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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Vampire dentist opens in Manhatten - Fangs of New York


    How Gordon Brown became Prime Minister in The Blair Ditch Project


    Gangster revenge on flatulent hit man in Get Farter who survives and returns in The Godfarter

    Drug gangs fight it out in WWI drama - The Trench Connection


    Vietnam vet plays Russian Roulette for all he can drink in The Beer Hunter, remade as Gulp Fiction


    Low budget Northern drama - Sex, Pies and Videotape


    Surreal story of meeting between Gordon Ramsey, Ronnie Biggs, Mrs Biggs and their pet wading bird - The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Plover

  2. Jewish western frolics in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Yid


    Steel fabricators make a coffin in Four Weldings and a Funeral


    Exploding kayaks in Blazing Paddles


    Castaway found in bird sanctuary - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Vest


    Gordon Ramsey stars in western re-make - The Pan from Laramie


    Confused wartime drama - From Where to Eternity?


    Gene Kelly slips down the gutter in Singing in the Drain


    Poet Anne Sexton has described her as "all woman — all human", but poet Alicia Ostriker said she was "more like a bad dream of Woody Allen's, or the inside story of some Swinburnean Dolorosa, or the vagina-dentata itself, starting to talk". "Woman, in Ai's embodiment, wants sex," Ostriker writes. "She knows about death and can kill animals and people. She is hard as dirt. Her realities — very small ones — are so intolerable that we fashion female myths to express our fear of her. She, however, lives the hard life below our myths."


    One for pseuds' corner. Ouch.

  4. No Lardy dear, death master bob has a good point and he's posted it in exactly the right place, a nihilistic thread like this deserves a bit of discussion, particularly at this time of night when I am thoroughly three sheets in the wind, topped up with beer, cocktails, wine and with a view to writing any old crap in any old thread. As you say, all he has to do is press that new topic button but he knows and you and even I fucking know that's not the end of it. What he's looking for, it seems to me, is some guidance on how to create an original thread. Well I'm fucked if I know. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't it. A bit of boldness is called for, a bit of not giving a damn if the the thread is merged or shot down in flames, but both are preferable to doing nothing at all. So go for it death master bob. Start that thread, and, if it doesn't go anywhere, walk on with your head held high in the knowledge that 50 per cent of the people posting here are are wankers and 50 per cent are decent intelligent contributors whose presence far outweighs the morons (mormons) who clutter up the threads with their meaningless drivel, probably not very much unlike this.


    Live 8? Never heard of it.



  5. Morrison's.


    Specifically the self-service check-outs etc.


    The ones at Tesco aren't any different

    Sorry but I LOVE self-service checkouts.


    I quite like them too.


    Isn't love too strong a word to use in relation to self-service checkouts? Gravy they are not.


    Actually, as a rule, I quite like self-service checkouts; but these Morrison's check-outs have to be experienced to be believed.


    In my experience, Sainsbury's run a close second to Tesco. Morrison's are a distant 3rd.


    "Quite like" is more like it. I have become conditioned to those at Waitrose although it took some time, kept forgetting to beep stuff and still struggle with the debeep switch. Now, when everything is in place, when I don't forget anything like green shopping bags, wallet etc.I find it reasonably satisfying getting through to Go. But I still miss the empty boxes they used to leave by the tills. A bag isn't a box even though the bags are box-like which I "quite like". But I lurve boxes.

  6. Morrison's.


    Specifically the self-service check-outs.


    More specifically, the self-service check-outs at the branch of Morrison's I use.


    If its not bad enough that the recorded voice repeats 'Please put the item in the bag' after EVERY bleedin' item, after every other item, the system hangs up and tells you to 'Please remove the last item' and 'Please wait, an assistant is coming'. :sicktherm:


    It does this every time I use them, without fail. Today it excelled itself and told me to remove the last item even before I'd put it in the bag.


    At this point you may be asking why I keep on using them (I ask myself every time); its quite simple - i) even with all the stopping and starting, its still generally quicker than waiting for a manned checkout! and ii) its now my aim in life to get through without having to 'Please wait'. Once I've acheived that, I'll start shopping at Tesco.


    The ones at Tesco aren't any different

    Sorry but I LOVE self-service checkouts.


    I quite like them too.


    Isn't love too strong a word to use in relations to self-service checkouts? Gravy they are not.

  7. Just say me what was my fault.


    I don't speak english perfectly. I am Montenegrin.

    It's like this Red:

    , except he's from Barcelona. I'm sure your English is better than my Montenegrin. You're going to be just fine.

  8. My list of things that will go the way of all flesh before 2030, at least in western countries, in alphabetical order:

    1. Cash
    2. Chess clubs
    3. Civil liberties
    4. Commercial air transport
    5. Deathlist
    6. Democracy
    7. Fax machines
    8. I
    9. People's Republic of China
    10. Petrol



    Interesting list Hein. I agree on commercial airlines. Fax machines are virtually dead already. I think democracy might get more democratic before it disappears up its own ballot box.


    If this is going to be a thread of lists, does anyone else have any 10 things lists? A list of favourite lists, perhaps? Rotten Ali must have umpteen.


    This is my not very interesting Ginsterless shopping list for the weekend since Mrs G has deserted us. I like crumpets with Marmite, just had two.


    1. Crumpets

    2. Bagles

    3. Cream cheese

    4. Orange juice

    5. Milk

    6. Humous

    7. Pizza (for Godettes)

    8. Ham

    9. Prawns

    10 Bananas


    No, sorry I don't have a list of favorite lists and I don't have the time to start one.

    Have you looked down the back of the settee?

  9. Between Nodar Kumaritashvili and the death of that female Canadian bronze metal figure skater's mother Vancouver 2010 was an Olympics of death.


    I would dare say that Nodar Kumaritashvili"s death is the most significant death in the world of 2010 thus far, that will change as time moves further from the Winter Olympics and when almost inevitably some major world figure(s) die later this year. But in terms of newsworthiness on headlines worldwide I cant think of any death of a famous person that has gotten the coverage that this luger has had in this still young year of 2010.

    Don't you dare say that.

  10. Sorry Taff, but viewing figures had been falling and the panel just couldn't get its act together this year. As it was it was left to me to do most of the work and what with having bugger all to do all day I just haven't managed to fit it in to the schedule. But if anyone does have any nominations for a shortened list of categories (top post/er etc) just ping me a PM or post it in this thread and the Monkeys panel will see what can be done.

  11. I am sad to report the death of Philip Langridge, one of the greatest British tenors - a wonderful interperter of Britten and Mozart, as well as a fearless champion of contemporary opera and song. For a taste of what we're missing, listen to

    Done that, thanks Twelvetrees, now can you tell me how I might stem the blood pouring from both wrists?

  12. I think you are behaving rude on me.

    Would you like a VISA with that appalling English?

    You're on to something there Ulitzer, looks like an asylum seeker. But will he find one to take him?


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