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Posts posted by gcreptile


    Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich dies at 54:



    Apparently, it was a suicide by gunshot.


    But there might be a lot more behind the scenes:



    Schweich was planning to run for governor, but the republicans tried to "smear" him by insinuating that Schweich was a jew. Anti-semitism seems to be a political factor in Missouri.

    Did you post in Deaths of 2015 like you are supposed to as well? I posted two suicides yesterday it would be nice to see the trend continue



    The question of where to post a specific death also confused me at the beginning. I've decided to only post in the "Deaths of 20xx" thread when it's hard to categorize the person or when a category for that person doesn't exist, or if I have nothing else to say about the death of that person except for the fact itself, which I try to avoid however.

    • Like 1

  2. Very sad for me as well. He was the one on the list I most liked to meet. Apart from being Mr. Spock I also liked him in Fringe, where he already looked pretty ancient. He also directed my favorite Star Trek movie, Star Trek IV, which is even on my all-time top 10 movie list.

  3. Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich dies at 54:



    Apparently, it was a suicide by gunshot.


    But there might be a lot more behind the scenes:



    Schweich was planning to run for governor, but the republicans tried to "smear" him by insinuating that Schweich was a jew. Anti-semitism seems to be a political factor in Missouri.

  4. So gcreptile, your investment in ill banker Irving Kahn has paid off... Return On Investestment = 45 basic points and 18 bonus points.


    7th Leader Board - 2015

    1st - 70 points - Estuarian Float

    2nd - 63 points - gcreptile

    3rd - 50 points - time

    4th - 49 points - CaptainChorizo

    5th - 42 points - Book

    6th - 40 points - Maryport

    =7th - 25 points - Tick Tock

    =7th - 25 points - DDT

    9th - 7.007 points - LFN

    =10th - 0 points - Everyone else

    Wonderful! The scoring system here is delightfully wacky. I did not expect 18 bonus points.



    Investor Irving Kahn, disciple from Benjamin Graham, is dead. He was the oldest living active investment professional (109 years)

    He was also the oldest person (somewhat) famous for something else than their age. I thought about including him in a DDP team, but decided that calling him an economist would be too much of a stretch. Of course, he would also yield few points. And last year, he said that while he would reduce his involvement in the family company, he would still remain active.




    As of this moment he "is" not "was," even on Wikipedia, but - in lieu of the confirmation and the nailed-on qualifying obit he's sure to snag - he's paid off MSC's faith and created a tight spot at the top of the Deathrace:


    Death Impends - 1437

    MSC - 1341


    Bloomberg News now with obituary:


  6. My candidate nr. 2, Irving Kahn, is dead:




    That's the only obituary I could find so far. It's a "paid death notice" in the New York Times. Not sure if that counts... probably not. But a couple of guys in the DDP picked him as well, so we'll see if something better comes up. It's apparently a unique hit for me, I don't know if Kahn ever did Morris dancing or if he died by bongo.

    • Like 1

  7. Investor Irving Kahn, disciple from Benjamin Graham, is dead. He was the oldest living active investment professional (109 years)

    He was also the oldest person (somewhat) famous for something else than their age. I thought about including him in a DDP team, but decided that calling him an economist would be too much of a stretch. Of course, he would also yield few points. And last year, he said that while he would reduce his involvement in the family company, he would still remain active.

    • Like 1


    So yesterday, at the Oscars they celebrated 50 years of The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews was there. Christopher Plummer was not.


    Two points of added information, off the top of my head:


    1) Plummer is still acting full time, he has four or five films either filming or in post-production currently.

    2) He really, really, really hates The Sound of Music.


    Ah yes, you're right. I didn't know the backstory.


    Silly article on one of Germany's most important news sites about "Prince" Frédéric and Zsa Zsa and the Oscars:




    It's in German, but for our purposes, the most important piece of information is that Frédéric hasn't told Zsa Zsa about the death of her daughter. You can watch a silly viedo there as well, if you like.

    I found the following passage interesting:

    Zwei Einbrecher hätten das Haus überfallen und ihn niedergeschlagen, erzählt er und zeigt auf sein frisches Stirnpflaster. Um 2 Uhr nachts! Bel Air sei auch nicht mehr das, was es mal war.

    That translates to: "Two burglars raided the house, he said and he pointed to a fresh plaster on his brow. At 2 at night! Bel Air isn't what it used to be."


    Do German burglars keep office hours?





    I don't know... the prince is always involved in some health scare... I wouldn't necessarily believe him. BUT, he's old and Zsa Zsa is even older. The house must be attractive for burglars.

  10. Silly article on one of Germany's most important news sites about "Prince" Frédéric and Zsa Zsa and the Oscars:




    It's in German, but for our purposes, the most important piece of information is that Frédéric hasn't told Zsa Zsa about the death of her daughter. You can watch a silly viedo there as well, if you like.




    Julia Roberts' half-sister dies of apparent overdose:http://www.people.co...rss-fullcontent

    And now her mother is hospitalized. Rough week for Julia.
    Her mother has died. A DDP unique for Drunkasaskunk.

    Hold the fuck on. No I don't know your DDP rules but I presume they exist. Who the hell is Julia Roberts MOM and since she is a nobody how is she allowed I a DP of any kind?!!? That's ridiculous. I guess I can put my milkman and next door neighbor, both of whom have seen Star 80 starting Eric Roberts. Pffft.

    Sir C


    Well, if your next door neighbor gets an obit, you can.


    I'll go with the only one that I'm aware of having recently vomited blood (Thank you twitter for an image I could do without).,,,,Sam Simon


    Aye, in a put up and shut up way, he's my man at the moment.


    Indeed! I'm actually rooting for him to defy the medical expectations.

  13. Weird. I thought I had picked him, even for this race, he was on my list.

    Ah! I have solved my confusion, I picked him for my DDP team but forgot about it! I even forgot to include him in my signature. Edited now...


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