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Posts posted by Godot

  1. . I didn't really know where to put this. I thought I was a hard assed bastard but I found this upsetting, the hopelessness of it all. Nobody wants these poor sods so they risk everything for some kind of life, then die like this exposed and filmed like body porn. I wanted to look away but couldn't, just thought about their final hours and what had brought them to this. My French isn't great but it sounds as if they were coming through Niger to Libya as a transit to Europe.

  2. F*cking God freaks!!!! (Here's an example)


    While I'm on a roll.........I have an abiding HATRED for ignorant twats who believe that ONLY THEY know the "great truth" about God etc.


    And, therefore, I submit Jehovah's Witnesses to Room 101. What the f*ck is going on?????? Their booklets are aimed at mental ages of 8 or less, yet they hand out these books as entry to their sect. These books (aimed at the mentally-limited - or 8 years old) purport to discuss all aspects of life and science - including the Big Bang - but after a neutral introduction, each article swiftly moves to the absurd conclusion that God is responsible for everything.


    My experience of these nasty people is that they dismiss the Catholic Church for the child molestation problems, but will not admit that their cult is even more obscene. While slagging off the Catholic deviant priests, they are in complete denial that their man-led organisation is, per capita, more likely to abuse children than their "enemy".


    I had to suffer a couple of JWs at home and, given I wasn't amenable to them or their presence, I was asked if I would like to discuss thing with them. I said "I'd be happy to.....if they listened to what I said. I said "A discussion is an opportunity to present your point and hear an alternative view, which may change your original opinion" Sadly, the lady said "That's OK. I'd be happy to argue with you just so I keep repeating my faith in God"...........JEEZ!!!!!!!!!


    The good news is that Russia are about to ban Jehovah's Witnesses in their country.....as they are a money-making cult. Strange that the UK is slower than Russia

    What you need are some Mormon underpants. Worn on the outside they will see off any predatory JWs.

  3. Amusment was intended but I'm sure the double-digit IQ crowd and beyond can see the other point. Glitter continues to live in the UK, seems convinced that the tabloid stories are the result of a few cynical journos attempting to whip up hatred and has been known to argue that he is the victim of injustice. The most recent legal machinations around the man relate to his intentions to travel abroad. Basically, he continues to go amongst crowds without any apparent protection, and many people in this country know he is a convicted sex offender and also a very wealthy man.


    I'd say there is a fair chance he could come to harm if he continues to live like this.

    Probably more chance of him getting a job as UK special trade envoy. He has the right connections. I'll keep me' coat on, not stopping.

  4. In the absence of SC, a short post to record Sir Patrick's 700th The Sky at Night at his home with Astronomer Royal Lord Rees and the young pretender Brian Cox sizing up the monocle. it's getting difficult to pick up everything Moore says now. You get the feeling the BBC is already splicing clips from the show for the obituary. I can't see there being many more.

  5. Movies? I've heard Americans use this word.


    You've heard correctly.


    You should also be aware that British people use it as well. Indeed as I am sure you're aware, Sky's channels showing such features were known as "Sky Movies".


    Don't really know why you made that point, some kind of British English protector are you?

    I don't recall asking for your opinion but I do recall referring to your "dumb arse" comment in the joke thread and that is certainly an Americanism I wouldn't use every day. Yes I think it's right to take a stand against too many Americanisms. For example, I don't like to hear of Father Christmas being referred to as Santa. Let me direct you to this helpful list. Now I'm wondering, should it be dumb arse or dumb ass? Which do you prefer?


    I've been waiting for you. :shoot:


    That's a bit creepy.


    It's hardly creepy to be waiting for Godot.


    (PS. I don't think you got that first time around)

    No I didn't. Well done. Maybe you're not a dumb arse after all, though I never said you were, just asked the question and you still haven't explained that response to MPFC's joke but there's no law saying you must. AS MPFC himself would say, go well.

  6. Movies? I've heard Americans use this word.


    You've heard correctly.


    You should also be aware that British people use it as well. Indeed as I am sure you're aware, Sky's channels showing such features were known as "Sky Movies".


    Don't really know why you made that point, some kind of British English protector are you?

    I don't recall asking for your opinion but I do recall referring to your "dumb arse" comment in the joke thread and that is certainly an Americanism I wouldn't use every day. Yes I think it's right to take a stand against too many Americanisms. For example, I don't like to hear of Father Christmas being referred to as Santa. Let me direct you to this helpful list. Now I'm wondering, should it be dumb arse or dumb ass? Which do you prefer?


    I've been waiting for you. :shoot:


    There are certain words which are completely different in British and American English, such as tap/faucet, pavement/sidewalk and so on. However there are certain words, of which "movies" is one, which really transcend such definitions these days.


    I still think you're overly pedantic and that joke about the guy looking out the window was unfunny.

    That's a bit creepy. I agree that everyone knows what a movie is and here in the UK we're familiar with all kinds of Americanisms, we have to be as willing slaves to US imperialism imposed through the media. But a lot of this language lacks subtlety and beauty, hence the irony in the film, American Beauty that may or may not be lost on you.


    "Nothing is as peevish and pedantic as men's judgements of one another." Erasmus.

  7. Movies? I've heard Americans use this word.


    You've heard correctly.


    You should also be aware that British people use it as well. Indeed as I am sure you're aware, Sky's channels showing such features were known as "Sky Movies".


    Don't really know why you made that point, some kind of British English protector are you?

    I don't recall asking for your opinion but I do recall referring to your "dumb arse" comment in the joke thread and that is certainly an Americanism I wouldn't use every day. Yes I think it's right to take a stand against too many Americanisms. For example, I don't like to hear of Father Christmas being referred to as Santa. Let me direct you to this helpful list. Now I'm wondering, should it be dumb arse or dumb ass? Which do you prefer?

  8. Windermere gets its own Nessie.

    Daily Mail doesn't believe it, but stops short of calling them bare faced liars. But wait, one of its readers says she saw it too (fifth message down). Meanwhile Fortean Times members are all a fluster, but also a bit sceptical.


    There's been talk about the possibility of a Nessie like creature to be dwelling in Lake Windermere for years. I'll say it's drummed up for the tourism trade

    By a consultant at Cap Gemini? No, these people saw something. Just what is anyone's guess. There seems to be some inconsistency in those reports about the number of humps when it's plain that there's four in the picture. I wonder of this creature or anything like it has been in the chip shop in Maryport recently? It's not very far away. Maybe it was a beaver, a wild boar or one of the big cats seen regularly around the country, but 10 mph is quite a speed.

  9. If I have a film recommended and fancy it I'll try to get to watch it one way or another, except for The Seven Samurai. I'm not sure why I've never watched this the whole way through. I've never seen Bambi either but I bet I've seen most of it in bits. Another Disney film, The Incredible Journey, was one I wanted to watch as a kid but never did and couldn't be bothered now. I'd like to see Mr Hulot's Holiday again as it was once shown at school as a Christmas film and everybody messed about which pissed off the art teacher who picked it. Not sure I could handle the whole of Battleship Potemkin but I'd like to see it for the massacre on the steps with the baby's pram that has been copied in films such as The Untouchables. Unfortunately they rarely run these films on telly that seems obsessed with running the same films over and over and over again.


    3D leaves me cold. I can't see it catching on (which means it will be a soar away success). There are a load of action films I haven't seen and can't be bothered seeing - anything with Steven Seagal - but those aren't good films. The best film I saw that I'd never heard about before seeing it and had missed it in the cinema was Short Cuts. Falling Down was one of those too. Of the the more recent misses, I'm looking forward to seeing Toy Story 3.


    Movies? I've heard Americans use this word.


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