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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Dear Deathlist,


    Your ambassador, Ronnie Biggs, has asked me to drop you a note to thank you for restoring him to his rightful place at number one on the top of the Deathlist for 2011.


    He hopes you won’t take it personally if he tires his very best to disappoint you again and for a number of years to come. Ron is hoping to beat you for some time to come with the help of his nursing home and the doctors that are looking after him so well. However, he appreciates that one day you will get the last laugh.


    He wishes all his fellow members on the 2011 Deathlist a wealthy, and more importantly, healthy year ahead.


    Best regards from Ron,


    Chris Pickard

    Ron’s friend and biographer


    PS: I think after being 11 years on your list, the least you could do is send Ron a Deathlist T-shirt.

    Have you seen the price? It's daylight robbery.

  2. I bet the journos were thrilled this morning when today's press conference produced its latest piece of hot evidence - a sock - retrieved no doubt from the gum tree up which the police seem to be. The sock in the frame, however, is not the sock that interests them. That sock is missing. The one held up for the cameras is a sock not unlike one that is missing.


    So now it has become the case of the missing pizza, the missing pizza box and the missing sock. What would Miss Marple have made of this? Those who were pointing to Col Mustard with the lead pipe in the drawing room might have to revise their theories. Or is the sock a red herring?


    The list of personalities populating the murder investigation is also beginning to resemble an Agatha Christie cast. Whodunnit? Was it the mad teacher, the shifty-looking flat owner, the seemingly innocent boyfriend or someone else entirely? Someone, perhaps, walking about right now wearing a single grey sock.

  3. Christopher Hitchens tells Americans how to make a cup of tea


    I can only imagine the pitch meeting for that article went "I want to write about how to make tea" "Why?" "Because I'm dying."

    Possibly, but this needs to be read carefully in the US where they seem to be congenitally incapable of making decent tea. He might have added tea drinking is improved if taken with chips or a fatty breakfast because the fat brings out the flavanoids that improve its taste. Is there anything better than a mug of strong tea and a chip butty? It beats cafe latte with a blueberry muffin any day.

  4. What is trending?

    People yabbering on about something within what during the 1990s we used to call "cyberspace." I've only seen it used as a verb when referring to numerous mentions on Twitter. You know how Americans just love to turn nouns in to verbs. This discussion calls the process "verbing". Two that I hate are "targetting" and "impacting". Also there are people who want to "medal" in the Olympic games. Linguistically I find it vomit-inducing but I suppose vomiting is acceptable.


    What can you expect from a nation that can listen to the story of Ladle Rat Rotten Hut and understand it? Perhaps it is something to be admired.


    Edit: just been looking for other versions of this Anguish Language lesson from the US and they all seem to involve people who are slightly bonkers so they should feel at home here.


  5. Official DeathList Committee statement re. "26 Carry Overs":


    It has come to the Committee's attention that there has been some confusion regarding the fine print of the unwritten rules of DeathList.


    At first inspection, it appears that the normal limit of 25 candidates from the 2010 list has been exceeded. However, a little known rule has been discovered, which, in the event that a surviving number 1 pick from the previous year is dropped, an additional candidate can be carried over, thus, on this occasion allowing 26 to appear from the 2010 list.


    We are sure this clarification will come as a big relief to all DeathList followers and will no doubt reassure them of the ongoing competence of the Committee.


    Happy New Year


    Ha ha, the Leeroy Jenkins gambit, works every time.

  6. I'm wondering if Nigel Pargetter might have survived.


    Alas no. Dear Lord, will things ever be the same again?


    I suppose June Spencer who has played Peggy Woolley since 1950 (albeit with a short career break) would be the obvious choice. She's now 91 but doesn't sound like she's going anywhere soon. Lesley Saweard, who must be in her 80s now, has played Christine Barford non stop since 1953 might also be worth a go.


    Spade, Alan Devereux's health status is a closely guarded secret, my prolonged enquiries on this matter have yeilded little of interest, apart from one totally baseless rumour that he might have bone cancer. I went to a comprehensive school as well btw.

    Have just listened. I suppose I'd hoped a strong gust of wind might have blown him through a window or maybe a passing hay wagon or Lynda Snell had broken his fall.


    My school turned comprehensive while I was in the sixth form. Does that count?

  7. This is really DDT's thread as it was his idea and he's the real Archers' fan on the DL, but it seems fitting on the occasion of its 60th anniversary to begin discussing candidates from the series, some of whom are growing quite long in the tooth.


    Yes, it may well drop like a stone, but there are a lot more rubbish threads than this and Norman Painting deserves a better resting place.


    Besides, it may encourage some of our North American members to get up to scratch on what's going on. Also here.


    I'm wondering if Nigel Pargetter might have survived.

    • Like 1

  8. One of the best bits of the DL are the witty headlines that mark a hit. The Grim Reaper seems finely tuned to the possibilities but we all like to chip in our own ideas and get some satisfaction when they hit the mark.


    This thread is designed as a pun bank for the list so that when the time comes there might be a few contenders here for that crucial send off headline.


    I've just been looking down this year's list and it's a challenge finding apposite epitaphs for some of them.


    Here are one or two lame (and pretty obvious) efforts to get this going:



    Dicky Cheney: "Cheney Dicked"


    Harry Morgan: "Harry Mashed" or "Painless end for Harry"


    Aretha Franklin: "Last Respect"


    Frank Thornton: "Going up"


    Vera Lynn: "Whale meat"


    Ray Bradbury: "Carbonised"


    Ronnie Biggs: "Derailed"


    Margaret Thacher "Gotcha!"


    Kim Jong-il: "Kim Jong-dead"


    Zsa Zsa Gabor: "Nine marriages and a funeral"


    Betty Ford: "Dried out"


    John Edrich "stumped" or "run out for (age at death)"


    Kirk Douglas: "Thumbs down for Spartacus"


    Michael Douglas: "Fallen down"


    Gerry Rafferty: "Dead on his feet", "Stuck in the ground", "Falls off his chair"


    Jake LaMotta: "Technical knockout"


    Elizabeth Taylor: "Gone for a Burton"


    Anna Wing: "An' a prayer"


    Dom Mintoff: "Maltese loss"


    Ian Brady: "Moors the merrier"


    Herbert Lom: "Cleausaued"

  9. One should never pander to the urgings of individual entrants but I was just kind of curious if anyone else had Pete Postlethwaite in their teams and, if not, that being the case, whether the team with Postlethwaite in it might have grabbed an early lead in this year's contest which it doesn't plan to relinquish anytime soon?


    Perhaps just a small gloat could be permitted by some confirmation, hey TMIB, your poolership, if you can look up from your endeavours for just a nanosecond?


    I had him as my joker until I reinstated Al Megrahi at the last minute and then gave it to the younger man which, on reflection, wouldn't have earned more points if PP turns out to be a unique pick.



    Well, from what I've been looking at so far, it could be that Mr Postlethwaite may be a unique pick, but I can't confirm yet as I still have over 300 teams to process.


    Gmail is a git an' all. It seems to tag loads of seemingly unconnected emails together, so I have to pick through each of them to see each individual email within...


    Since you are one of the contenders, you could emulate what a couple of winners have done in the past, first hit then win the thing!



    Incidentially, looks like we have a major absentee in this year's DDP, unless his email has fallen down the back of the armchair... :o



    Not Football Fan?



  10. One should never pander to the urgings of individual entrants but I was just kind of curious if anyone else had Pete Postlethwaite in their teams and, if not, that being the case, whether the team with Postlethwaite in it might have grabbed an early lead in this year's contest which it doesn't plan to relinquish anytime soon?


    Perhaps just a small gloat could be permitted by some confirmation, hey TMIB, your poolership, if you can look up from your endeavours for just a nanosecond?


    I had him as my joker until I reinstated Al Megrahi at the last minute and then gave it to the younger man which, on reflection, wouldn't have earned more points if PP turns out to be a unique pick.



    Well, from what I've been looking at so far, it could be that Mr Postlethwaite may be a unique pick, but I can't confirm yet as I still have over 300 teams to process.


    Gmail is a git an' all. It seems to tag loads of seemingly unconnected emails together, so I have to pick through each of them to see each individual email within...


    Since you are one of the contenders, you could emulate what a couple of winners have done in the past, first hit then win the thing!



    Gloat over. :P

  11. One should never pander to the urgings of individual entrants but I was just kind of curious if anyone else had Pete Postlethwaite in their teams and, if not, that being the case, whether the team with Postlethwaite in it might have grabbed an early lead in this year's contest which it doesn't plan to relinquish anytime soon?


    Perhaps just a small gloat could be permitted by some confirmation, hey TMIB, your poolership, if you can look up from your endeavours for just a nanosecond?


    I had him as my joker until I reinstated Al Megrahi at the last minute and then gave it to the younger man which, on reflection, wouldn't have earned more points if PP turns out to be a unique pick.

  12. Pete Postlethwaite is a real shock...I was watching him recently in The Town - a great movie and a fine actor.

    He would have been a unique pick in the DDP had anyone chosen him last year. I hope he was this year.

  13. If this thread is being used as a generic for various films, I was just going over the Godfather cast after watching it for the umpteenth time and noticed Abe Vigoda (born 1921) was still alive and still acting.


    Quite a few of the cast are still alive and acting but, apart from Eli Wallach in part III and already in the frame, so to speak, Vigoda looks promising. He has a following on the DDP.


    Sooner or later, like is old friend Luca Brasi, Vigoda's going to be swimming with the fishes.


    Edit: Ought to have known but the search didn't throw up his name straight away, had forgotten he was an old DL favourite with his own thread. Sorry. I was only staying up for a wicket. :o

  14. Fairly suprised to finish in the heights of joint 23rd last year, didn't expect to do anything like that...


    1. Tom Lubbock (Joker)

    2. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi

    3. Jose Alencar

    4. Ronnie Biggs

    5. Yao Defen

    6. Bishop Michael Evans

    7. Harlan Ellison

    8. Aretha Franklin

    9. Dennis Frederiksen

    10. Annette Funicello

    11. Superstar Billy Graham

    12. John Higgins Sr.

    13. Christopher Hitchens

    14. Guy Innes-Ker

    15. Terry Jenner

    16. Diana Wynne Jones

    17. Mick Karn

    18. Hosni Mubarak

    19. Doug Rollerson

    20. Norman Spinrad


    A very fine pick. The Rt Rev Evans has announced to his flock he's going to die rather soon:


    “In the last few weeks, the cancer has rather quickly taken control. My oncology and palliative care consultants informed me openly and honestly just before Christmas that I now probably have only weeks to live, and I am as prepared for that as I can be, accepting it with faith as a gift of God’s grace"

    I hope he lives long enough to see Leeds United back in to the Premiership.


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