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Posts posted by gcreptile


    Interesting idea for a theme team, the Order of Merit:




    A 24-member club of people chosen by the british monarch. The currently oldest member is The Reverend Professor William Owen Chadwick at 98.

    Perhaps that's the Queen's Own deathlist.


    Including her own husband and son, I like it!

    • Like 1

  2. He recently presented a new project about how to keep working at a higher age and said:"We have to work longer and we can do it. Just look at me, I am 96 and still work 30-40 hours a week."




    Though I wonder how many people can do this if they cannot live on their book sales (and pension) as a former politician of international stature.



    Did anyone see Leon Brittain on TV yesterday refusing to answer questions about a list of paedophiles at Westminster around the time when the fat reptile from Rochdale was at it.


    Surely, there can't be any paedos at Westminster these days.............can there?

    I remember that the police did investigate some MPs back in the day. Greville Janner was caught up in a massive child abuse trial in Leicester when Frank Beck tried to implicate him in his trial.


    Janner was not charged with anything. Beck died shortly afterwards in prison at a relativly young age.


    I am not sure how widely this was reported outside of the East Midlands.


    Greville Janner will not be charged owing to the severity of his dementia.


    Interesting, some accused politicians at least have the manners to die of shame. So the dementia might work in this man's favour.



    Swedish poet, Tomas Transtromer, Nobel Literature winner in 2011, dies at 83. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/entertainment/swedish-nobel-literature/1748142.html

    So he wasn't a robot in disguise then.....


    I almost posted that myself :) BBC Obit, if needed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32093573


    I think I have to apologize to Uschi who suggested him for 2015 (or already 2016?), but I thought that Grass was still too active to be considered. But then, he died of a lung infection, showing that at a certain age, there are always things that could happen... It seems that the best medicine money can buy, can get you to 90 years unless you have a debilitating disease like cancer or Parkinson's and the like. But beyond that, your body gets vulnerable to things like pneunomia. Case in point, King Abdullah... Now Grass did not have access to the best medicine money can buy, so he died a few years sooner.


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