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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Switched on the laptop this morning with me cup of tea and me Rich Tea biscuit expecting to find maybe a single post about the death of somebody I'd never heard of (again), only to come across this. No wonder the biscuit went all wobbly and broke. Congratulations to all for restoring some insanity to the forum. I wonder if I was alone, when reading LFN's comment about the nasty, spiteful posts, in thinking, hay up, that's me he's on about, only to find he was referring to the loveable and much missed SC. Phew!


    I'm not trying to be everybody's friend here but I do enjoy Windsor's doleful letters from Fraserburgh and his independence of mind. It takes a certain determination and don't-give-a-fuckedness (must be a proper word for this somewhere) to get yourself slung out of the Boys' Brigade band. I also enjoyed LFN's company at the first DL convention and wish I could be there this time.


    Have rarely seen dudgeon reach such great heights. The working class-hero anti-college boy diatribe mixed with immensely entertaining head-tearing off language is excellent although in such a reprobate-populated forum I'm not sure that the ex-uni types are going to rise to the bait.


    As for the LFN-Lardy show, it's just banter between two consenting adults FFS and helps to keep the threads turning. Lardy doesn't need a foil for her humour, makes my eyes water at times. Personally I wouldn't mix it with any of you, but, like one of those schoolboy cowards who dance around the playground shouting "fight, fight" when the roughnecks start slugging it out, I love it. Keep it up.


    Hope you're well Banshees, glad to see they've let you out of the asylum.

  2. Tea bag Christine O'Donnell has apparently dabbled in witchcraft. She also has views on lust:


    "It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, you also have to be be abstinent alone," she said. "The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can't masturbate without lust."


    I assume this means that she thinks to knock one off while thinking of someone other than your wife/partner/lover is to commit adultery.

  3. I must have been living a very sheltered life.

    I had not a fucking clue that so much paramilitary material existed on there.

    I wonder what the Queen was thinking when they met today. There would have been a time when she was doing her bit and he was doing his.



    be what she was thinking?


    Those lyrics in full:



    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker,

    Fuck the motherfucker he's a fucking motherfucker.

    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the fucking fucker,

    Fuck the motherfucker he's a total fucking fucker

    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker,

    Fuck the mother fucker, fuck him, fuck the motherfucker.

    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucking pope.


    Fuck the motherfucker, and fuck you motherfucker

    If you think that motherfucker is sacred.

    If you cover for another motherfucker who's a kiddy-fucker,

    Fuck you, you're no better than the motherfucking rapist.

    And if you don't like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me

    And reckon it shows moral or intellectual paucity

    Then fuck you motherfucker, this is language one employs

    When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys


    I don't give a fuck if calling the pope a motherfucker

    Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate.

    This has nowt to do with other fucking godly motherfuckers

    I'm not interested right now in fucking scriptural debate.

    There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways,

    I'll be a religious apologist on other fucking days,

    But the fact remains if you protect a SINGLE kiddy fucker

    Then Pope or Prince or Plumber, you're a fucking mother fucker.


    See I don't give a fuck what any other motherfucker

    Believes about Jesus and his motherfucking mother.

    I've no problem with the spiritual beliefs of all these fuckers

    While those beliefs don't impact on the happiness of others,

    But if you build your church on claims of fucking moral authority

    And with threats of hell impose it on others in society,

    Then you, you motherfuckers, can expect some fucking wrath

    When it turns out you've been fucking us in our motherfucking asses.


    So fuck the motherfucker, and fuck you motherfucker

    If you're still a motherfucking papist.

    If he covered for a single motherfucker who's a kiddy-fucker,

    Fuck the motherfucker, he's as evil as the rapist.

    And if you look into your motherfucking heart and tell me true

    If this motherfucking stupid fucking song offended you,

    With its filthy fucking language and its fucking disrespect,

    If it made you feel angry, go ahead and write a letter,

    But if you find me more offensive than the fucking possibility

    The pope protected priests when they were getting fucking fiddly

    Then listen to me motherfucker - this here is a fact,

    You are just as morally misguided as that motherfucking,

    Power-hungry, self-aggrandized bigot in the stupid fucking hat.

  4. Kim Jong-il has abruptly pulled out of an eagerly anticipated public appearance, in which he was supposed to have announced that his son Kim Jong Un would succeed him. This has fulled rumours that his pancreatic cancer/diabetes/kidney malfunction/strokes/spontaneous combustions/possibly might have caused a further recent deterioration his health.

    About fucking time if you ask me.

    Im getting pig sick of him moderating this forum.

    The sooner he fucks off and dies the better!

    It's sobering to think that the CIA and other intelligence agencies are pouring over pictorial evidence of the man's health every bit as much and maybe more (impossible) than we do here. They should recruit RA (if they haven't done so already).

  5. I must have been living a very sheltered life.

    I had not a fucking clue that so much paramilitary material existed on there.

    I wonder what the Queen was thinking when they met today. There would have been a time when she was doing her bit and he was doing his.



    be what she was thinking?


  6. Well done Time. I'd forgotten this splendid thread. I've just been given an old car that has a tape deck so have had to rootle around among my old cassette tapes. Unfortunately I couldn't find my boxed set of This Sceptred Isle with Anna Massey - great radio.


    I notice there's a move afoot to revive returnable bottles where you get money back so in this case fings might be as they used to be again.


    Other things I miss:


    Chalk boards - better than white boards.

    Slamdoor trains.

    Everything about steam trains. I used to have an office colleague who enjoyed sniffing shed plates. He would bring them to work and take one out for a sniff every now and again.

    News stories about the space race. I loved the space race.

    The pink 'un on Saturday afternoons that gave you the half time scores when all matches were played on a Saturday afternoon.

    The teleprinter that gave you the full time scores - seemed to have a mind of its own.

    Smaller fields before so many hedgerows were grubbed up.

    The Co-op "divi".

    Getting your train ticket clipped.





    Things I don't miss:


    Aztec bars. They were rubbish.

    Double diamond, Watney's red, Younger's Tartan and many other ghastly ales.

    Vesta curries. They always had raisins in them.

    Linoleum (what we called oil cloth).

    Silver fish (that hid under the linoleum).

    Nylon shirts.

    Anything made out of crimplene.

    Plastic-coated "washable" wallpaper. Rubbing the tomato sauce off that stuff made your hair stand on end.

  7. Ray Gosling convicted for wating police time. Also exposed as something of an alcoholic drama queen and therefore - almost certainly - rendered unemployable aged 71. He's already battled bankrupcy and faced homelessness.


    The only way he'd be back centre stage now would - probably - involve a serious suicide bid.


    Unless his lover puts a pillow over his face.

  8. While not wanting to prize anyone away from their laptops there's a programme on BBC1 just now called The Young Ones with a handful of promising candidates such as Kenneth Kendal, Derek Jameson, Liz Smith etc. Unfortunately the experiment in which they're engaged is designed to make them feel younger. All the same Kenneth Kendal doesn't look too spritely.

  9. I have a theory that Mondays are the quietest day on the DL. Yes I'm bored, can't be bothered getting drunk, or finishing this sentence for........

    Really? I assumed it was also Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

    Aye, well you're probably right there, let's hope the Kaylias, Spades and any other promising posters willing to stick around will paper over the cracks. I blame t'internet and t'medical profession. We just don't seem to get the turnover of cadavers to match the turnover of active members. A few years ago that shunt in the dragster would have seen off Richard Hammond on Top Gear but now he seems as daft as ever. And when were you last tempted to pick a F1 driver for the DDP? No, fings ain't wot they used to be. A good old epidemic might smarten the place up.

  10. I thought it was only drive-by ranters who thought people on this site were 'sick'. I'm not sick. And I have to be perfectly honest, and I'm probably feeling a tad sensitive right now, but guessing when celebrities are going to cark it is one thing, guessing which desperately sad, anonymous little girl is going to hang themselves because they're being bullied is quite another. Am I being hypocritical? Quite probably.

    Commendable sentiments Lardy. I've been a bit troubled recently as I'm well past the age when, according to your good self, I should have been banned from social networking sites, so much so that some people I know quite well and are obituary worthy are reaching that time of life when they become interesting slightly beyond my normal concern for their welfare. Rather like a Vampire licking its lips at the postman who's just cut himself, it's easy to start totting up the DDP points while inquiring a little too intimately and disingenuously about your friend's health. But I resist such notions and try to sift out from the reckoning those I might class as friends or acquaintances. So my ethics turn on the use of special knowledge and the inclusion of those I would class as nearest and dearest.


    On that point, and we've discussed it before somewhere on here, I would be quite happy to enter in to a tontine with a bunch of friends. I wish they were legal. It would make growing old that much more stimulating.

  11. I was away last week in the wilds of a wild place away from newspapers, TV and the internet and came back to find lots of mentions but not the full story about Rooney's indiscretion/s. What/who's he supposed to have done? Is there a good link somewhere?



    He fucked someone. He got caught. He's still a twat. End of story....


    Thanks. I thought it must have been something like that.


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