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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Not sure what to make of True Grit. Great panoramas as in most Coen Bros films but it was a bit bitty and while I'm sure the dialogue was brilliant I couldn't make out everything Jeff Bridges was saying. Better than staying in though. I'd recommend it but only to go and make your own mind up. The snakes were a nice touch. Still think the original was better and the way the Coens dismissed John Wayne and the first film wasn't worthy of them. Definitely shades of the Dude in Bridges performance but without the humour. There are flashes of humour, including squeezing a laugh out of the triple hanging. Subtitles would have helped.

  2. "the slapping of JR976evil" - nobody ELSE would endorse that. Would they? Would they? umm maybe some would...

    Some might go further. Down in the grotto at Godot Towers, he's all chained up these days and happy in his gimp mask, thriving on a diet of horse flesh and the mumbling wisdom of Sir Patrick Moore, I'm looking after a seldom seen and much misunderstood poster just rattling the cage to get his claws in to a new victim. One day, he whispers, he'll be back.

  3. I think we could have had a better thread if they'd been in WW1. Hell, they'd have been made for the trenches, imagine the scare the Germans would have had shooting an oncoming six foot soldier in the head only to see the top of his body fall off and his uniform still advancing! They could've snuck up through no man's land without being detected and......


    Get me Michael Winner on the phone, it's the kind of high concept idea he loves!

    Reading through this thread again I'm thinking this point has a bit more mileage. If you take MPFC's argument as sound and you add it to the skills of Rusty Goffe, the bouncing weatherman, you could see how a regiment of athletic dwarfs equipped with trampolines at the base of their trenches, could have stopped any enemy advance in WW1. The "now-you-see-me-now-you-don't" approach would have made them sniper proof. It could have led to a whole new strategy and would have certainly shortened the war.

  4. Remember her?


    Britain's youngest supercentenarian. When Katie Masters received her 6th telegram from the Queen last year, she complained that they all bore the same image of the Queen. So this year, they changed the picture

    It looks to me as though Her Majesty is scowling on that picture.


    Catherine Masters has died aged 111 years.

    Believe me Windsor, when you get past 50 a scowl means: "happy as a pig in shit." One loses use of the muscle that lifts one's mouth corners.

    • Like 1

  5. Request for TMIB: would it be possible to post an occasional update in this thread of the top 10 standings translated in to Deathlister identities? I can never remember who is who. I know DDT is head and shoulders in the lead with his joker still to come but I'm not sure of the rest there apart from your's truly (cough, cough), and I think 9th is Spade Cooley and Bert Trautman?


    On a separate note: I'm starting to get seriously worried about the health of so many people's joker, Adelbaset Al Megrahi. Is he going to make it another year? I'd trade him for Steve Jobs straight off if the DDP had such a thing as a transfer window.

  6. A chap in the street caught a taxi going by. The cabbie said: "Perfect timing. You're just like Brian."


    Passenger: "Who?"


    Cabbie: "Brian. He's a guy who did everything right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happen like that to Brian, every single time."


    Passenger: "He must have had some faults, surely."


    Cabbie: "Not Brian. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy."


    Passenger: "Sounds like he was something really special."


    Cabbie: "There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Brian , he could do everything right."


    Passenger: "Wow. Some guy then."


    Cabbie: "He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Brian, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too. He was the perfect man. He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Brian.


    Passenger: "Amazing. How do you know him?"


    Cabbie: "I never met Brian. He died. I'm married to his fucking widow."

  7. John Paul Getty III, the grandson of a billionaire American oil tycoon, has died at the age of 54.




    Sorry if already posted - didn't find anything with search though




    Did you try the scroll up key?


    Quite obviously not Trigger.


    Had I scrolled up and had I have seen the previous post of the same subject matter then it might be a reasonable assumption that I would not have duplicated the post.




    Sassy. Nice. Any relation to Disgusted?

  8. I play that game regularly on bus journeys with my colleagues. There are two different editions with various dictators. I also have Plague Trumps which is concerned with the lethality etc, of various Bacteria, parasites and Viruses. There is also one called Rauschgiftquartett which has to do with the price, deadliness, popularity and origin of various drugs. Particularly interesting because I wasn't previously aware that there was a kind of sage you could hallucinate from. Price per hit: 0,00 Euro.


    The bit in that article about splitting them up according to which part of the world they come from and that whoever has no more tyrants in their hand is the winner is utter bollocks.


    Interestinlgy enough, the tyrants are split up into the following groups: Puppets of the USA, faschists, monarchs, communists, kleptocrats and mass-murderers.


    After Hitler, the best card to have is Kaiser Wilhelm II.




    Are there no British tyrants? William I, possibly, except he was a Norman so doesn't count. I don't suppose Henry VIII wasn't very nice to his wives but does that make him a tyrant? I'm not taking the Mel Gibson world view here.

  9. I remember my teacher telling me that looking out of the window wouldn't get me anywhere.


    Did I have a smug look on my face later on in life when I handed him his Burger and fries at the drive through.


    This joke doesn't really work though, because working at a McDonalds/Burger King isn't really "getting somewhere" in life.


    Please do bette next time.

    I've been looking at this rider for the irony or maybe double irony, knowing wit or something, anything that can prevent me from saying: "Lord spare us and save us." If I'm missing something I can take it on the chin. But if this really is the dumb arse comment I think it is, all I can say is please don't apply for a job at McDonalds. They have standards.

  10. Since only one half of the electorate can participate in a beardy protest perhaps the ladies could stop pruning their lady garden. It's nearly bikini season.



    Whilst on the subject of my favourite Belgian and cloclo impersonator, we can watch him teach another language using song lyrics, and if you see the film, a few dance moves too. Magnolias Furévèèèè.

    Lady editor reveals thinking behind her decision.

  11. Fuck a duck, another guinea pig now has pneumonia! Three different lots of medicine, a special syringe-feed, and I'm fifty quid poorer!

    I thought they were only about £6 at the pet shop. Why not just replace it with a healthy one in the same colour and let the poorly one join the squirrels in the nearest wood with maybe a carrot for company?

    Jeez, the EC, inflation and VAT have a lot to answer for, a Guinea used to be £1.10p £1.05 back in my day.

    A Guinea foul? :wheelchair:

  12. Fuck a duck, another guinea pig now has pneumonia! Three different lots of medicine, a special syringe-feed, and I'm fifty quid poorer!

    I thought they were only about £6 at the pet shop. Why not just replace it with a healthy one in the same colour and let the poorly one join the squirrels in the nearest wood with maybe a carrot for company?

    • Like 1

  13. Fears are growing that Stephen Griffiths, who hasn't eaten since November, will soon die of starvation. To pass the time in jail, he has also "swallowed batteries, tried to suffocate himself and slashed his wrist and neck with broken glass".


    Not mine, he can have the Duracells out of me' shaver, a Stanley knife and a roll of Clingfilm. If that's not enough, a box of rat poison, a pack of Paracetamol, a clothes line, some lighter fuel and a box of matches might help, all packed neatly into a "suicide, for the purpose of" hamper.


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