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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Apologies to everyone but my internet provider on the laptop I transferred the whole DDP over recently has packed in (Thanks, Virgin Mobile for nothing...) & won't be fixed until the 6th September!


    Nice to see you're back in business Mr.O :sick: And a day earlier than predicted, too.

    I'll second that although the outage was disgraceful. Don't let it happen again. Even nicer to see my team in a more respectable position at last with Alencar and Swayze to come although I'm not too hopeful about the rest. The stats page is amazing and positively confirms far left brained status. If you read through the lines OoO this amounts to a compliment.

  2. hahaha..i didnt jnow that kim tae woo has interest in yuri..hehe..

    he want her to be his younger sister and he put her pic in his cabinet...haha..so cute...

    thanks for the translation....

    Any chance you could translate this for an English speaking audience?

  3. We have to start over because I don't know what a purple flair is either.

    Godot, at the Leeds Odeon, circa 1967.


    I'm not that old. I also had, er....a mullet. But yes I remember having 4ins stack heels two-toned shoes, panda collars, tank tops, Oxford bags and an RAF great coat - for a little while. My era was Slade, Sweet, Quo, Wishbone Ash, Yes, Curved Air, Led Zep, Rory Gallagher, oh and Roxy Music who crossed the divide between glam rock and progressive rock. Fashion went a little but like American cars did in the 1950s - over the top. But not in the clothes catalogues.


  4. I can't vote until you tell me what the hell a "nobber" is. It doesn't sound positive but it certainly isn't in my dictionary.


    It is not a clearly definable term, multifaceted if you like though essentially you are either a nobber or you are not. It is thus subjective. In terms of USAians and, of course my own opinions, the following may be classed as 'nobber':


    George W. Bush

    Tom Cruise

    Paris Hilton (ironically nobbing is her specialist subject)

    Fred Phelps

    Michael Jackson (dead nobber)

    Britney Spears

    O. J. Simpson

    David Blaine

    The Hoff



    You get the idea. Completeness comes with the degree of nobbingness endured by the general public through the usual media outlets.


    So, a nobber is a stupid scientologist who's a sexy hate monger with multiple plastic surgeries who goes around without panties and is a violent running back with a talent for illusions and an alcohol problem who wears stupid purple flares. Now I get it.


    You missed a bit.


    Godot in nobber shocker! :P


    I thought I was so hip with my CND pendant, tie dye tee shirt and my purple cord flairs from Littlewoods.

    In the mid 70s, at the tender age of about 10 when I was in the habit of miming to the likes of Slade and Sweet on TOTP and fancied myself as something of a fashion guru, I had a pair of crimson crushed velveteenish strides with spangly bits on the arse cheeks.


    How does that rate on the nobber scale?

    There was a lot of nobbing going on in the 70s. :rolleyes:

  5. I like glam rock. Not just the ‘good’ glam like Bolan, the Dolls, Bowie and Slade, but the naff Chinnichap/Martin & Coulter stuff on Bell and RAK like Arrows, the Rollers, Hello, the Sweet, Kenny, Suzi Q and even, dare I admit, Gary and his Glitter Band.


    Wait, there's worse. Wanting a nice little compilation, I trawled through Amazon and ended up buying this, which thankfully came wrapped in brown paper. So now, not only do I own songs by many of the above, I also have Donny Osmond's Puppy Love and Paper Lace's anti-war MOR monstrosity Billy Don't Be a Hero. I'll get help, I promise, though at least I've so far refrained from putting up the David Cassidy poster above my bed.


    Anyway, back to the pet-burying and cardboard boxes, everyone.


    Cheers for that 'arry, great songs on there. I love glam rock, much to the amusement of many people I have met that were teenagers in the early '70s. I remember one girl telling me most of them thought it a joke at the time, I don't remember it that way, mind you I didn't hit my teens until 1980.


    Anyway a little bit of Kenny for the uninitiated. I really loved that song, I can even remember ancient old aunties up on the dance floor at family weddings doing 'The Bump', if only we'd had video cameras back then. I always thought it odd that 'get them on the dancefloor interactive stuff like The Slosh (is that a Scottish thing only?) and The Locomotion have survived for years but The Bump died out.

    So what are your views on

    ? I was there at the time and I don't think anyone took it too seriously. There were some great disco songs such as Silver Lining and
    . The problem with Sweet and the Bay City Rollers was that every one of their songs sounded like the last one but you could also say that about Status Quo who got the vote from prog rock fans. David Bowie rose above it all by keeping fresh and bands such as T-Rex were a continual source of argument. But people fell in to various camps: Soul and Tamla Motown, glam rock (including Bowie) and progressive rock. Only the progressive rock fans took themselves seriously. I thought I was so hip with my CND pendant, tie dye tee shirt and my purple cord flairs from Littlewoods.

  6. Keith Waterhouse has died at the age of 80

    That's a shame, he wrote some very funny stuff (if not recently). The first book I remember making me laugh out loud was "Billy Liar".


    Shame he turned into a right-wing old bore, but then they all do in the end...


    I think it might have been some kind of illness because he wrote his last article for the Daily Maul a few weeks ago and

    it was promoted as such.


    I must send some flower's to his funeral!

    Must be some flower. What bit are you sending? The stem? A petal or two?

  7. A thing that I have been devoting some thought to recently is the fact that one of my facebook friends is a dead person.

    He was dead before he became my facebook friend and he continues to be so, nonetheless posting regular updates regarding his activities or lack of them.

    I mean obviously it's not him, it's his wife trying to keep his memory alive, but I mean it's a bit odd isn't it?

    I've just looked to see if a recently dead friend is on my list - think he was, but not now. You can see these Facebook pages becoming virtual shrines to the dead. Doing updates, I suppose, is a bit like talking to someone who has died at their grave, an attempt to breath life in to the dead. Why did you accept him as a friend if he was dead? That's a bit odd isn't it?

  8. Anyway, back to the pet-burying and cardboard boxes, everyone.


    Which raises the question, what ever happened with SttG and her dead lurcher problem from the summer of 2006?

    Did it get resolved? There are no answers on this thread now (if there ever were) :rolleyes:

    Just to recap for those who can't be bothered reading the thread. Slave to the Grave buried her dead pet lurcher in the garden of her auntie while they were house sitting. Her auntie, who it turns out had stolen some railings from a grave to adorn a fireplace as a fireguard, moved out and new people moved in. Naturally Slave was concerned that the new people (who had become friends) might dig up her dead dog (with collar, lead and name-and-address tag attached) and come knocking on her door asking why it had been buried in their garden. Worried about this possibility, Slave was planning to enter her friends' garden clandestinely, exhume the dog, and re-inter it in her's and Dave's garden. Then she discovered the friends were moving house so thought there could be an upcoming opportunity to move the body during the change-over. But did this happen? We do not know.


    Slave has been very quiet recently and several strands to this story remain unresolved or unexplained.


    Why did the Graves bury their dog with his trappings (collar, lead) like some Anglo Saxon chieftain burial? Why did her aunt steal the railings from someone's grave for a fireguard? Couldn't she have bought one at Argos like everybody else? Does grave-robbing run in the family? Was the dog dug up or is it still there and are the Graves living in fear that their secret will one day be exposed in an enthusiastic gardening spree by people who have no knowledge of any Grave connection and who may wonder why the bones of a dog, unconnected with their address, should by buried there?


    There may even be a dead cat there now as well as Slave confessed to a macabre plot that involved the intoxication of their friends, the sacrifice of their friends' pet cat and a potentially messy cat/dog swap that could have gone horribly wrong.

  9. So... should they let her out?


    I say yes. Everybody deserves mercy. Aren't those who made the decision to deny her parole setting a very bad example when it comes to displaying qualities of compassion and forgiveness?

    Purely from a deadpooling perspective I think they should. The hope of release keeps them going. Also I doubt if the care would be as good on the outside.

  10. June 9th is the start of her circumnavigation of the UK. The channel and the tour of the Isle of Wight are ont thing, but - bravery aside - this venture is one unforseen mishap away from full-on tragedy. We'll only know the safety precautions are adequate, when they are used for real.

    MPFC I think your instincts have been right on this one all along. She will have a support boat, I'm sure. But, all the same, if the seas get up as they will at times, there is a chance the support crew wouldn't be able to get near.


    It's not stupid, as Windsor has suggested. It's living and that's great for her, and if she dies, as could well happen, well she had a go at it. Good for her. I hope she succeeds but anyone who has her listed should keep a close eye on her progress. My guess is that, like Ran Fiennes on Everest, it will be a plucky attempt that doesn't make it.

    That's what comes from guessing.

  11. Simon Dee has died aged 74.

    He was apparently one of British television's biggest personalities in the 1960s.



    Fk me that was quick. According to the 'Mail On Sunday' (paper edition), he 'only had days to live'!


    He was certainly very big in the 60's, though I have to confess all I can remember of his TV show is the E-type.

    He would have made a great pick. I remember Dee Time on the prime time Saturday evening slot. It was as well patronised as Strictly Come Dancing is today and he was a big TV star, then just sort of disappeared until some stories appeared about him as a bus driver.

  12. There are two surviving residents of St Kilda, including the son of Mary Gillies, the woman whose death from appendicitis in January 1930 finally prompted the remaining islanders to petition for evacuation. It's widely - and wrongly - believed now that the islanders were driven off, in fact they got together and decided to leave.

    Funny you should mention this. I was chatting to someone only last week about the upcoming 80th anniversary. Many years ago I asked about interviewing some survivors but was told they didn't like to talk about their time there.

  13. Duck goes in to a shop and says: "Have you any bread?"


    Shopkeeper says: "No."


    Duck says: "Have you any bread?"


    Shopkeeper says: "No."


    Duck says: "Have you any bread?"


    Shopkeeper says: "Look, if you ask that question one more time I'm going to nail your beak to the counter."


    Duck says: "Have you any nails?"


    Shopkeeper says: "No."


    Duck says: "Have you any bread?"

  14. People who park in parent and child spaces with school-age, mobile and biddable children however, should be shot.


    I'm all in favour of giving these people special parking bays in the far distant reaches of the car park.

    I like to park well away from the supermarket entrance as the walk does me good. On the other hand the only advantage of having an elderly mother-in-law is that she has a disabled sticker so I take her whenever I can on city centre shopping sprees then leave her to fend for herself.

  15. I wonder what a hunter gatherer would make of these last few posts. When I was a kid we didn't have a supermarket or a car. I went to town with my mum on a bus and she bought the groceries for the next few days on the market, fitting them in to two shopping bags. I don't recall her moaning about how difficult things were. Today we have so-called "convenience stores" and everyone moans about how inconvenient they are.


    ...and to continue my assault on pedants who get it wrong, there is nothing wrong with split infinitives. No-one knows where the prejudice came from. Occasionally split infinitives sound clumsy but there' nothing grammatically or syntactically wrong. Indeed the whole sense of the sentence 'the ice failed to completely melt' changes if you unsplit the infinitive.


    Other than that I haven't the faintest clue what this thread is about.


    Hmmm, nice example Pook. I suppose you could say: "The ice did not all melt", which might be a little less clumsy. Ripping thread, have to say, at the expense of Mr Hitman.


    Tried to jump the fence on my motorbike but got caught at the Swiss Border and chucked back in the slammer. Ducked the old girl for a little dip (only a little one mind) in here and what do I find but a site plastered all over the place with vacuous comments from someone who dresses his posts in the pseudo sounding language of Noel Coward's lesser known brother Eric - the one who ran off with the milkman. Could I suggest a Lord Charles avatar, complete with monacle and Ray Alan's arm up his jacksie.

    Ray Alan is 76 incidentally, should watch out for vetriloquists. They die young (Shari Lewis, Jim Henson).


    Shari Lewis dead? Poor LambChop. Though if he inherited her estate he will, no doubt, be minted.



    I've only just noticed this and I'm offended. Lamb Chop was clearly female.

    But was she straight? Doesn't bother me one bit if LC played the finger puppet with Shari. Just curious.

  17. It would seem holding the title of "Britain's oldest man" is akin to being manager of Newcastle United (except there's no Chris Hughton to step in on a temporary basis):


    Bog Taggart dies "just 20 days after inheriting the title Britain's Oldest Man from Harry Patch"


    Correction: Seems the Mirror may have got it wrong (according to Wikipedia :unsure: ), Bob was Scotland's oldest (b 28 Jun 1900) but Britain's oldest is still Stanley Lucas (b 15 Jan 1900). However, the Scottish Daily Record and Glasgow Evening Times also reported Bob as being Britain's oldest man following Harry's death. Can anyone verify Stanley's status?





    Bog off.

  18. [i think you should be one. That way I wouldn't have to f'uck around putting apostrophes in f'uck.


    You'd still have to f*ck about with the apostrophes, as I have said before, mods have no control over the swear filter or even access to it (more's the pity) that's for admins only, we have very few 'powers'.

    These admins.

    Is it all a bit Charlies Angels?

    You have your strings pulled by people you dont know but know are there............spooky.

    I think they are highly intelligent, wonderful, warm human beings who are itching to remove the apostrophe from "f'uck."

    Yup, they all went to top universities and joined investment banks. S'true.

  19. I got back from a Holiday in Cyprus in the early hours of this morning, 5 hours in a sardine tin, no leg room for anybody over 4ft 2ins and an utter prick of a teenager who wanted to put his seat ( I was sitting behind him) into my f'ucking lap and b'ollocks. The fact that he could get his seat beyond the standard tilt, standard being more than enough on a small sh*t plane, didnt seem to phase him at all, until I pushed his seat forwards and him into the seat infront of him.

    In suprise he turned to me, allowing me to let him know that I had no intention of spending 5 hrs with his seat in my fekin lap, but or no buts.

    The little prick feigned the old "damaged seat" ploy ( later discounted by the Stewardess...so he was a liar as well as a c'unt ) and it was only when my knees had pushed his seat so far forwards that he could see up his own a'rsehole that his father intervened.....the little weasel :unsure:

    Unfortunately, I couldnt rip his spine out as I would have been arrested, not something I seek.

    You see, 99% of us who fly, fly with the seat upright, not because its comfortable ( most short haul planes are small and crap) but because its courteous, you want as much room as possible, so why deny anybody else that?

    Basic respect, understanding, courtesy, care, you name it, its missing from our society.

    That little prick will grow into an even more selfish prick who will breed and have baby pricks, generation after generation of humans without any moral compass.

    Worst of all its turning the mild mannered into vengful and aggressive monsters who no longer want to " let it be" but want revenge, let alone take a stand.

    Im seething!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great post LFN. The real villains are the airlines who think it's OK to stack people like sardines. I think they make these reclining seats for the perverse enjoyment of their staff.



    , this or this might prove therapeutic.

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