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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Does anyone wish to guess who will win the leadership of the Labour Party? Does anyone care?

    Its a 5 horse race: Diane Abbott; Ed Balls; Andy Burnham; David Miliband; Ed Miliband.


    Sadly for Notapotao the Thatcher assassin, John McDonnell, withdrew from the nomination process.


    David Miliband will probably win - although I dislike the cowardly little shit.

    It'd be nice to one day have a Prime Minister Balls.

    We came close, but John Major's dad had the Ball removed at birth.

  2. Ven Pariah


    That name rings bells with me, I am sure that I recognise it as a user name on a forum I have frequented. I even checked the member list on DL, but no one of that name here. It's bothering me now, I'm sure it's death related as well, maybe alt.obits or Findadeath. I'm not sure why I'd be so pleased to find out I'd corresponded with a serial killer, but I would.


    I like his Amazon wishlist

    They've removed it.

  3. and this from the Kitchens of Distinction


    "Margaret's Injection"


    Ah, a sweet lyrical morsel indeed.

    And proof, if ever it was needed, that there is always a silver lining.

    It does raise the question of where they will stick her when the time comes. Is there a plot? Westminster Abbey, possibly? Maybe she's thought of this and put her name down for the local crem. Burial in the open is tricky. When they did that with Oliver Cromwell, people dug him up and put his head on a spike. I'm sure they'd be able to find a spike at what remains of Orgreave.

  4. It's been nearly a week now and MPFC has yet to deliver a joke on the Cumbrian killings. This is quite out of character. Is this MPFC's first taboo subject or are jokes a bit thin on the ground, like the Cumbrian police? No jokes about Cumbrian police cars having one forward and nine reverse gears? Nothing about ITV Cumbria reviving Golden Shot with Birdie the Bolt? Or police worried that Bird shooting was out of season? Or the protests from environmentalists about the extent of road kill in Whitehaven? And is it true that police held back because they didn't want to lose face?


    I'll get MPFC's coat. ;)

  5. 'Experts' in bomb disposal. You shouldn't laugh, but..............this scam borders on genius. I mean, every time one of the dodgy detectors failed the test, presumably the evidence was destroyed along with the operator.

    In so doing it would demonstrate irrefutably that the bomb had been detected, i.e. they're doing their job. It doesn't say they're bomb disablers. I move no case to answer m'lud.

  6. I haven't actually read it yet, but there's an interview with Eddie Mair in this weeks Radio Times where he talks about using Death List.

    The DL, to which Eddie confesses to be "strangely drawn", gets a paragraph in a page-long meditation on the ups and downs of celebrity death. He's a bit concerned at 2010's current poor performance, but I'd say that, on the whole, he's a fan. I wonder if he's an active member or just a lurking guest.


    And no, I don't (and didn't) buy the Radio Times. Thanks, WH Smith.

    Well we could work it out through the process of elimination. He's not LFN or Rotten Ali, NAP, DWB or the slaves, as I've met them, or LG or Harry McNally or MPFC and surely not Star Crossed as Eddie Mair has a nice guy image (although SC could be a clever disguise), and he's not a lassie or from Yorkshire which rules out Josco. And he's not Dutch or American or from Oz. If I was a betting man and we were playing the Daily Mirror Chalky White guessing game on Blackpool beach, I would be tapping my rolled up newspaper on the shoulder of......let me see....Raskolnikov? He was on the ball and articulate from the start before disappearing as suddenly as he came in. The Pooka - all cool and mysterious, must be a possible.


    I reckon he was testing the water with that mention, wondering if there would be a backlash.

  7. [bjørge Lillelien]"Lord Fellatio Nelson, Lady Grendel, Sir Windsor Churchill, Sir Anthonyd46, Death Watch Beatle, Harry McNally, Lady Die..... Grim Reaper, can you hear me? Grim Reaper... your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating!" [/bjørge Lillelien]



    I've accepted several more teams, tally now stands at one less than a Derrick Bird, but obviously still open for more offers if you care to fire your shot at FF in.



    PS I am guessing that the team named Full-Time is Time?


    The team managed by Godot Biglow is mine.

  8. The dead include his twin brother and the solicitor who represented him in a losing court appearance yesterday, so it's not totally random and some of the pieces are coming together.

    Strange stuff.


    Shooting the sollicitor I understand. One might even make the case for a law that gives everyone who hires a sollicitor gets the right to shoot him/her when he/she loses the case. That would justify the sollicitor's rate.


    Shooting a relative over what appears to be an inheritance case doesn't make sense. I don't know UK law in this respect, but under Dutch law such an action would disqualify the heir. Shooting colleagues and unknwon bystanders makes even less sense.




    He seems to have disqualified himself.

  9. Godot has nothing but lurv Vaagy, shame the head's a bit out of focus, but that's just a minor quibble; don't go throwing that noose over the rafters on account of any unkindness encountered on the DL. I've always regarded you as one of the family just like everyone else here. I appreciate one may have a soft spot for a thread one has started but it's not really an ownership thing - that can sound a little possessive rather like Gollum and his precious. Sorry, didn't mean anything by that, wasn't comparing you with Gollum or any other Lord of the Rings character. I think it's a splendid lizard and Schubje is a lovely name. Does it mean scaley? I'm going to photograph one of my newts now if I can catch one.


    Tempus Fugit began removing his contributions in the same way. Is there a fear, perhaps, that one day when we are rich and famous, when the monarch is about to bestow on us some great honour, there'll be a word in her old shell-like revealing that the specimen on his/her knees, gazing at her midriff, is a member of an online community that tries to predict people's demise, including her own? It must be a worry.

  10. …….It was dark on the inkly wastes, just the inky chinkyness mirroring the mordant moon. Crump yelped at his reflection, cringing in to the nearest thicket, clawing among the foxgloves and the friendly nightshade, snuggling against the prickly thorns of the hideaway tree.


    The crud in his trumpet ears, bubbled and frothed in response to the thin notes of a prowler, ghosting across the marsh. Crump watched the limpid, misty form stretch and fetch around the puddles and hollows, searching, searching for the peel of a naked orange. Crump felt the bump in his pocket and comforted himself in the knowledge that his fruit was fully clothed.


    But the Oogum Biglows were close now, sniffing and hiffling in their foraging clumps. He heard their hash, hash, hashing, mustering for the mashing and in spite of himself he quivered. It was the slightest of squeaks, the sound that a mouse might make at the sight of a harvest blade. The hashing stopped. Crump’s nervous spindly claw squeezed his orange until the rind split, exposing scabrous pith, releasing a powerful scent that crinkled his snozzle and burnt the acid in his eyes.


    Oooooo! The shreik was rampant in the reeds. Only an Oogum Biglow in full cry could muster such a fridling frightful cry; an Oogum Biglow with one thought weaving within its churdled mind, the prospect of a mashing in the marsh…...

  11. Literary agents. You can't sell a novel without an agent and agents aren't taking on new people. That's Catch 22. Not that they'd take that on either if it had been written today. Bastards.

    Take some solace from this, Godot.

    These are all the lucky (or persistent) buggers who got over the hurdle. It's no fun to be standing on the other side of the wall looking up. I'm reminded of W H Davies, the poet who hawked his poems from door to door then burned a load of them in despair. I bet there has been a lot of good stuff that has never seen the light of day.

    How's about a few juicy excerpts, Godders old fruit? We're all literary critics here, you know.


    I'm still cut up about how few people on god's green earth have yet to have the pleasure of hearing any of the Winterset oeuvre, but hey. :flame2:


    How about a public reading to generate interest? Maybe just a chapter or two to whet the curiousity of a publisher or two, and cut out the pimp middleman? It's kind of ironic that you have to jump through hoops to find someone to take 25% of whatever profits you make.


    And here's another vote for a few juicy excerpts.

    What? Like this one? B)


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