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Posts posted by gcreptile

  1. For Pete's sake, end of 2015 won't be the end of it. Far from it.


    It may reach a world wide touch. Not just limited to 41 million.


    Even if you catch it on a "bell curve" at 40 million the full cost would be more like 400 million over a following few year.


    No, the worse case scenario is much more likely. Say it throttles back at 50% mortality then the cost in lost lives would be more like 3.5 billion. An extra 280 million more babies? That's irrelevant on this scale and because Ebola kills babies very easily.


    Solution from here...

    Sorry, but only one I can see, is point the mobile temperature equipment at all people in these west African countries and shoot dead those who show classic signs of Ebola.


    I guess that post was just hyperbola

    • Like 1

  2. Whitlam because I'm sick of going for Graham and being wrong.


    I'm trying for 100% wrong this year. I succeeded last year by picking Chapman Pincher each time.


    Though I think that this might be the better way to score here. Say, there is a 50% chance that this person is going to die within the next year - you have a 50% chance of getting at least one point, so to say. The alternative is to change your guess each time. I think the probability of getting one point is most likely lower except when you know that your pick is definitely at death's door. But even then, there's always a chance that someone else might die before - see Nelson Mandela.

  3. There was always a dark side to him I thought. One Hour Photo showed that very clearly. It's still shocking though.


    Have you ever heard of acting?!


    Well, I thought that there was something behind the facade. He was generally regarded as a comedian, but at least I thought that you could see sadness and some inner demons in his face. And not many comedians voluntarily go for roles like One Hour Photo, or more serious acting like Good Will Hunting or Dead Poets Society. Ok, Jim Carrey tried, but then he has his own problems. But could you see Will Farrell or Vince Vaughn or Ben Stiller in these roles?

  4. Pray for Jesus to return for the end is near.. http://www.gospelher...y-for-peace.htm


    Evangelicals are always disturbing in this regard (and others). They don't want a peaceful solution, as we think of it. They want Armageddon, the literal return of Christ, the total annihilation of other faiths. The Jews are just sacrificial lambs when the great war comes that brings the return of the messiah (which they don't believe in).

  5. What I took from this is that he can`t actually do anything for himself -So they are keeping his cause going by constantly mentioning what he is supposedly praying for and replying to letters on his behalf (despite him being nearly deaf blind most probably senile and ridden with Parkinson`s disease)as can be seen on his website!Sounds a bit exploitative if you ask me ..then again this is Evangelism we are talking about!


    Well, Christianity has paraded the corpse of Jesus for 2000 years now. (Yes, I needed a week to come up with that.)

  6. Interesting. The Guardian obit mentions a small stroke seven weeks ago. That could have been a sign. Not having known him before, he appears to have been a sort of british Bob Woodward who, at 71, is probably still to young to be mentioned here. Anyway... was it the wanking?


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