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Posts posted by Godot



    When Dorothy Parker was told of the death of the famously taciturn US President Calvin Coolidge, she replied: "How can they tell?" That's what worries me about the DL. If the success of a newspaper is measured in circulation, the success of a forum has to be measured in the number of posts. Yes it needs good posts, but it also needs healthy debate and banter and there is precious little of that here anymore.


    Very few members announce they are going to stop posting. It's a silly thing to do anyway because you never know when you are going to get the urge. Instead they simply give up looking in or are distracted by other things (like work as HCW suggested?). A debate such as this is always sensitive because if you suggest the best days are gone, relatively new members are pissed off because they do not have a point of comparison and it suggests that their own posts are not up to snuff. It also pisses off those who do keep on posting, carrying the torch so to speak.


    I know we have had this debate before and if any mod can find it please merge the topics. I had a cursory search before apathy kicked in and that's the problem, I suspect. People are not posting because they have grown apathetic. That's my theory. The debate was also held some time ago in the Hartlepool Deadlypool and when did anyone last post there? What's happened to HPDP is happening here.


    Perhaps it is time there was a bit of reform and I have some suggestions:


    Moderators - yes we all know it involves some work but it should also involve a bit of leadership. If moderators can no longer be bothered to post regularly (or who have decided to get a life, I don't blame them) they should have that responsibility removed and it should be given to some who do. Honez is a good example of a mod who leads by example, with witty posts almost every day - not tons of them - but interesting posts.


    MPFC posts more than anyone but someone has to and most of his posts are a good standard. Why isn't he a mod? He's a good bloke who cares about the place. It's time there was a shake up among the mods, admins please take note (if you can be bothered).


    A bit of sh*t should be celebrated. When Star Crossed posted an outrageous personal attack on Lardy he was roundly condemned but Lardy of all people needs no one to defend her. At least he livened things up a bit. He'd obviously had a bad day at work. Some posters get a hard time on this site. Banshees was finally driven off when everyone thought he had a hide as tough as a rhino. Not so, it seems. Apart from Canadian Paul whose posts achieve a consistent level of dullness, most people, even Banshees have their good days.


    I don't see eye to eye with everything SC writes (apart from any comment on the Big Lebowsky) and I'm sure the feeling is mutual but at least, in his own peculiar way, he cares about this place and about quality posting.


    I wish everyone here who has a birthday a happy birthday, naturally, but long lines of dull happy birthday posts? Nothing wrong with it except it's the only thing that attracts posts now, that and obscure deaths of friend's ancient uncles. What's that all about? Also these dull "who's gonna die next votes" where people post their choice - boring, boring, boring. I know I'm risking the wrath of fellow posters (some of whom I count as friends, although not Windsor who is entertaining as a poster, mostly, but is a bit too odd and generationally adrift from me, comes from Fraserburgh, spends too much time on buses and allows himself to be kicked around by his employers). But, in the immortal words of Clark Gable, frankly my dears, I don't give a f'uck (and the swearfilter - an area of mod abuse that pisses off most posters should be amended for a start. If I want to say f'uck I should be able to say so like any grown up without a f'ucking apostrophe. A bit of a shitstorm directed my way is better than nothing at all, not that I will be defending any "kick Godot" posts (even if this becomes a sport to provoke a response). I'm off. I never intended to stay more than 3,000 posts. So this is my valedictory post.


    Please don't read any of this as fair comment. I don't do fair comment, and I know some, as before, will detect a whiff of hypocrisy that is characteristic of my posting.


    Since I am off (I really, really am) and don't intend to contribute to this thread I suppose it will drown in apathy with the rest of the site but I hope it at least shows that I care about the DL and hope those who attend the Deathcon III (that I am unable to attend) will give it some debate. Best wishes to those who will try harder than I am prepared to do to sustain the site as a fun place to visit.


    I'm going to miss this place and expect I will be lurking and will be mightily tempted to contribute but I'm going to try not to lurk and to kick the habit completely. I've really enjoyed the past 5 years (nearly) of posting, or four of them at least. Death by atrophy is the worst death of all. The DL doesn't deserve that.


    So long and thanks for all the squid.





    Er....that's it, finito, done, ended, no more, definitely the last word from me, signed off, departed, quit, wrapped up, zipped, schtum from now on, gone for good and that's a promise, no honestly.....

  2. Also intresting, Gore Vidal's views on the Polanski case


    In September, director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland for leaving the U.S. in 1978 before being sentenced to prison for raping a 13-year-old girl at Jack Nicholson’s house in Hollywood. During the time of the original incident, you were working in the industry, and you and Polanski had a common friend in theater critic and producer Kenneth Tynan. So what’s your take on Polanski, this many years later?


    I really don’t give a feck. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?


    I’ve certainly never heard that take on the story before.


    First, I was in the middle of all that. Back then, we all were. Everybody knew everybody else. There was a totally different story at the time that doesn’t resemble anything that we’re now being told.


    What do you mean?


    The media can’t get anything straight. Plus, there’s usually an anti-Semitic and anti-fag thing going on with the press – lots of crazy things. The idea that this girl was in her communion dress, a little angel all in white, being raped by this awful Jew, Polacko – that’s what people were calling him – well, the story is totally different now from what it was then.


    You think anti-Semitism is motivating the prosecution of Polanski?


    Anti-Semitism got poor Polanski. He was also a foreigner. He did not subscribe to American values in the least. To [his persecutors], that seemed vicious and unnatural.

    What an entertaining interview. I shows that there are still things posted on this forum that are worth reading.

  3. It looks like Griffin is getting a bit of a sympathy vote. And this report claims the BNP had 3,000 membership inquiries due to the broadcast. I tell you it's the Goody effect. There really is no such thing as bad publicity when you get on that box. Peter Hain is right. If parties come within the democratic fold they should support certain standards and the BNP doesn't. It's done its homework on the Nazis and how they garnered popular appeal. I'm sure a few people watched QT last night and thought that Griffin had been set up by a gang of lefty media types. He'll be signing up with Max Clifford and Hello magazine next.

  4. The Nazis referred to disabled people as "human ballast" and sterilised them or sent them to prototype death camps.


    In grey buses.




    (BTW Mono, make some room in your inbox!)


    In some of those grey buses, such as those used at Chelmno, the passengers were dead before they reached their destination, gassed by carbon monoxide run from tubes attached to exhaust pipes. Of course Griffin and his palls would have us believe that never happened.

  5. Just to let you know at least those who are aiming to get along. I've just received 10 specially commissioned give-away prize gifts, which I will hand out to those who will have travelled the furthest distances to get to the event.


    Want to know what I've got for you? - Then you'll just have to be there, to be in with a chance, to get your hands on one!

    A job lot of "made in Derry" Orange order joke Pope dicks left over from the troubles?

  6. I didn't watch it. QT isn't one of my favourite programmes at the best of times. Instead I caught up with Panorama from Monday on i-player that planted a couple of Asian reporters on Bristol's Southmead estate. While the abuse they received was shocking I think it should be said that almost anyone who didn't live there would be risking some abuse from the kind of degenerates who end up on such estates. There are enough of them in the north. The shame is that such programmes tend to tar everyone with the same brush so the thousands of decent people living there, trying their best in often difficult circumstances are branded by association.


    It's possible, as I've found in my soft southern neighbourhood, to go through life and almost never encounter the low life you find on such estates. That's the middle class life that Trevor Phillips has in mind when he says that we really do have a multicultural society. In 90 percent of the country I would say he was correct and in London the racial mix is such that even the cab drivers have softened their old prejudices. Today they only want to "flog 'em" - 'em being any supporters of Ken Livingstone. What I fear is that there is still a racially prejudiced undercurrent - I see it in some of my toff and new-moneyed friends - that could warm to far right sympathies if someone with more charisma than Griffin were to succeed him. The problem with yesterday's airing and others like it is that many years ago when I met him few people in the UK knew who he was. Now everyone does. Imagine if he was to benefit from TV's Jade Goody effect. It's a worry.

  7. So who, exactly, decides when free speech and democracy should be curtailed for "the good of the people?"

    Nick Griffin was democratically elected, it doesnt matter a f**k whether he is an odious turd or not.

    Its obviously ok to run around in packs attacking people who do not live to their moral code, ideology or whatever fits the glove.

    Today Griffin was due to be grilled by people who were very good in getting scum suckers like him to hang himself on his own bile.

    They didnt get the chance.

    So he lives on.

    Anti Nazis? W ankers.


    NB: Can a mod have a look into finding something slightly more inventive when it comes to substituting the work "F**k?"

    Toffee Apple lacks a bit of gravitas, know what i mean? :)

    As most of you probably know, Griffin will be vastly increasing Question Time's typical viewing figures this evening. Even though I don't think this is the correct platform, as a DLer I'm aware of the free-speech principles at stake and it's a thorny issue to be sure. Despite my reservations, I'll be watching and look forward to seeing him put in his place - and if he gets egged again, ah well.


    What does the panel think?


    Hitler was democratically elected and it certainly did matter that he was an odious turd, particularly to the millions of Jews, Slavs, Russians not to mention Germans that were the victims of his underlying ability to convince a nation that he and his chums were worth voting in to power. Griffin is probably less of an oik than Hitler and that makes him potentially more dangerous. There are a lot of people out there who are prepared to be taken in by his rhetoric. I have met them, some of them war veterans. That's the problem with democracy. The decent right thinking people who support it also support the right to free speech by clever manipulative people like this. Unfortunately some people cannot see evil when it walks among them. As Ken Livingstone said this morning, when Griffin speaks on telly tonight it will mean that some minority will end up getting a kicking directly as a result of his appearance. The right to free speech should be conditional on responsible behaviour.


    I am anti Nazi and spent some of my career exposing the twats for who they really area - mostly cowards in my experience. I am also a w*nker (although not more than once a week these days. Sigh!) . But I do not condone running around in packs looking for a ruck with these people. That doesn't work.


    The real (final) solution would be to breed out your Nazi, through a genetic programme designed to identify and destroy Nazi genes so that we can all look forward to a Nazi-free future with a world

    . Nazis? Gassing's too good for them. There's only one thing that people like Griffin understand - a bit of old fashioned patriotism.

  8. Sorry to get serious for a moment but this is a thread about bricks. Not beans, not poems, not poems about beans that happen to mention the word "brick". Not Patrick Moore or squid or Australian politicians or even Wee Jimmy Krankie,even if she looks like a wasp chewing a brick (trying getting that one past the BBC). So no discussion here please of Rebecca Adlington looking like a reflection on the back of a spoon. That's strictly off topic. This is where we discuss bricks.


    I CANT WORK UNDER THESE CONDITIONS :) ...I'll be in the poetry thread! :D


    Also allow me to respond to the above mentioned quote...(*clears throat*) Killjoy.

    So you don't have a view on whether she looks like the back of a spoon? Shame. :D I think she's lovely. And Jimmy Krankie is miss world compared with Frankie Boyle. But I don't think he should have been censured. All the BBC has achieved in doing so is to spread the unkind (but funny) remark among all those (including me) who didn't hear it the first time around.

  9. As we're mincing words anyway, I'd like to add that high intelligence in a person, whichever way expressed in numbers, doesn't mean that person isn't an ignoramus.





    Carole Vordeman has a large one, apparently, however she only got a Douglas Hurd, allegedly. Then there's Banshees who'd have us believe he has a large one too.


    Is the IQ test in fact all just a crock of sh*te? I noticed the ones on Fuckfacebook are far easier to score higher in. There are far too many rogue testers out there, perhaps disgusted has fallen foul of one?

    I think it's no more than a measure of confidence for those who feel they need to know their IQ. Howard Gardner suggests that there are many types of intelligence. For example David Bekcham might be said to have a high footballing IQ.

  10. Sorry to get serious for a moment but this is a thread about bricks. Not beans, not poems, not poems about beans that happen to mention the word "brick". Not Patrick Moore or squid or Australian politicians or even Wee Jimmy Krankie,even if she looks like a wasp chewing a brick (trying getting that one past the BBC). So no discussion here please of Rebecca Adlington looking like a reflection on the back of a spoon. That's strictly off topic. This is where we discuss bricks.

  11. Looking at the list in the newspaper this morning it appeared that there has yet to be a British formula one world champion to die naturally (I wouldn't call James Hunt's a natural death). Will John Surtees be the first?

  12. Golden brown



    In the kitchen thread of Deathlist

    I found my love so sweet,

    And many a bloated gravy boat,

    Was slathered on our meat,

    A fleshy mound of golden skin,

    All oven hot and deep within,

    With sturdy flanks full flavour sealed

    A Yorkshire pud from Huddersfield.


    The fluffy, spongy inner core,

    Swollen with beef's juices

    There's nothing more that I adore,

    Our pudding has its uses,

    A different bowl from which I sup,

    Two women share a single cup,

    I wouldn't swap my doughy bin,

    For all that stains their satin skin.


    Pouring, flowing, brown as mud,

    The gravy gushes from the jug,

    Gathering, swamplike in the pud,

    A little bit spills on the rug,

    Oh hound thy beast beneath my feet,

    Licking with your tongue so fleet,

    The sauce that dare not speak its name

    Is just as good with lamb and game.




    With apologies to Betjeman and the Licorice fields at Pontefract

  13. at this point I notice she only has two bottles of economy vodka and a loaf of economy white bread in her basket and start to worry a little...)

    So she likes vodka sandwiches? Nothing wrong with that. You weren't shopping in Fraserburgh by any chance?

  14. Returning this to its rightful place Mono, you will see that it's not about male squid on squid action but about, er, squid self-abuse.


    In a human context I suppose it would be akin to whacking one off and finding somehow a bit had dribbled in to a, er, recess in a subsequent yoga exercise or summat. I wonder if, in the old days when gay sex was illegal, this was ever put forward as a defence? Among squid it's plausible. On the other tentacle, squid yoga? Whales, yes. But not squid.


    During the course of the show, he restlessly prowls a vast landscape from

    Nantucket to the Mill Valley Yoga Studio to the deck of the Pequod in search

    of meditative redemption that may be no further than his own back yard.


    I actually pinched it from here in the first instance. I just had to find another link as the other one is now dead. Ah, the circle of squid!

    Not being a frequenter of the gay squid scene, I was wondering why it seemed familiar.

  15. Returning this to its rightful place Mono, you will see that it's not about male squid on squid action but about, er, squid self-abuse.


    In a human context I suppose it would be akin to whacking one off and finding somehow a bit had dribbled in to a, er, recess in a subsequent yoga exercise or summat. I wonder if, in the old days when gay sex was illegal, this was ever put forward as a defence? Among squid it's plausible. On the other tentacle, squid yoga? Whales, yes. But not squid.


    During the course of the show, he restlessly prowls a vast landscape from

    Nantucket to the Mill Valley Yoga Studio to the deck of the Pequod in search

    of meditative redemption that may be no further than his own back yard.

  16. Interesting debate blah blah....


    Quite and I accept your apologies on behalf of the gay squid community for forgetting their plight.



    Apparently SQUID stands for Swimming Queers United in Denver so you might have to travel far and wide to reclaim your word Godot. Will we also be reclaiming gay to mean happy, jolly etc as well?


    I hold my hands up MIB. Where I come from I would be considered as queer as they get. But the problem with this thread is that it risks drawing attention from other, ahem, well loved threads. Gay squid should not be here Mono and you know that. That was provocation. They may be gay but they're squid and should be in the squid thread. Besides, whatever they do in their private life is their business.


    The thing is that we all attract labels. I'm a queer Tyke gimmer (that's gimmer not gimp) but do I need to be pigeonholed as such? I agree that there's nowt so queer as squid, but it hurts to see them here and it's symptomatic of the way the gay community hijack (Ooo, controversial!) a lot of the best stuff in entertainment like that bloody Norton bloke who I can't stand, not because he's gay or because he's Irish but because he's such a repulsive, mincing lady boy tart who fannies on to our screens. He's just not manly, not like a....lumberjack.

  17. Interesting debate but what's so great about gays (queers, lesies, cock bandits, arse bandits, faggots, homos, fudgepackers, botty boys, poofs, ponces, dykes, fairies) that they should get their own thread? Not sure there should be a pink thread that works like a gay box for all things gay. What about other minorities?


    Should we also have a unidexter thread for unidexters who may be reaching the end game? A black thread for black people (or should that be Afro Caribbean or is that too PC for some?) A Paki thread? A Chinky thread? One for wops, spics, kikes, Micks, left footers, convicts, Tykes, scousers, barrow boys, geeks, round eyes, slant eyes, trailer trash, Sloanies, Ras, toffs, aristos, rednecks, honkies, nips, yellow bellies, dagos, waps, frogs, huns, towel heads, skinheads, Polaks, retards, fatties, stick insects, short arses, MPs, gimmers, pedos, pervs, picaninies, Jesus freaks, munchkins (whoops!), veggies, commies, pinkos, fascists, spades, wimmin, Telegraph readers, Banshees Scream, ghouls (surely not here) and so on and so on.



    Or just the gay ones?



    As a Yorkshireman (Tyke, Yorkshire git, northern git [twat etc. etc]) I have long been frustrated by the appropriation of the word "queer" as it was always used in my family to mean "odd", as in "Nowt so queer as folk." Then it became a derogatory term for gays and now I understand gays (etc, etc) have "reclaimed" the word. Why can't Yorkshire folk (gits, twats etc) reclaim it?


    Apologies for anyone who does not feel they are covered by any of the above categories. Oh and apologies also to Lenny Bruce.



    What's a gimmer?



    Take your pick. I suppose I was thinking of 2 and 4.

  18. Interesting debate but what's so great about gays (queers, lesies, cock bandits, arse bandits, faggots, homos, fudgepackers, botty boys, poofs, ponces, dykes, fairies) that they should get their own thread? Not sure there should be a pink thread that works like a gay box for all things gay. What about other minorities?


    Should we also have a unidexter thread for unidexters who may be reaching the end game? A black thread for black people (or should that be Afro Caribbean or is that too PC for some?) A Paki thread? A Chinky thread? One for wops, spics, kikes, Micks, left footers, convicts, Tykes, scousers, barrow boys, geeks, round eyes, slant eyes, trailer trash, Sloanies, Ras, toffs, aristos, rednecks, honkies, nips, yellow bellies, dagos, waps, frogs, huns, towel heads, skinheads, Polaks, retards, fatties, stick insects, short arses, MPs, gimmers, pedos, pervs, picaninies, Jesus freaks, munchkins (whoops!), veggies, commies, pinkos, fascists, spades, wimmin, Telegraph readers, Banshees Scream, ghouls (surely not here) and so on and so on.



    Or just the gay ones?



    As a Yorkshireman (Tyke, Yorkshire git, northern git [twat etc. etc]) I have long been frustrated by the appropriation of the word "queer" as it was always used in my family to mean "odd", as in "Nowt so queer as folk." Then it became a derogatory term for gays and now I understand gays (etc, etc) have "reclaimed" the word. Why can't Yorkshire folk (gits, twats etc) reclaim it?


    Apologies for anyone who does not feel they are covered by any of the above categories. Oh and apologies also to Lenny Bruce.

    • Angry 1

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