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Posts posted by gcreptile

  1. One of, if not, THE most acclaimed contemporary german directors, Helmut Dietl, is dead at 70:


    http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/helmut-dietl-ist-tot-a-1026324.html(link in german)


    A hit for 2 DDP teams if there's a qualifying orbit. He had lung cancer but in late 2014 he said the tumour had shrunk. I saw him at an awards show and he still looked ok, though it was already suspicious that they gave him a lifetime achievement award.

  2. Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich dies at 54:



    Apparently, it was a suicide by gunshot.


    But there might be a lot more behind the scenes:



    Schweich was planning to run for governor, but the republicans tried to "smear" him by insinuating that Schweich was a jew. Anti-semitism seems to be a political factor in Missouri.

    Now, one of Schweich's spokesmen was also found dead in an apparent suicide:



    The spokesman, Spence Jackson, was the first to call out one of Schweich's opponents for the above smear campaign. Very, very curious...

    It's an interesting story in many ways... this intra-party struggle for the nomination had almost split the republican party in Missouri.

  3. BBC journalist Nick Robinson has a rare form of lung cancer:



    But apparently, the prognosis is good.


    Some people on twitter however think that the cancer is "karma" for his coverage of the Scottish independence vote:


    Nick Robinson has successful surgery, will start chemotherapy now:



    I'm afraid not. That's "bbc.news.uk.com", not "bbc.co.uk/news". Only the latter is the real thing written by Auntie.


    Ah sorry...


    Although, when I google "Wim Ruska daily mail", not in the news but in a web search, I have an obituary from the daily mail as the second hit. But when I click on the link, there is no article there...


    The Burnley Butcher, no, a Burnley butcher, not a serial killer, but one of Burnley's best-known Butchers, Stephen Birkins dies at 52:



    Padding your post stats w this moving entry. A local butcher?

    I'll bet all the top butchers in Burnley have gone to theatres in Estonia.



    Quite possible. After he closed his shop, he went on a cruise with his wife to Estonia:



    “I will be going on a cruise around Norway, Sweden and Estonia with Helen. We were going to go to the Caribbean but I can’t be out in the sun very long now.”

    • Like 2



    Don't know about the porridge, but I suppose avoiding men is a useful survival strategy. Dangerous lot, that.


    She's died, Jessie Gallan at 109. http://news.stv.tv/north/315288-scotlands-oldest-woman-jessie-gallan-dies-at-the-age-of-109/


    Maybe the secret to a long life is avoiding interviews.

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    I bet the pilot who crashed that plane in the Alps was gay. Not sure if that's related to the possible/likely suicide though...

    I have a shock announcement. He was a member of this forum


    Nice speculation, but unless it was a lurker, I can rule that out by a process of elimination. The age isn't right.

  8. Two important german deaths in the news today:


    Karl Moik, the austrian inventor of the most popular "Volksmusik"-TV show in the german-speaking countries is dead at 76:

    http://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/karl-moik/ist-tot-40313290.bild.html(german obituary)

    It was the kind of show full of yodelling, alpine clothing and faint regret of losing World War II that people aged 60+ loved.


    Also dead: "Emmely", Germany's most famous cashier. Her multi-billion dollar supermarket chain fired her instantly after 30 years of employment because she payed herself out two unused deposit bottle coupons (do you know what I mean?) worth 1,30€. She sued the company and won and got her job back:

    http://www.bild.de/regional/berlin/tod/kassiererin-emmely-ist-gestorben-40304874.bild.html (german obituary)


    She died at 57 after a heart attack.

  9. Another article about him and statements from him:




    He'll soon know whether the tumour is small enough for an operation or not. It actually doesn't sound very good because he has at least two tumours.

    The surgery is going to take place around May 7th:



  10. The only member of the Russian Duma to vote against the Russian annexion of the Crimea, Ilya Ponomaryov, is currently being stuck in the USA and being refused return into Russia because "they don't want to risk creating any more martyres."




    Ponomaryov wants to return though, his children are still in Russia.

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