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Posts posted by Godot

  1. I haven't smoked for 8 days. And I haven't been rip roaring pissed since 29 August.

    Quantify "rip roaring pissed". Is it similar to:


    1. Tipsy

    2. Merry

    3. Pissed / sloshed

    4. Tanked up

    5. Drunk as a skunk

    6. Legless

    7. Wrecked / hammered

    8. Out for the count

    9. Intoxicated

    10. Hog whimperingly arseholed


    Well done with the fags, keep it up.


    It's all of the above :(


    Can't surely say all the above, because that's a fair list of magnatude?

    I'm very happy to be tipsy any odd evening on two glasses of wine. Just having one won't get me on the above list. But three glasses, then I'm beyond stage two and on my way to stage 3. Only ever once been "out for the count" and that's my limit. Waking up on a park bench in a graveyard at 4am is beyond a joke so I'm ruling out ever being beyond your "rip roaring pissed" type level ever again.


    Keep up the good work Lardy on backing off the human body abuse, I'm sure it will thank you in the medium and long term.

    The list really needs a little bit of adjustment. I would put merry before tipsy and "out for the count" should really be at number 10. Intoxicated looks kind of out of place as it would apply to almost any stage. I would put hog whimperingly arseholed at number 8 and substitute intoxicated at number nine with incontinent.

  2. No big changes at the top of the DDP table with Swayze's death but Impaled on the Antler's of Doom (only one of top 10 not to pick Swayze) drops a couple of places. It's been a long slog, but the field has been moving up on those Jade Goody sprinters, apart from Tonight Matthew I'm Going to be Badly Torn Boy (who is this guy?) who is not only a sprinter but also appears to have the staying power to last the distance.

  3. I can't believe he was 87!


    So that's Diane Holland and Felix Bowness this year. Who'll be next?


    Paul Shane most likely.......

    Met Paul Shane two years ago in Tenerife in a pub... quite a disgusting, grubby little git in general.... very unkept, couldn't even stand up... not really an aspiring way to see one of the ppl who was there day in, day out throughout your childhood....


    This sort of thing would make great material for a series of Britain Hasn't Got Talent where the panel and voters look at existing talent and pick the worst of it. Piers Morgan could be nominated.

  4. I was wondering how many of us reread books. I was talking to a DL'er tonight who never rereads anything, my ex husband was exactly the same, could not understand why I would want to read a book I'd read before. I suppose it depends on your interests and my ex was only interested in factual books, fiction to him was a no-no. I love to read and never leave the house without a book, nor do I go to bed without reading a few chapters and can often be found burning the midnight oil trying to find out what happens next, in recent months I've reread quite a few books and enjoyed them just as much as I did the first time round, although it can have disapointing results. I loved 'A Town like Alice'read it at 18, reread it at 21, but read it now again in my 40's, wish I hadn't. Rereading great books has always been a pleasure for me and I pick up something different each time.

    Why did the third reading disappoint? I read Catch-22 as a teenager and loved it, re-read it a year or two later and enjoyed it again, then picked it up to read a third time a few years later and couldn't work out what the hell it was about, so left it. In the interim I had seen the dreadful film of the book. Perhaps it's time to try it again. Just now I'm reading The Kindly Ones, not sure whether I saw it recommended here or not. It's taking ages.

  5. DWB - I bet we are going to like it, not a lot, not a lot. Keep an eye out on the panto season would be my advice if you intend to follow up with that line of enquiry. Now, back to Derren Brown...

    OK, if you say so. So what does anyone think? How the hell did he predict those numbers?


    Depends how live it actually was...


    A-ha, now I understand not having C4. I'd just seen a facebook comment, a friend was highly suspicious that his hand seemed to be permanently attached to his head (speaker watch?). I myself am personally suspicious of anyone who can't spell the name Darren. Perhaps he is a dyslexic?

    I can't think of any legal reason why he couldn't have just shown the numbers beforehand. There's no law against predicting the lottery outcome or anything else as far as I know. A speaker watch wouldn't explain how he changed the numbers on the ping pong balls that never left the screen.

  6. DWB - I bet we are going to like it, not a lot, not a lot. Keep an eye out on the panto season would be my advice if you intend to follow up with that line of enquiry. Now, back to Derren Brown...

    OK, if you say so. So what does anyone think? How the hell did he predict those numbers?

  7. Fascinating thread, all new to me. I've been looking carefully at the pics and there's no sign of any lunchbox. But no squid beak either. One hell of a six pack though.


    Fatima Whitbread, however, was one sexy babe. A pity she felt it necessary to shave her armpits. :sick:

  8. This is something nice, but you don't have long to celebrate:


    At exactly 12.34pm today and 56 seconds it will be


    12.34.56 07.08.09


    Can't happen again for another 1000 years.

    Seconds to go!

    All gone! But what a moment.

    Bugger, misssed it.


    but what about nine minutes past eight pm, on the 20th September?


    20:09 20-09-2009


    Let us not forget that it will be 09:09:09 09.09.09 tomorrow morning.


    It hardly compares with the once in a millennia spectacular that occurred last month, but we'll all be dead by the time it happens again....Although actually, thinking about it, the same argument could be applied to every second that passes, but even so, tomorrow morning there will be a significant second.


    Edit - Thinking about it even more, I'd like to challenge Godot's claim that 12.34.56 07.08.09 can't happen again for another 1000 years, as it will happen again in 2109. This means that Rotten Ali's above mentioned moment in time is the most significant second and our two offerings are merely B List by comparison.


    Another edit - Continuing to think about it - straining my brain in the process - I don't think RA's selection is valid in the sense that with the date and time displayed like that, then no date could ever be repeated. But then again, wouldn't the other two mentioned be also unique if they weren't abbreviated? Does this mean that there isn't any such thing as a signficant second (not including the description of a spouse or partner)?


    Massively confused now and coming up with more questions than answers :) . I hope Monoclinic reads this, she'll be able to help.


    DDT I was quite enjoying the prospect of your second until you started carping about my second. I was going to set my alarm but don't think I will now. There should be enough room in the infinity of time for numerous intriguing seconds without having a debate over which is best. We'll be having a vote on it next.




    Godot you should get up tomorrow and savour the second anyway. I didn't mean to belittle your second which is just as good, if not better, if not slightly worse than my second. Put it this way, if you don't get up for this, you'll miss thousands of other equally unique, but possibly not quite so intriguing, seconds. You might only have a few hundred million seconds left to go, you should be awake to see as many of them as possible. :sick:


    I'll be up and ready to ponder over this tomorrow morning.


    I was stuck in to the Telegraph crossword and missed it - beginning to regret it now. It would have been a good second to savour.....for a second. I'm loath to admit it, but I thought your second was better - much neater. Also you were right about the 100 year repetition for my second. Not sure what to think of the one on the 20th. Better than your average second, for sure. Must try to catch that one. I wonder if there are any other good ones coming up?

  9. I just need to know, why people ask that we should not be discussing things! Discussion is available on any topic going and to say that any one topic should not be discussed is tantermount to underhand sensorship.


    I say discuss away and be damned.

    Are you seeking a discussion about discussion? Generally I'm all for discussion but I disagree that to say something should not be discussed is censorship, merely an opinion and everyone is entitled to that. But discussing people who we feel add little value to our lives, other than stir revulsion (does that have value?) is only giving them what Margaret Thatcher called "the oxygen of publicity." I can understand Terminator's frustration that continual discussion of these people is only adding to their notoriety and newsworthiness. But the media does that because it knows that everyone takes comfort from believing there is low life lower than their own. I couldn't give a monkey's whether we discuss these people or not but such discussion does support media conviction that these are newsworthy people. I guess I'm adding to it here but I'm a hack (washed up) and know that the newspapers know their readers.


    But even the media know that there is a limit to any newsworthiness of dead people.

  10. This is something nice, but you don't have long to celebrate:


    At exactly 12.34pm today and 56 seconds it will be


    12.34.56 07.08.09


    Can't happen again for another 1000 years.

    Seconds to go!

    All gone! But what a moment.

    Bugger, misssed it.


    but what about nine minutes past eight pm, on the 20th September?


    20:09 20-09-2009


    Let us not forget that it will be 09:09:09 09.09.09 tomorrow morning.


    It hardly compares with the once in a millennia spectacular that occurred last month, but we'll all be dead by the time it happens again....Although actually, thinking about it, the same argument could be applied to every second that passes, but even so, tomorrow morning there will be a significant second.


    Edit - Thinking about it even more, I'd like to challenge Godot's claim that 12.34.56 07.08.09 can't happen again for another 1000 years, as it will happen again in 2109. This means that Rotten Ali's above mentioned moment in time is the most significant second and our two offerings are merely B List by comparison.


    Another edit - Continuing to think about it - straining my brain in the process - I don't think RA's selection is valid in the sense that with the date and time displayed like that, then no date could ever be repeated. But then again, wouldn't the other two mentioned be also unique if they weren't abbreviated? Does this mean that there isn't any such thing as a signficant second (not including the description of a spouse or partner)?


    Massively confused now and coming up with more questions than answers :sick: . I hope Monoclinic reads this, she'll be able to help.


    DDT I was quite enjoying the prospect of your second until you started carping about my second. I was going to set my alarm but don't think I will now. There should be enough room in the infinity of time for numerous intriguing seconds without having a debate over which is best. We'll be having a vote on it next.

  11. Sir Patrick was in fine fettle, treating us to a classic "remove monocle, wink to camera" quip about cloud cover.

    Fettle? I certainly hope not. I suspect old one eye doesn't move much, but I doubt they've cast him bronze just yet.

    Anyway, thanks for the update Star Crossed, I used to enjoy tuning in to the Sky at Night so these asides are most welcome.

    I'll have to seek it out on the Worldwidegooglenet.

    The Sky At Night official website.


    Episode "Jupiter Rising" (September 2009)

    I see he's writing himself off before 2016, obviously not impressed with his pacemaker.

  12. My secret is that I'm an incurable gossip. :sick:

    I'm borderline dyslexic, hence my intense distaste of the "sorry im dislexic" argument used by various posters as an excuse for a low IQ, minimal attention span and mental retardation.

    That makes us soulmates honez. I'm about the same, always found writing and spelling tough so have little time for lazy bastards who won't make the effort to get things right.

  13. I'll wager that this is some sad cow who shagged him voluntarily and has now spotted a massive money-making, headline-grabbing opportunity by crying rape. I'll eat my hat if he's found guilty.


    I'd go further and say that she's been put up to it...

    I'd go EVEN FURTHER and say the sooner any mention of GOODY and TWEED is lost from this site.....the better.... :sick:


    Why discuss vermin (let alone maggot-ridden ones)....

    So why discuss them?

  14. Why not me?

    I could moderate.. probably. What's involved? Is there a test? :sick:

    Yes. Find the Secret Moderator button, hidden somewhere in one of the forum pages.

    It's been there for a while, so I'm surprised no-one has found it since the last intake, which seems like ages ago now.


    Damn it.

    I know you're taking the p1ss, but I suspect that I'll decide it's a double-bluff after half a bottle of tequila and end up looking for it.

    Yup, I can confirm, have been a secret moderator for years, but no-one must know.


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