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Posts posted by gcreptile


    Let`s not be unduly pessimistic. Most of this list are in terrible shape. Leslie Phillips appears on his last legs ,Sam Simon is clearly very ill and on borrowed time.Zsa Zsa Gabor and Billy Graham are still clinging on but are both very weak.Castro Douglas Healey LaMotta ,Reagan and Dole have looked very frail for several years and Bhumibol ,George H.W Bush and Havelange are regular ambulance chasers.As for the others they are all either incredibly elderly or have been very ill for a long time.This still remains a strong list.

    Erm isn't the title of this thread Will The Deathlist Have A Hit In January? The answer is no.


    Well, it didn't say it has to be this January

    • Like 6

  2. A personal miss. There weren't any bad news about him. He was "just" old. Another former german president, Walter Scheel, is even older and has dementia, but still lives. Von Weizsäcker always looked very statesman like to me, very sturdy. He was a very public voice until not so long ago.





    Charles must be fed up by now don't ya think?


    Dunno, he's got to pensionable age without a proper job, manages to sound off about the stuff he cares about and still gets to hang around with important people. And, he's never tasted poverty or lost sleep over the danger of redundancy.


    I can think of worse ways to stumble through your seventh decade.


    Perhaps one day he might get to be king, and the shock of it happening might give him a heart attack.


    With every passing year with his mother alive the chances of that happening grow slimmer. Should he survive her, his reign will be short.





    Certainly less than 10 years.



    Interesting to think about... Yes, Victoria's son also reigned for less than 10 years, but why should Charles have the same fate? He surely has good genes, so what keeps him from reaching the same age as his parents? Yet, I do have the same feeling... Women in general live longer than men, but why? Is it evolution (female animals care for their children, and the lifespan of male animals is often much shorter), or is it the physical work that men do (or used to do), or male neglect of healthy living? Certainly, reasons two and three imply that Charles' life shouldn't be significantly shorter than his mum's.

  4. If she really gets 105 years old, she could pass the throne to her great-grandson. That actually happened once before, when French king Louis XIV passed the throne to his great-grandson Louis XV. Louis XIV is, of course, the longest reigning monarch who ever lived, unless you count the pharaoh Pepi II who, according to some, reigned for 94 years. To surpass that, she would have to become 116 years old.

  5. Yes to King Abdullah. I mean, I was sure he would be my first hit, and so he was (only two weeks too late for my taste). Edgar Froese's death came as a surprise to his family so it's not really a miss. I understand why the deathlist didn't include Little Jimmy Dickens, because he wasn't very interesting, nor very british, but maybe Leon Brittan could have been on there.

  6. Nah, I'm not complaining about errors. I just forgot to include him. I just checked my names three times in a row, because when I saw the news, I was 100% sure I had him somewhere.


    This is my first year in the DDP and I basically just stumbled across a couple of names in December. But I've already realized that, if I want to win, I need to read the rules closer, and I'd actually need to do some research. So now, I have a list next to my computer, and whenever I read some health news I add the name. I've already got about 20 new names, about one per day it seems, so I'll have about 365 new names to choose from, plus the old ones. I also realized, by looking at the "recent deaths" page of Wikipedia, that cancer is a bitch.



    You're a dead pooler, it's an ally. I'm seeing our relationship with cancer as one of those political arrangements where you keep your enemies closer than your friends.



    At first, I wanted to write that I need to pay more attention to cancer patients. But then I thought it sounded too morbid. But yes, it's unnecessary piety here.

  8. This is my first year in the DDP and I basically just stumbled across a couple of names in December. But I've already realized that, if I want to win, I need to read the rules closer, and I'd actually need to do some research. So now, I have a list next to my computer, and whenever I read some health news I add the name. I've already got about 20 new names, about one per day it seems, so I'll have about 365 new names to choose from, plus the old ones. I also realized, by looking at the "recent deaths" page of Wikipedia, that cancer is a bitch.


    So.. I was deprived of a unique on Jean Nidetch by some goofball named Fireball. And Paul Volcker isn't unique cos some exciting chappy decided to enter an economists theme team............... happy days


    Why is Chinese linguist Zhou Youguang on that team? Maybe he was confused with Yang Jingnian?



    That is my team. Check Zhou Youguang's wikipedia entry. He worked as an economist as well.


    (I have to make note regarding Yang Jingnian for next year.)

  10. I try to imagine whose death would get the most TV coverage

    Difficult.... I mean if it is about people dying right now, then Barack Obama would definitely get the most coverage. But if he dies of old age in 30 years, what will his legacy be.... It's a bit of a guessing game.


    1) Barack Obama

    2) Lula Da Silva

    3) Bill Gates

    4) Muhammad Ali

    5) Rupert Murdoch

    6) Paul McCartney

    7) Madonna

    8) Meryl Streep

    9) Pope Francis

    10) Angela Merkel


    But tough choices... A couple of months ago, I would have chosen Putin, but then I guess he hasn't really changed a lot.


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