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Posts posted by gcreptile

  1. A personal aide to recently deposed Nigerian President Jonathan, Oronto Douglas, has died of cancer:




    Another source I saw yesterday, but can't find anymore describes how the election loss really hurt Douglas and might have hastened his demise à la, the president-elect has already found his first victim...

    Curiously, another minister of Jonathan's cabinet, the petroleum minister, has just been flown to London for medical reasons, though it is suspected that it's an escape from the planned anti-corruption measures of the new president:




    "Legendary North Bay rocker" Peter "Sab" Sabourin, dies of cancer at 51:



    Truly, it's the day the music died.

    Since I can't 'like' a guest's comments I hereby applaud he tremendous post. I guess any twat who picked up an instrument has earned a mention here.

    Legendary North Bay Rocker mourned by bandmates Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy.



    I know that guy wasn't quite as famous as the penis necklace woman whose death mention you liked, but his death wasn't on wikipedia, so it's a bit of added public knowledge. Sab's death was mourned by Kris Kristofferson though, not quite an unknown local musician. Also, unless you get your habit of complaining about every single post on this forum under control, I will complain about every little mistake you make so that I can hurt you where it hurts you most: I will always have more posts than you.


    Mexican singer/songrwriter Joan Sebastian is currently hospitalized and undergoing cancer treatment, but not yet in critical condition, according to his son:




    Also, happy birthday!

    if he has cancer will his death get orbit in the UK media


    I'm not sure, he has won multiple Grammy's and Latin Grammy's though



    America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

    Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?


    The question is whether anyone in Europe really cares that much about college-level female basketball. Yes, NBA is a thing in Europe and you get to watch it live in almost any country, but even WNBA or male college basketball is less interesting for European viewers. So if the matches get basically 0 coverage how would you learn that she was a legend?


    It's a bit like cricket in the US and continental Europe. Most people there have probably never heard of Sachin Tendulkar, yet he is the single most popular player and #1 sports legend in India. But you can't really appreciate his achievements as an American. You lack the "reference frame" to interpret feats like "the highest number of centuries" when you don't even know how they score in cricket and how many runs are scored by ordinary players.


    For me, Lauren Hill falls into the "famous for being terminally ill" category. Nowadays, quite a lot of people achieve this kind of fame by "raising awareness", or by blogging about their cancer. Obit-wise these cases are always a bit of a gamble. There's the case of Paul Kalanithi, who died of cancer earlier this year He was a well-regarded neurosurgeon, but only really famous for his cancer that he wrote about to newspapers. It just so happened that his "letter to his daughter" made it to the Guardian after his death:




    Since the webpage mentions Paul Kalanithi's death, it fulfils the requirements of the DDP, even though it's not really an obituary. So sometimes these gambles pay off. On the other hand, there are quite a few other people blogging about their diseases and they will hardly find national recognition from a UK newspaper. As far as I know, The Guardian was also the only british newspaper mentioning the death of Paul Kalanithi.

  5. Again, I'm reminded of how extraordinary the 122 years of Jeanne Calment were. I mean, the most holders of the title "world's oldest person" die around the age of 116-117. Simply because of the distribution of a bell curve one would expect then the odd person living to 118 or 119, and so there is just one person who died in that age range (as far as we know). But Jeanne Calment beat Sarah Knauss by three whole years. Truly a biological wonder.

    • Like 1

  6. 85th birthday today...

    Last week, he made the news because his last big interview (six hours long) was released to the press. That interview, however, is already twelve years old and he apparently does not make any media appearances today.

  7. I'm thinking of putting all those "overdose, suicide, assassination" candidates into one team and call it "They couldn't wait" or maybe "God called early today" or something like that,

    Or maybe a theme about people whose name contains variants of the word "cross", like Cruz or Delacroix, Cross itself, or Skandinavian and German variants like Kruse or Kreuzer. The name could be "Crucified" or "On the Cross".


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