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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Superinjunctions - for those seeking to collect the set, Gareth Barry appears to be the latest footballer spending his week's wages in court. Not sure what/who he's supposed to have done


    Ah. I set that one up last night on the Picture Association thread, but no one took the bait, sadly.

    I was wondering who she was. You were ahead of the game. It's a real problem for professional footballers now. Every time they score when playing away it costs them £50,000 and when the missus finds out they can't score at home.

  2. New doomsday date announced by Harold Camping.

    What a great scam. It beats pounding the pavement with a placard and when nothing happens he just changes the date. In the meantime he gets chat show invites and all the publicity he wants. So he got the date wrong? It's not the end of the world.

  3. The same has happened to air travel. Cars and planes are just not as reliable as they used to be in accounting for the rich and famous. Buddy Holly, Marc Bolan, Isadora Duncan....when was the last time anyone got their scarf caught in the wheel? Elf and safety has a lot to answer for. Even drugs don't do it like they used to. How long as it been since anyone noteworthy drowned on their own vomit? No, the biggest killer these days seems to be a lack of publicity leaving the said stars to die of underexposure. I'm sure that's what killed Liz Taylor and it's the constant news bulletins about Zsa Zsa Gabor that's keeping her going. Ignore her for a week and, mark my words, she'll be a gonner.

  4. Superinjunctions - for those seeking to collect the set, Gareth Barry appears to be the latest footballer spending his week's wages in court. Not sure what/who he's supposed to have done or whether journo Giles Coren is still being fingered by the judges. The paper said this morning that Mrs Giggs only found out about her husband's affair two weeks ago. Perhaps she just reads the papers.

  5. I don't think this one was intended to be private.

    Also - given that I contributed nothing towards his ban, I thought I'd pass this on to those who are more responsible.

    In this case I don't mind much, as I received a PM with similar content, but I do not like PMs being discussed or quoted in the forum. From now on I'll bin such posts on sight.




    Windsor I think this means you're on the naughty step.

  6. I'm game. It almost makes you long for iain/dave, BC Alum, JR976evil, Kaylia K, Banshees ... ...

    Harry it's cruel and unwarranted to mock a poster who is only trying his best. Without these swimmers in the sea of mediocrity that has drowned all but the most resilient in these parts, the Deathlist might have foundered on the rocks of ambivalence. Yet it runs on rudderless but for the guiding hand of the occasional committed Admin (Hein, HCW) and flickers into life when any of its chosen gasp their last breath. Funny that: that it needs a good death to inject a bit of life here. I suppose that drone-kicking is mildly entertaining but rather like the hoodies in Hot Fuzz, they're such easy targets. Not notaguest of course whose posts are fair dripping with subtlety and dry wit and reasonable.

  7. Just passing through.


    Something tells me that one of the most common misconceptions of the human mind is a thought which seeks heaven on earth within others rather than within ourselves. When our trials and tribulations are final and you perceive the differences in others to to be simply and only that, it's a little bit of a rush once you begin to accept and understand with ease that true happiness or anything excellent begins in you.

    Don't they call that spanking the monkey? Good to see you're still with us Banshees.

  8. Oi Grim


    You're giving a misleading impression of us northerners with your poor spelling.


    It's grim OOP North, OK?

    That's more of a north west pronunciation MPFC, just as anyone from Lancashire would pronounce look as lewk. In Yorkshire, the county that that put the Grim in fairy tales, book is buck and look is luck. Equally a bus is never a buzz as it is in Salford. Eddie Wareing, a Dewsbury lad, would indeed stray towards the "oop" in pronouncing "up and under" but he was probably influenced by Lancashire posh. He did have his effete side, dressing in stripey blazers for It's a Knockout. Wessies definitely use a gutteral "uh" pronunciation in "up". So "Whatsup withee?" would not sound like "what's oop?" To talk that way would be to invite a smack in the mouth for acting like a pansy. "I'm going for a sup and sum grub in t'pub," would therefore sound just so and not: "I'm going for some soup and some fewd in the poob." Newbody talks lahk that arrand 'ere.


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