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Posts posted by Godot

  1. My list of things that will go the way of all flesh before 2030, at least in western countries, in alphabetical order:

    1. Cash
    2. Chess clubs
    3. Civil liberties
    4. Commercial air transport
    5. Deathlist
    6. Democracy
    7. Fax machines
    8. I
    9. People's Republic of China
    10. Petrol



    Interesting list Hein. I agree on commercial airlines. Fax machines are virtually dead already. I think democracy might get more democratic before it disappears up its own ballot box.


    If this is going to be a thread of lists, does anyone else have any 10 things lists? A list of favourite lists, perhaps? Rotten Ali must have umpteen.


    This is my not very interesting Ginsterless shopping list for the weekend since Mrs G has deserted us. I like crumpets with Marmite, just had two.


    1. Crumpets

    2. Bagles

    3. Cream cheese

    4. Orange juice

    5. Milk

    6. Humous

    7. Pizza (for Godettes)

    8. Ham

    9. Prawns

    10 Bananas

  2. My top ten list for 2027:


    1. Aral Sea

    2. Mullets

    3. Fossil Fuels

    4. Brillo Pads

    5. Giant Pandas

    6. United States

    7. Jupiter

    8. BBC

    9. Numeracy

    Oh, how I know an amateur when I see one.


    Banshees, I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn.


    Profound. He'll write a poem about that, you wait and see.

  3. Please don't delete the thread, or just send my post on the other thread... or do something like that... it was so hard to find those persons... :blush:

    I know one should never make assumptions about posters but I get the impression you are young, male, American and keen to get involved. But perhaps a little bit over keen. It's ever so tempting to press the new topic button but sometimes it helps to have a little restraint. Your list looks fine but remember this isn't a deadpool but a place where deadpoolers come to share information and generally chew the fat. Unfortunately you've missed the boat for the big one , the Derby Deadpool (20 names) but there may be some more that you could join.


    There's a place you can go on the forum to sort out your name if you really want to be Red Rooster as I think you've indicated a few posts ago in another thread that was going nowhere. Instead of posting a new topic look carefully at the existing topics, then you will see you could have suggested Ernie Harwell in ideas and possibilities. There are a few threads you could have chosen to post this list. If you just go starting random topics all the time your are likely to piss

    off moderators (who have to tidy up the threads) and irritate the kind of old farts who are getting pedantic and crotchety in their declining years - like me.


    But then some will tell you to take no notice of Godot. Please yourself.

  4. Hey I've been lurking for about 3 years. Thought I'd sign up.


    It was a joke testing the name "Death" because I was certain it would be taken.


    Perhaps everyone was so certain it was taken that it remained free.


    Either way, I'm Death nice to meet you




    Three years and you haven't found the "I'm new here thread" designed for just such a purpose. Sighs. Welcome Death. Never thought I'd be saying that. Now if you don't mind be a good chap and stand in the line over there.

    Welcome Death. Don't mind Godot. I thought he had gone but apparently not.

    You wish, Flanders. Me and Death here are getting on just fine without you poking your nose in. I think the expression you use over the pond is this one. I'd forgotten what I'd been missing.

    I would advise against using 'Butt out' especially if you should ever find yourself in a bar in Brooklyn and wish to maintain your current dental hygiene. 'MYOB' might be what you're after, less confrontational than 'Butt Out' but still rude.


    Hi Death! Are you having fun yet? :lol:


  5. Hey I've been lurking for about 3 years. Thought I'd sign up.


    It was a joke testing the name "Death" because I was certain it would be taken.


    Perhaps everyone was so certain it was taken that it remained free.


    Either way, I'm Death nice to meet you




    Three years and you haven't found the "I'm new here thread" designed for just such a purpose. Sighs. Welcome Death. Never thought I'd be saying that. Now if you don't mind be a good chap and stand in the line over there.


    Welcome Death. Don't mind Godot. I thought he had gone but apparently not.

    You wish, Flanders. Me and Death here are getting on just fine without you poking your nose in. I think the expression you use over the pond is this one. I'd forgotten what I'd been missing.

  6. Hey I've been lurking for about 3 years. Thought I'd sign up.


    It was a joke testing the name "Death" because I was certain it would be taken.


    Perhaps everyone was so certain it was taken that it remained free.


    Either way, I'm Death nice to meet you




    Three years and you haven't found the "I'm new here thread" designed for just such a purpose. Sighs. Welcome Death. Never thought I'd be saying that. Now if you don't mind be a good chap and stand in the line over there.

  7. Have no idea who he is or what he died of

    Yet you still had the nerve to create an entirely new thread on him. :party:



    So why start a thread on him? If the deaths of nonentities like this must be recorded, stick 'em in the deaths thread. Can we vote this thread off the forum?


    Er... i wasn't aware there was somewhere I could put this topic, he doesn't appear to be a non-entity in comedy circles, I thought someone could enlighten me as to who he was, and yet you lot had a whole topic on Jade Goody, who was the biggest non-entity ever, God, talk about snotty... Unbeliveable :party:


    Well Digital Spy have a thread on him , but what can you expect from that forum (see post 18)



    Hags - cool! This shows what can be achieved in a Jason Wood thread. They exhausted 28 posts agreeing they didn't know who he was. That's class that is. Nell you're wasted in this place.

  8. Have no idea who he is or what he died of

    Yet you still had the nerve to create an entirely new thread on him. :party:

    Shucks, I'm not as fast on the trigger as I used to be. :2guns:


    Yes, it's such a great feeling... sanctimony :party:

    Nothing to do with sanctimony Nell. Jade Goody was indeed a nonentity but she was alive until she was dead if you get my drift. This bloke is dead and dead people don't make for good conversations, or at least dead nonentities don't. That's all. I'm kind, me, nice to everyone since I turned over a new leaf so there's nothing personal. I apologise for the negativity, no snottiness intended. Any suggestion that the above comments might have been trying to spoil this magnificent Jason Wood thread is unfounded. Personally I'm wetting myself with excitement at the wonderful banter we're going to have here thanks to Jason's untimely demise. Come on all you Jason Wood fans who are going to fill this thread with fascinating insights in to the life and death of someone whose very existence appears to have escaped our attention up to now. Don't let poor Nelly's thread die.


    Oops! Too late. :o

  9. Various heartfelt exchanges etc....


    Monkey, I was more angry with the way you were dismissive, if not rude, about what I have written.

    Hey, you are the Scientist, im just an Engineer, you say CO2, I say nanofarads...lets call the whole thing off, or summat.

    As ive said before, you are one of the most expressive and articulate of posters here and I enjoy reading what you have to say, whether I always agree with its content or not.

    If you take another look at the Irate visitors thread, you will see that I actually concur with your take on the state of the forum, I too am not very much into death which is why this thread is the breath of fresh air in a forum of staleness.

    There may never be a consensus as to what is right or wrong but I actually enjoy reading opinions and throwing my thru'penny-ha'penny into it, even if I do talk shite.

    Just dont be too judgemental, eh?

    Oh, I was aware of the China edict, I wasnt actually talking of using that particular social model, finding dead babies in the streets isnt really the way to go....

    Oh, one more thing, it was me who did the Public transport rant!! :party: No, I dont want to give up my car, the point I was aiming for was whether a Government was REALLY serious about reducing emissions it would consider stringent methods in curtailing our car usage.

    I think, from now on, I shall shut the fuck up and be more of a reader....... :party:


    I haven't seen such a love-in since Dirty Den made it up with Angie in the Queen Vic (again) circa 1986.

  10. Musical comedian and reality TV show star Jason Wood has died at the age of 38.


    The performer – known for his imposing voice and uncannily accurate musical impressions – reached a wider audience when he appeared on the first series of Strictly Come Dancing in 2004, alongside Natasha Kaplinski. He held the dubious honour of being the first person ever voted off the show.


    Read more: http://www.chortle.co.uk/news/2010/02/20/1...8#ixzz0gAkzsmlk


    Have no idea who he is or what he died of

    So why start a thread on him? If the deaths of nonentities like this must be recorded, stick 'em in the deaths thread. Can we vote this thread off the forum?

  11. I heard a chap talking about biofuels last year and the one that seemed most promising in the long run as far as I could see was algae fuel although he was talking before announcements on helioculture that also sounds promising.


    If countries go ahead with iron fertilisation of the sea, I could see how that might help by depositing carbon-rich sediments, but wouldn't the resulting blooms take oxygen from the sea, thereby harming sea life? That said, krill and whales are big feeders on phytoplankton so maybe their populations might rise.


    One thing that worries me is whether some of these bio-engineering initiatives might bugger about with photosynthesis . This wiki article on helioculture says: "Joule Biotechnologies has not revealed the name of the organism that it uses, although it has acknowledged that the company has modified the organism."


    I've been fascinated by the way the Azolla event in the Eocene created an oxygen rich atmosphere. Some have suggested that Azolla could combat global warming but any such intervention would need to be controlled in order to prevent too much CO2 being used up. Too little CO2 in the atmosphere would be curtains for us. It would be a supreme irony if attempts to control carbon dioxide in the atmosphere led to there being too little to support photosynthesis.

  12. I've just been trawling through this excellent thread. I've been doing a bit of reading around this stuff lately and I've concluded without a shadow of a doubt in my own my mind that we (humans) are indeed stuffed. The question is when. I'm writing something at the moment suggesting that in trying to make things better we make things worse.


    I've been reading a really good book on mass extinctions, the Medea Hypothesis by Peter Ward. He believes that we have it in us to get ourselves out of the mess that we have created. But after looking at some of the ideas that have been bandied about, like this one, I'm not so sure. I could envisage a scenario where attempts to bio-engineer our way out of global warming, such as iron fertilisation of the sea, will backfire and bugger up the balance of gases in the atmosphere.


    Ward thinks Lovelock's Gaia idea is bollocks and proposes that living systems are inherently suicidal. In other words life itself prepares the world for its own death. I wonder if we could adapt, as he suggests that some animals might have done in the past, to a world with much higher levels of hydrogen sulphide. Long term, he says, that too little CO2 in the atmosphere (less than 150 parts per million) will likely be the death of us. At present CO2 levels are 380 parts per million and rising with 1,000 ppm seen as the crucial figure, since when that happens all the polar ice will have gone. A Washington scientist, David Battisti, believes that level could be reached in 95 years. So Octi's babe may live to see it.


    Perhaps we should learn to adapt as the nautilus has done in previous mass extinctions. It would be ironic if the answer to prolonged life in a species was to be found in a squid with a shell.

  13. It's that time again. Pancakes tomorrow.


    I've been wondering what to give up for Lent this year. Ginster's Cornish pasties came close but there's one in the fridge and I have a long drive tomorrow. I think it's going to be wine and horseradish.


    Welcome back Godot :) Thanks for reminding me about the pancakes, must make some tomorrow, on a cooking binge at the moment as I am off work for a few days, any suggestions for more fillings or indeed any recipes (you know where the kitchen thread is) would be welcome :) .


    As for Lent, I'm claiming to be Presbyterian for that, we don't do Lent seemingly, nobody told me that as a child when I was forced to attend Church of Scotland Sunday School, but I had to give up sweets for Lent every year because my mother was Episcopalian. I'm sure I've paid my dues. No sweets* for nearly 7 weeks every year as a child must surely exonerate me from giving up the few pleasures in life I have now :) .


    *It wasn't just sweets - cakes, biscuits, jams, marmalades and puddings were included in this, it really was anything sweet.

    It's nice to be back LG. Sadly the long drive today buggered up any chance of a pancake. :( The last one was in the pan when I walked through the door, and no-one felt charitable. So I had to settle for a Ginster's on the motorway. I'm not religious but it doesn't harm to borrow the idea. Besides it's something to do (or not to do) at a dull time of year. I'm a Yorkshireman but it doesn't stop me having haggis and whisky on Burns Night. I'd have a kilt too if they weren't so damned expensive. Anyway, I've made the pledge: no wine, Ginsters or Marmite soldiers (to dip in the chucky) until Easter.


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