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Posts posted by Godot


    That site has a little retrospective slide show of her next to the article. I mean, it's fair to think that a 77 year-old might not survive a heart operation, but at least prepare your obituary in private. B)


    Went perfectly. <_<


    Any chance she had Jacko's heart transplanted on the quiet??? :unsure:

    I think you're on to something Termi. Looking at that picture she seems to be transforming in to Michael Jackson. Maybe it is Michael Jackson. Maybe he did away with Liz and took up residence in her wheelchair. Could be one for the National Enquirer.

  2. It could still be a big night if you play your cards white.


    What a lovely audience, so much paler than last week.


    Nice to be able to see you in the dark, to be able to see you in the dark ... NICE!


    Let's have a look at the old blackboard.


    Remember, Brucie's price is always white.



    And so on and so forth.


    Far be it from me to stir up old arguments Harry, but Brucie may represent a strand of opinion discussed in these threads some months ago. B)

  3. Yup, that should just about do it. Go on, take that shower post Lardy. You know you want to.




    Lardy, Lardy, Lardy, you have to go back a few posts and understand as I'm sure you do that this is

    's favourite thread that he covets and visits every full moon. He often has something to say to those who make off topic posts here. Everyone knows this. So it seemed a bit odd and a little bit suspicious that two new posters should just happen on this thread for their posts, hence reference to Hansel and Gretel. The Norman Bates reference was just a picture in my mind of an innocent poster who pops in to a thread (motel), makes a comment (has a shower), and suffers a vicious attacklike this
    . What's so strange about that?


    Personally I think SC is a sweetie. He just has his little ways with people. :wub:

  4. How unusual, two new members choosing to alight here for their maiden posts, one commenting on the other's post in an enigmatic and mischievously off topic exchange, as if Hansel and Gretel have wandered in to the woods. As if.


    Perhaps they might like to linger a while and take a shower in the DL's very own Norman Bates motel.

  5. lucasPA180608_450x300.jpg002366-AP50.jpg


    Lucas + McGee = William Hague



    I couldn't help thinking, looking at that picture of the couple in happier times, that if you superimposed McGee's features on those of Matt Lucas you would get the picture above.

  6. Monkey and Godot you are both correct to point out that pyjamas and hoop are integral to the whole ensemble and allow the rubber brick to flourish in its role of "Fat git drowning."

    I would even go as far to say that, perhaps, a painting of a rubber brick being "saved" by a pubescent at the Tooting Bec Lido would be a fabulous addition to any London Gallery.

    Im sure this would meet with warm approval from those here who have, in the past, championed the likes of Jackson Pollock and considered me to be, shall we say, "Uncultured......"

    Are there any Piss Artists out there who could paint such a masterpiece?


    Could be a no no in the current climate.

    • Like 1

  7. Im disgusted that no mention has been made of the rubber brick. <_<

    Without the rubber brick millions of School children would have been rendered useless in carrying out the common emergency rescue of diving into a shitty canal, going to the bottom of it and pulling that 18stone suicidal adult from the very depths to the surface.

    I think we should all take a moment of quiet reflection and pay homage to the wonderful rubber brick.


    You forgot to add that one must be dressed in ones pyjamas.


    Not to mention the hoop. There's generally a hoop.

  8. I know what you're saying but disagree. The baseball 'perfect game' is something that is defined, i.e has definite parameters, whereas what you are saying is a perfect game is something that is felt at an emotional level (and being an ABU man, the Bayern Munich match was anything but perfect). They may be perfect results (in someone's opinion), but I don't think they can really be called 'perfect games' unless you can say what makes a perfect game.


    I did. What makes a perfect game is one team coming back against another and winning against all the odds. It has nothing to do with the result from anyone's point of view although I would agree the Ozzies and Bayern fans might have found difficulty seeing perfection there. So perfection probably does have to involve an affinity with the winning team (not that I'm a ManU fan).


    I was simply pointing out that it's typically American to regard a close-out as a perfect game. That's not a perfect game. It's not much of a game at all. In the same way I suppose the Americans would have regarded a perfect Gulf War, one in which the whole of Iraq and its people were obliterated without a scratch among US troops, a bit like the Indian wars - perfect for "closing-out" North America's native inhabitants whose survivors can watch baseball and feel civilised, and yes it is spelled with an "s" in civilised countries.

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