Of 2017

    55 an impressive innings, considering...
  11. Youwanticewiththat

    Clive James

    I will be very sorry to see him go- when he does....
  12. Youwanticewiththat

    Art For Death's Sake

    Laughter definitely not the best medicine for Disco Dan
  13. Youwanticewiththat

    Jonathan King

    Was it Bill Crosby-style 'seduction'? P.S. Looks like someone animated the Michelin Man as a blow up sex doll. He's going to be a popular fellow if he does get jail time
  14. Youwanticewiththat

    Holiday Thread

    Welcome Back
  15. Youwanticewiththat

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    You've entered the twilight zone.....
  16. Youwanticewiththat

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    I'll think you'll find mine is an superior pussy Charon. Good company we're in tho n'est ce pas?
  17. Youwanticewiththat

    I Miss Badegg

    Not mutually exclusive.
  18. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    Given the loveliness of the location..I wish! Damn that's one cheap looking death; country appropriate LFN?
  19. Youwanticewiththat

    Dead Drummers

    Paging Mr Collins.....
  20. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    All you'll see of me is the tall boney one dressed in black with the antiquated agricultural implement.
  21. Youwanticewiththat

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Have you considered teaching?
  22. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    It's getting that Lenny Henry oot of the bed's the problem.
  23. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    Sadly not Sir Creep - I too would love to take tea with CarolAnn. However - can we wear the full cowl n scythe - sort of a Dl version of Anonymous? Plus you never know; with a weak heart the sight of a Dirge of 'deaths' might bump up our hit rate?
  24. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    Me too - can we go via Brucie's house too? I reckon 'boo' would do it.
  25. Youwanticewiththat

    Kirk Douglas

    Half right

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