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Posts posted by Godot

  1. I don't come here much anymore since taking the Mormon oath but who but Donny Osmond would have thought that Mormonism would have attracted more interest than the Deathlist?

    Call me thick, but what's all this Mormonology all about? Did I miss something?


    Hein that's exactly the question I've been asking for days now. It's a mystery to me.

  2. It's election night, nothing much is happening yet, you'd think a few folks would be hanging around here with a few things to say about whatever. But nothing. I don't come here much anymore since taking the Mormon oath but who but Donny Osmond would have thought that Mormonism would have attracted more interest than the Deathlist? There should be an inquiry with recommendations. PS. I have a bad back and can't sleep, can't drink either. Never mind I can watch people who know nothing interviewing other people who know nothing, but can't see much new on here. Something needs to be done.

  3. Can I just chip in here and say that as far as I'm aware, Mark Oaten's predilections weren't for the "glass bottom boat", but rather for paying rent boys to defecate in their own underwear, which he would then carry around with him in the Houses of Parliament inside a briefcase, the sexual thrill for him based around the possibility of being caught with a load of soil prozzie kecks on her person.


    Do continue.

    I presume that would have been Mormon underwear, little else being up to the job if you'll pardon the pun.

  4. Have just voted Mormon tactically. My Labour Party candidate had a note from his teacher to have the day off school, didn't look old enough to go out with Gary Glitter. The Tory had almost too many names to fit on to the ballot paper and looked too posh for the Bullingdon Club whereas the LibDem offered me the lead role in James Cameron's new movie, Rinka. They're shooting it on Exmoor.

  5. I'm not quite clear about the vote here. Is it asking us who we want to win or who we think will win? If it's the latter, shouldn't there have been an option for a hung Parliament? And why have two people voted BNP, other than they are having a joke, perhaps? I'm thinking a hung Parliament is most likely, probably Tories and Unionists. Now Labour and Lib Dems, my preferred HP, would be interesting as it might allow the LibDems to push through their PR proposals at last and Westminster would never be the same again. We would have to tolerate the BNP in the House of Commons and probably UKIP.


    I'm sure there are members here who have little or no memory of a Tory government. They probably think the Tories couldn't possibly do any worse than Labour. Well they should be afraid, very afraid. In a Tory administration every MP would be eligible for their own duck house. Voters should be aware that most male Tory MPs like to dress in ladies' underwear - an established fact. The women are worse: they arm themselves with concrete re-enforced handbags as a first line of attack.


    Unfortunately the Labour Party has copied too many of these traits. Only the LibDems, who fortify themselves with Mormon underpants and vests, can claim to be above suspicion. So they get my vote.


    Are you forgetting one Mark Oaten?

    It's my understanding, and I have this on good authority, that at no stage did he remove his vest or underpants.



    Surely he had to remove his underpants to shit on that rentboy's chest?


    The term "glass ceiling" is usually a metaphor which applies to women who are prevented from ascending the career ladder. In Mark Oaten's case, the glass ceiling existed in a rather more literal sense, for that is what is lay underneath, while his hired help did what he was paid to do on the other side of the glass table. I am not sure that Oaten reciprocated the favour and may therefore have kept his underwear on during the whole sordid scenario. Perhaps Godot will be able to provide us with some further clarification.

    I'm reliably informed that the Mormon underwear was introduced directly as a result of the Oaten experience. It must not be removed so there are flaps in appropriate places. Oaten had to go when he was exposed as a brownite.

  6. I'm not quite clear about the vote here. Is it asking us who we want to win or who we think will win? If it's the latter, shouldn't there have been an option for a hung Parliament? And why have two people voted BNP, other than they are having a joke, perhaps? I'm thinking a hung Parliament is most likely, probably Tories and Unionists. Now Labour and Lib Dems, my preferred HP, would be interesting as it might allow the LibDems to push through their PR proposals at last and Westminster would never be the same again. We would have to tolerate the BNP in the House of Commons and probably UKIP.


    I'm sure there are members here who have little or no memory of a Tory government. They probably think the Tories couldn't possibly do any worse than Labour. Well they should be afraid, very afraid. In a Tory administration every MP would be eligible for their own duck house. Voters should be aware that most male Tory MPs like to dress in ladies' underwear - an established fact. The women are worse: they arm themselves with concrete re-enforced handbags as a first line of attack.


    Unfortunately the Labour Party has copied too many of these traits. Only the LibDems, who fortify themselves with Mormon underpants and vests, can claim to be above suspicion. So they get my vote.


    Are you forgetting one Mark Oaten?

    It's my understanding, and I have this on good authority, that at no stage did he remove his vest or underpants.


    In that case, may I refer the honourable gentleman to one Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon, popularly known as Paddy; not for nothing was he dubbed Paddy Pantsdown.


    Besides which, as some Mormon sects embrace polygamy, and if reports are to be belived, child marriages, I wouldn't be so quick to associate LibDems with Mormons.

    Paddy Ashdown was no Mormon. Things may have turned out very differently otherwise. I'm told the protective underwear is a relatively new development. It's not something they talk about.

  7. Unfortunately the Labour Party has copied too many of these traits. Only the LibDems, who fortify themselves with Mormon underpants and vests, can claim to be above suspicion. So they get my vote.


    Which constituency do you live in?

    Prestonpans, Jacobite to the core, hence the LibDems.

  8. I'm not quite clear about the vote here. Is it asking us who we want to win or who we think will win? If it's the latter, shouldn't there have been an option for a hung Parliament? And why have two people voted BNP, other than they are having a joke, perhaps? I'm thinking a hung Parliament is most likely, probably Tories and Unionists. Now Labour and Lib Dems, my preferred HP, would be interesting as it might allow the LibDems to push through their PR proposals at last and Westminster would never be the same again. We would have to tolerate the BNP in the House of Commons and probably UKIP.


    I'm sure there are members here who have little or no memory of a Tory government. They probably think the Tories couldn't possibly do any worse than Labour. Well they should be afraid, very afraid. In a Tory administration every MP would be eligible for their own duck house. Voters should be aware that most male Tory MPs like to dress in ladies' underwear - an established fact. The women are worse: they arm themselves with concrete re-enforced handbags as a first line of attack.


    Unfortunately the Labour Party has copied too many of these traits. Only the LibDems, who fortify themselves with Mormon underpants and vests, can claim to be above suspicion. So they get my vote.


    Are you forgetting one Mark Oaten?

    It's my understanding, and I have this on good authority, that at no stage did he remove his vest or underpants.

  9. Would I be right in guessing our not-so-new, hard-of-spelling friend is a members alter-ego?

    Should be good sport that, spot the alter-ego.

    I think you are all the same guy...

    Or girl, perhaps?

    I was wondering if it could be SC but I don't think he could keep that up. No, this is 100 per cent pure fruitcake, just like mamma never made. I suppose we've been asking for something like this for a while. I wonder if he/she likes squid?

  10. I'm not quite clear about the vote here. Is it asking us who we want to win or who we think will win? If it's the latter, shouldn't there have been an option for a hung Parliament? And why have two people voted BNP, other than they are having a joke, perhaps? I'm thinking a hung Parliament is most likely, probably Tories and Unionists. Now Labour and Lib Dems, my preferred HP, would be interesting as it might allow the LibDems to push through their PR proposals at last and Westminster would never be the same again. We would have to tolerate the BNP in the House of Commons and probably UKIP.


    I'm sure there are members here who have little or no memory of a Tory government. They probably think the Tories couldn't possibly do any worse than Labour. Well they should be afraid, very afraid. In a Tory administration every MP would be eligible for their own duck house. Voters should be aware that most male Tory MPs like to dress in ladies' underwear - an established fact. The women are worse: they arm themselves with concrete re-enforced handbags as a first line of attack.


    Unfortunately the Labour Party has copied too many of these traits. Only the LibDems, who fortify themselves with Mormon underpants and vests, can claim to be above suspicion. So they get my vote.

  11. An excellent replacement for Mellors in Lady Chatterley's Hover

    Not everyone liked Bette Davis in Cow Voyager


    The sheep gets it in The Blue Lamb


    Friendly traveller regrets booking Moroccan hotel in Beau Guest


    Famous Jewish performer survives a Christmas run in war torn Warsaw in The Panto

  12. First meal after epic desert trek frankly disappoints in Rice Cold in Alex

    Over indulgent warts-and-all Woody Allen movie about his pet dog - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Rex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)


    Drama about the first bird (unusually named after a state) conscripted in to the US military - My Owl Private Idaho


    Morph reprises Eddie Murphy in The Putty Professor

  13. Douglas Bader goes off piste in Reach for the Ski

    Chinese and slightly more candid version of gay cowboy drama - Blokeback Mountain


    An epic story of chickens and the rules they live by - The Hen Commandments


    The story of a young beauty queen and her false teeth in Little Mish Sunshine


    Biopic of Dennis Bergkamp and his habitual refusal to fly to away matches - Loneliness of the Long Distance Gunner

  14. Scotland should definitely ask for him back if he lasts a year. Libya could use the deck chair for the half term holiday season rush anyway. Assuming he's actually not rollerblading up and down the promanade. He might actually need a new challenge to keep the recovery going. I hear the winds hitting Peterhead from the North Sea are pretty bracing.

    It was a Scottish court that set him free, not the Kirkaldy branch of Marks & Spencer. "Past his die-by-date? No problem sir, would you like to change him for something else - a shop-soiled Alex Salmond perhaps?"

  15. A film about the shortage of female extras in a German gothic horror production - Nosferatu the vamp hire


    In to the valley of death ride the drunken cavalry officers in Charge of the Tight Brigade


    Nelson's navy is issued with spud guns in Masher and Commander


    Harry the WWI infantryman doesn't make a sound in Hal Quiet on the Western Front


    Sherlock Holmes plays spoof for the Round of the Baskervilles


    Alec Guinness gets angry when someone mentions that film again in Bridle On The River Kwai

  16. In for a penny in for a pound, someone has to lower the tone...


    A B movie spectacular based on BC Alum's most significant actor coming face to face with Evil Cunt on which he unleases untold pain.


    A world famous vampire recounting his experience of vagina dentata in Cunt Dracula


    An oscar winning whirlwind adventure in Travels with my Cunt

    And Oscar Wilde was as surprised as anyone on the opening night of his sex change drama, Charlie's Cunt


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