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Posts posted by Godot

  1. I think Twombly may have ignored LFN's contribution to the greater good of society, which might be where LFN's indifference to CT's scribbles started.


    Do we know for a fact that LFN has departed us? Kinda sad if he has.


    What? Do you mean no longer posting or do you mean that more permanent departure that happens to be the subject that ties this place together? I suspect the former, having become bored out of his brain by the daily drivel. He's not the only one. Will Rolf Harris get a mention here when he goes? What is Rolf Harris?

  2. My first is in Maidstone, but not in Carlisle.


    My second's in wedding and also in aisle.


    My third is in orca, but isn't in whale.


    My fourth is in Parkhurst, but isn't in jail.


    My fifth is in poems and also in prose.


    My sixth in is Banshee, but isn't in cloth(e)s.


    My seventh's in Welshman, but not in Handrejka.


    My eighth is in Shaquille, but not in the Lakers.


    My ninth is in naughty and also detention.


    My last's not in deathlist, but (of course) in convention.



    Still struggling with the above, might all now be revealed, or summat?

    For the millions of you that have been unable to work, sleep or even think for the last month...


    As it happens, thanks to an unnamed member's inability to grasp the complexities of booking an aeroplane flight we didn't end up there and went to a more local (for me anyway) hostelry instead. Apologies to any brainboxes that showed up.

    I wondered why I was on my own. Nice pint, though.

  3. And that's not all. Not long ago when Mrs G finished her late shift at Sainsbury's, she and other staff could buy end-of-date stuff put out for sale at reduced prices. No more. Now they chuck all that stuff away. Bastards.

  4. Sainsbury's. The cheese-pairing bastards have just sent a letter to Mrs Godot. She hasn't had a pay increase in three years and they've cut her rates "using a standardised formula" based on "extensive data analysis." I'd like to take their letter and stuff it up Jamie Oliver's arse. I bet they haven't cut his rates. A plea to all Deathlisters: please boycott Sainsbury's.


    Sorry to hear that Godot, what a terrible way to treat staff. Sadly I will not be able to boycott Sainsbury's. I live in a town with no supermarket, our nearest Tesco and Asda are 22 miles away and I don't drive. What passed for a supermarket in Kelso, Haldanes, went into administration last week and closed yesterday. After a 10 year battle Sainsbury's won the battle to build a superstore on the outskirts of town. It opens at the end of the summer. While I tend to by my meat, poultry, bread and eggs from local shops, having Sainsbury's on the doorstep is going to be a damn site cheaper and easier than spending £8 on bus fares and enduring 4 hour round trip to get to Tesco in Galashiels just to pick up washing powder etc.

    The other 16 of us will though. It'll bring them to their knees.



    Yeah!!!!!! That'll fucking teach them.



    [edit] P.S. Sorry to see that Godot


    Thanks for solidarity comrades, no worries LG but I hope it doesn't ruin your high street butcher's and fish shop. Haven't seen those down our way for years.



  5. It's all kicking off again. Overdose, says French report. Old report, so why is it trending on Twitter just now?

    Having had another look at Twitter it's not at all clear. Is it ever? Could be either someone trying to flog a book, retweets of bad taste joke (What's the difference between Batman and Maddy McCann?). I'll let MPFC supply the punchline. The rest is probably just rubber-neckers like me thinking there's something new. There isn't. Still it was interesting to go over that old story again, or maybe it wasn't. :ninja:

  6. Sainsbury's. The cheese-pairing bastards have just sent a letter to Mrs Godot. She hasn't had a pay increase in three years and they've cut her rates "using a standardised formula" based on "extensive data analysis." I'd like to take their letter and stuff it up Jamie Oliver's arse. I bet they haven't cut his rates. A plea to all Deathlisters: please boycott Sainsbury's.

  7. It looks like Jeff Conaway's doctors are to reduce the impact of his carbon footprint by unplugging his life support machines any time now.



    His ex-girlfriend blocks it.

    Maybe she didn't list him in her deadpool this year and she wants to keep him on ice, so to speak. If so, I hope she's docked the points next year if he makes it that long. I'll be watching his progress for next year's list since he's:


    the one that one I want, the one that I want, ooh ooh ooh....

  8. Bowen also strikes me as the kind of guy you could get some good "build up material" before he goes, maybe an interview in The Sun or the Mail taking a wide-angle lens photo of him stumbling out of a hospital, so fuck it, give him a thread.




    Feel free to start one


    I thought he had, but it seems to have disappeared.

    And if you read this thread you'll understand why. Jim Bowen features quite prominently.


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