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Canadian Paul

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Everything posted by Canadian Paul

  1. Canadian Paul

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Perry turned 100 the other day. Maybe this thread can be merged somewhere else, but I figured it might be the best place to mention it. By the way, that post was almost three years ago and, out of all of them, Eaton-Travis, Lane, Kent, Perry, Bartlam (at least according to IMDb), Allan (ditto), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ros are still alive. Claverling, Oldland, Baring, Boyd, and Grey were already dead at the time of the discussion too. I just happened to be thinking about this and it happens to be exactly one year since my last update (barring the leap year) so, out of all of them, Eaton-Travis, Kent, Bartlam (apparentely she was alive at least as recently as March 2007), Allan (same caveat as last time), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ross are still alive - we only lost Lane and Perry over the year, perhaps a good survival rate given their ages. One year later and there were even fewer casualties: in fact, only one: Anita Page. A bit late, but it doesn't matter - same story as above: only Eaton Travis died within the year, although I heard rumours that Bartlam is gone now as well. That leaves Kent, Bartlam (maybe), Allan (maybe again), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ros. Not bad considering they'll all be 100+ by the end of the year. Page died in 2008 That'll teach me to copy and paste... particularly as the post I quote was exactly to that effect.
  2. Canadian Paul

    The Sixth Death Of 2010

    Going back with MacCorkindale. Why not?
  3. Canadian Paul

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Perry turned 100 the other day. Maybe this thread can be merged somewhere else, but I figured it might be the best place to mention it. By the way, that post was almost three years ago and, out of all of them, Eaton-Travis, Lane, Kent, Perry, Bartlam (at least according to IMDb), Allan (ditto), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ros are still alive. Claverling, Oldland, Baring, Boyd, and Grey were already dead at the time of the discussion too. I just happened to be thinking about this and it happens to be exactly one year since my last update (barring the leap year) so, out of all of them, Eaton-Travis, Kent, Bartlam (apparentely she was alive at least as recently as March 2007), Allan (same caveat as last time), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ross are still alive - we only lost Lane and Perry over the year, perhaps a good survival rate given their ages. One year later and there were even fewer casualties: in fact, only one: Anita Page. A bit late, but it doesn't matter - same story as above: only Eaton Travis died within the year, although I heard rumours that Bartlam is gone now as well. That leaves Kent, Bartlam (maybe), Allan (maybe again), Rainer, Stuart, Laemmle, Page, and Ros. Not bad considering they'll all be 100+ by the end of the year.
  4. Canadian Paul

    The Fifth Death Of 2010

    Since MacCorkindale looks at least healthy enough to outlive Zsa Zsa, I'll go with the majority for once.
  5. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Thanks MPFC... and congratulations, since you are the winner! Laurent Fignon's death was an interesting last-minute surprise, but overall the final two counting deaths of the year served only to further cement the leaders in each category... which means that Vaagheid ends up as the winner in the Theme Team category, so congratulations to you as well! Here's the final regular scoreboard: Never Came To Maryport - 35 Simfish InquilineKea - 23 To Die For - 19 Death Impends - 17 Death's Primetime - 17 Devon Death Trip - 17 Canadian Paul - 14 Misers - 14 2 Farts and a Splash - 13 Octopus of Odstock - 13 Windsor the Troll - 12 The Man in Black's Death Disco - 11 STAB_in-the_DARK - 9 The Unknown Man's Horsemen of Apocalypse - 9 Vaagheid - 8 Dead to the World - 4 Handrejka's Smorgueasboard - 4 And the final Theme Team scoreboard: Vaagheids Dutchspeaking Theme - 29 Born in 1919, Dead in 2010? - 16 He's not going to sell much ice cream going at that speed, is he? - 11 Sheer Hart Attack - 10 Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines! - 6 Cardinals - 5 Cartoons and Corpses - 5 Old Soldiers Don’t Fade Away, (They cark and get news coverage) - 4 Surviving co-stars of James Stewart - 4 and everyone else at 0 Thanks for the memories guys. Now let's never speak of this again.
  6. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Indeed - good spot, I'd have totally missed that. Only other relevant deaths I caught were Edwin Morgan and Francisco Varallo for the Hall of Ghosts... not much to say as the CPDP sputters to its final demise. I'll updated the final scores in a day or two.
  7. Canadian Paul

    How many "hits" will DeathList 2010 have?

    Six, because it's such a nice, round number.
  8. Canadian Paul

    Deathlist 2011

    Hey, thanks! I was completely unaware that all those people had died, so now I've gone ahead and removed them. Just to keep you on your toes, though, I inserted someone who was already dead into the list. See if you can find him (or her... hmm...)!
  9. Canadian Paul

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2010

    Carve yourself out a niche as the world's biggest troll. Not safe for... well, anyone really.
  10. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Still nothing for Knox, but Otto Joachim, who emailed the webmaster of this site just to let them know that he was still alive, will join the Hall of Ghosts.
  11. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    I thought you might have been right, but I just checked and no, apparentely not.
  12. Canadian Paul

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries, Etc... For 2010

    Happy Belated Birthday Windsor! :) Hey, it's tough to remember these things without Facebook!
  13. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Woes for MPFC continue, at least for now, as classicist Bernard Knox died over a week ago but, alas, the news has only surfaced at Harvard. I think that's the only CPDP related death this month, but I'll have to do a more careful check this weekend, in addition to the former picks... I know George Steinbrenner goes in the Hall of Ghosts for certain...
  14. Canadian Paul

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I deactivated my account about a month ago... I hope you turned off the "send private message notifications to my inbox" feature, because if someone mass mails a group or event that you were in, you can still receive it...
  15. Canadian Paul

    Est.1993's Half-year Deathpool

    Not going to repost my picks (they're all there on the site) but it looks like this pool should be quite interesting - for one thing, I've actually heard of most of the picks - they seem to be legitimate celebrities for the most part. I was worried that my 25 would be pitted against teams loaded with the likes of Joanne Evans. Anyhow, the site looks quite nice.
  16. Canadian Paul

    Est.1993's Half-year Deathpool

    I'm in too now with a "theme team" of sorts. I wanted to get back to some classic deadpooling, so I have only picked people that I have chosen in previous competitions... not a winning strategy I should think, but hopefully will make for a unique pick or two...
  17. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    No English obit for Guillet yet, but The Man in Black's Death Disco scores five points on the demise of Irwin Barker: Never Came To Maryport - 31 Simfish InquilineKea - 23 To Die For - 19 The Man in Black's Death Disco - 16 Canadian Paul - 14 Misers - 14 2 Farts and a Splash - 13 Death Impends - 13 Death's Primetime - 13 Devon Death Trip - 13 Windsor the Troll - 12 Octopus of Odstock - 9 STAB_in-the_DARK - 9 The Unknown Man's Horsemen of Apocalypse - 9 Dead to the World - 4 Handrejka's Smorgueasboard - 4 Vaagheid - 4
  18. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Never Came to Maryport's Theme Team would score some points if Amedeo Guillet got an English obituary. Meanwhile, the only other update is moving Marcel Bigeard to the Hall of Ghosts...
  19. Canadian Paul

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Well I didn't get a sub for Flory Van Donck, although the way it worked out was that all the ones below got bumped up by five points, so I have no complaints there, considering that I picked someone who had been dead for over a decade and a half on more than one occasion. Unless you're just pulling some more of that classic Cumbrian banter, in which case, move along, nothing to see here.
  20. Canadian Paul

    Est.1993's Half-year Deathpool

    I'm following pretty much the same strategy as CarolAnn, but I have a suggestion: can we include the New York Times for obituaries? Obviously a very reputable publications that catches obituaries for some more esoteric, yet cultured names.
  21. Canadian Paul

    Est.1993's Half-year Deathpool

    I'd be in although, like CA, my first thought was "I'll pick one really sick person". A minimum of 10 sounds good; I can't see myself submitting more than 20-30, and that would be if I really didn't care or not if I won. The promise of swag, however, entices me to pick less and better... of course, betting that most people will be picking Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of a package that includes something related to that hit.
  22. Canadian Paul


    Rolling Stones... much more difficult to strip to The Beatles. Supermodels or sexy cops?
  23. Canadian Paul


    Cheddar, extra mature. Damn these Belgies with their obsession over jong Gouda. Might as well eat wax, it probably has more taste and melting ability. Daddy or chips? Chips. Obviously. Cannon or Ball? Dyan Cannon or Lucille Ball? I guess I'd take Dyan since she's at least alive. Mustard or Mayo? Mustard, better for Truth or Dare. Snakes or Spiders?
  24. Canadian Paul

    The Canadian Paul Deadpool

    Former Manitoba premier Duff Roblin has checked out at the age of 92. He brings in 5 points for me (5 regular, +1 unique, -1 over 84). Linkletter brings in 6 points for To Die For (5 regular, +1 unique, -1 over 84, +1 for second Canadian on a regular team). Mayer brings in 5 points for Miser's Theme Team (5 regular, +1 unique, -1 over 84)). Here's the new regular scoreboard: Never Came To Maryport - 31 Simfish InquilineKea - 23 To Die For - 19 Canadian Paul - 14 Misers - 14 2 Farts and a Splash - 13 Death Impends - 13 Death's Primetime - 13 Devon Death Trip - 13 Windsor the Troll - 12 The Man in Black's Death Disco - 11 Octopus of Odstock - 9 STAB_in-the_DARK - 9 The Unknown Man's Horsemen of Apocalypse - 9 Dead to the World - 4 Handrejka's Smorgueasboard - 4 Vaagheid - 4 And the new Theme Team scoreboard: Vaagheids Dutchspeaking Theme - 24 Born in 1919, Dead in 2010? - 16 He's not going to sell much ice cream going at that speed, is he? - 11 Sheer Hart Attack - 10 Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines! - 6 Cardinals - 5 Cartoons and Corpses - 5 Old Soldiers Don’t Fade Away, (They cark and get news coverage) - 4 Surviving co-stars of James Stewart - 4 and everyone else at 0
  25. Canadian Paul

    The Fourth Death Of 2010

    I get to gloat because I was on the nose with Hopper, but I've probably ruined that streak by going for Simon MacCorkindale this round, solely because he's the only surviving member of my top 5 DDP picks for the year.

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