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Posts posted by gcreptile

  1. His exciting life continues...

    Somehow I missed that he was among those who were discovered through "Swissleaks" to have a secret Swiss bank account at HSBC:




    But, according to the article "Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, que a los 95 años tiene problemas de memoria, dijo no recordar si tuvo otras cuentas en Suiza." His age has weakened his memory so much that he can't remember whether he had other accounts there as well...


    Rob Ford auctions off memorabilia from his time as mayor:




    Experts say they are a bad investment. More remarkably, he's apparently the second-most "recognizable" foreign politician to U.S. citizens, after Vladimir Putin.

    A whopping 10% of the sales will go to cancer research funding. The rest is for hookers and blow.

    $16100 for his "crack-smoking NFL tie". Here's some other stuff, should you be so inclined.


    WOW! A bad drawing of a tie by Rob Ford! $41!!!


    The cancer of anesthesiologist Amy Reed, 41, has returned:



    Her case is noteworthy because the tool to detect her cancer might have helped spreading it, which "upended the gynecological field". Now that the cancer has returned, the chances of a cure are slim.



    Good spot, on this evidence:


    Dr. Reed said she had been preparing herself for the prospect of metastatic cancer and felt somewhat fortunate that the new tumor was removed completely. She will now undergo radiation. She said she and her husband, cardiothoracic surgeon Hooman Noorchashm, also plan to begin working in the lab to see how she might live with the disease as a chronic illness. Both have doctorate degrees in immunology.


    I'd say she's going to snag lots of coverage and may well be with us on 1 January next year. Hmmm...deffo Deathrace counting points, if and when. DDP?


    In terms of obitability in the UK, probably about as high as Lauren Hill. The Wall Street Journal USA will definitely cover her death because they're on the case, but the european edition? There's also the chance that the case might receive more attention until she dies.

    Edit: Though I see now that the WSJ Europe is not an acceptable source for the DDP. Which makes it a bit more of a gamble.

  4. Henry McCullough, who played with loads of bands - highest profile probs with Paul McCartney and Wings - continues to be very unwell and living on his state pension and little else. A worthy cause, frankly, and there's a star-studded benefit gig 17th March at the Half Moon in Putney.

    Oh, he's the guy who was really drunk at the time!

  5. Rob Ford auctions off memorabilia from his time as mayor:




    Experts say they are a bad investment. More remarkably, he's apparently the second-most "recognizable" foreign politician to U.S. citizens, after Vladimir Putin.

    A whopping 10% of the sales will go to cancer research funding. The rest is for hookers and blow.

    • Like 4

  6. Just checked his Twitter.

    Somebody posted a photo of him with some person (forgot who) and it was in black in white.

    It kind of seems like it was a "flashback photo" of "one of the best moments I had with Sam", you know something you would post after a death. So either he died and it was unannounced for some reason, or he's extremely close to death.

    Indeed! It's a picture with a "John Blaine" who has also written something related on his facebook page:



    Either it's really the end or Simon is thinking about stopping the treatment or even assisted suicide.

    • Like 1

  7. He has written a new book called "Was ich noch sagen wollte" (What I still wanted to say) which is going to be published:


    http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/helmut-schmidt-ich-hatte-eine-geliebte-a-1021693.html(link in german)


    The major revelation is that he had an extramarital affair in the late 60s/early 70s. The rumours were there before but now he acknowledges them for the first time. The book sounds as if this is going to be his last, and while I am certain that he is not going to die this year, he is a good guess in 2016. And I think Schmidt feels it.




    I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


    * delete as applicable

    Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

    This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

    Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



    For a slightly different reason, I tried to find numbers on the mortality rate of people at a certain age. I found this from the US census: https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0110.pdf


    The mortality rate of a 85+ year old male in the USA in 2008 was at 14%. The rate increases with age and the USA does better in high-end medicine, so for a 93-year old british male, the mortality rate is probably higher. If one definitely knew that there are no health issues with that person, then one could adjust the rate to a lower level, since these 14% include unnatural deaths, cancer deaths, and everything not primarily related to age. But without knowing anything else about that person, I'd guess the chance of that person dying until the 31st of December 2016 is at about 20%. Which is not nothing.



    You don't need to justify to SC or Zorders as to why you think them to be a viable suggestion. If they're unable to deduce it for themselves then that's no skin off your nose.

    I think they're competing for.. oh how was it Zorders phrased it? oh yes Arsehole Edgiest poster


    I always try to appeal to the better parts of human nature.... I am very stubborn.


    I may have mentioned this already in the Carry On thread, Norman Hudis who wrote the screenplay for the first 6 Carry On movies (this information is for the benefit of Dr Zorders since he's too lazy/arrogant* to look up any information for himself) is still with us at 93 (he'll be 94 in July)


    * delete as applicable

    Is Hudis ill or are we just naming anyone we think of over 90? No one should be brought up in this thread without a medical condition even if it was something from the past---but it better be good ("Mr Hudis had a heart attack in 2009" would work).

    This isn't a 90-something brainstorming thread.

    Lastly, YOU are the poster, the onus is on YOU to provide the name and information as to why they are, as the title suggests, a 'possibility', not on me or anyone else to go figure it out. I think we know who the lazy one is here .



    For a slightly different reason, I tried to find numbers on the mortality rate of people at a certain age. I found this from the US census: https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0110.pdf


    The mortality rate of a 85+ year old male in the USA in 2008 was at 14%. The rate increases with age and the USA does better in high-end medicine, so for a 93-year old british male, the mortality rate is probably higher. If one definitely knew that there are no health issues with that person, then one could adjust the rate to a lower level, since these 14% include unnatural deaths, cancer deaths, and everything not primarily related to age. But without knowing anything else about that person, I'd guess the chance of that person dying until the 31st of December 2016 is at about 20%. Which is not nothing.



    So we can finally say openly that West Germany won in 54 because they were roided off their tits?


    Right now, there are lots of articles about how "one could have/should have known" and how it was all there to see. It's sort of proven that there was doping in 1954. There are also hints that it happened in 1966. I just read that in 1986, as testified by goalkeeper Toni Schuhmacher in his autobiography, there most likely was doping going on. The current scandal is mainly about doping in the Bundesliga, especially at Freiburg and VfB Stuttgart. A player who played at both clubs in exactly the interesting period is current national coach Jogi Löw. The national coach in 1986 was Franz Beckenbauer. Also implicated in the scandal are interesting figures like Ottmar Hitzfeld (winner of the Champions League with Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund) or Paul Breitner (long-time regular of Bayern Munich).

    • Like 1

  11. I have some "regrets" about picking the wrong people out of very narrow categories. For my DDP, I picked Walter Scheel, a very old former German president, only to find out that another, less old former German president (Richard von Weizsäcker) died. For the Hare's Death Pool, I picked Alexej Nawalny because I thought that Putin might attempt to kill a prominent member of the opposition, but then a different guy died. Also, at the beginning of the year, two german football world championship winners of 1954 were still alive, I picked Horst Eckel, but then the other guy died. And finally, I chose cancer-stricken former drummer of the german punk band "Die Toten Hosen" Wolfgang Rohde, but then the band's manager Jochen Hülder died.

    • Like 2

  12. There's a major doping scandal in Germany's football breaking right now. It's about systematic doping in the 70s and 80s and the scandal could seriously taint the reputation of the sport and of a couple of old players, coaches and officials. The "Fuentes" of Germany is a 79-year old professor named Armin Klümper who fled to South Africa and whose current whereabouts are unknown. Two former presidents of the DFB, the German football association, might also wish right now that they'd disappear from the earth. There is 83-year old Gerhard Meyer-Vorfelder:


    (picture is 3 years old)


    And there is his predecessor, Egidius Braun who just turned 90, http://de.fifa.com/newscentre/features/news/newsid=2532158/


    (He's the guy on the left in case it wasn't clear.)


    In fact, I thought Braun was already dead.

  13. German co-initiator of the Techno movement in the early 90s William Röttger is dead at 66:


    http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/musik/william-roettger-tot-ziehvater-von-westbam-mayday-gruender-a-1021414.html(german link)


    He founded the label "low spirit" and was responsible for pushing artists like Westbam, Marusha and Mark 'Oh. He also organized the Mayday techno festival and participated in the creation of the Love Parade. I'm surprised not to find an english obituary so far, because the anglo-american music press usually likes german electronic music (even somewhat more than the average german...).

    Here's an old Guardian article of someone visiting the Mayday in 2001:


  14. BBC journalist Nick Robinson has a rare form of lung cancer:



    But apparently, the prognosis is good.


    Some people on twitter however think that the cancer is "karma" for his coverage of the Scottish independence vote:



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