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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Now that's what I call SIGNIFICANT 2009 is steaming with two big scoring calls on Jade Goody and Michael Jackson. First time too. A deathlister by any chance?

  2. I couldn't help noticing in the BBC footage of Harry Patch's funeral that the phantom clapper was on the street. Everyone is standing in respectful silence until the phantom clapper starts and suddenly everyone is clapping.


    Also couldn't help noticing that the Vicar from Dad's Army was officiating.


    Finally I notice that one of the buglers enjoys a little circulatory flourish with his bugle. Has the Barmy Army's Billy the Bugler been taking some enforced time off from his test match duties? Just wondered.

  3. Great site that will assist one of our favorite subject at work - celebrity death!


    A contact at the Beeb suggests they've been dusting off Maggie's obituary this week - do they know something not in the public domain?

    Congratulations Grande Pablo on such a tantalising first post. If Maggie goes this week or next this post will go down in DL folklore. Of course if she hangs on another year or more your name will be forever associated with deathlist timewasters and you will trudge the forums for all eternity with the DL mark of Cain on your reputation. No one shall speak of it but all will know and you will slither from thread to thread like a slimy worm and those who see your posts will say: "Yea, there goes the slimy worm who bore false witness as we thirsted and grovelled for news of her Thatcherness." Or summat.

  4. I see that they're moving the hunt to Australia now. Well, the weather has been crap here and I'm sure Kate & Gerry could do with a holiday. Better leave the twins behind though - you know what dingos can be like when they find unattended children!

    You really are a stupid c.u.n.t aren't you.


    What a tiresomely predictable response. It absolves you of nothing except originality.

    Are we going to get an explanation for the these vituperative posts Tempus? Is Madcow your estranged Missus or something?

  5. I kind of agree with Harry. There is nobody (with the possible exception of BCAlum) that we can really take the piss out of on here anymore. Sure, we get the odd idiot that turns up for a day or two then naffs off again, but nobody with the real class of twattery shown by BS.


    Lardy, that's defeatist talk.

  6. Mmmm, Aquino and Robson double might get me in to the top 20 for the first time this year, not good enough to catch those Goody speculators, but a bit more respectable. I guess a few others had them together as well. Nonetheless, a bright start to the weekend.

  7. I have noticed some rather rude comments directed at the gentle LFN, Lardy, Rotten Ali and the "mostly harmless" Honez to name just five.

    By mostly harmless do you mean in the Douglas Adams sense?

    Or is this a conundrum in the Mensa challenge mould? Viz: "gentle" is to Lord Fellatio Nelson, as "mostly harmless" is to...

    Honez, I wouldn't have thought you needed to ask. Mostly harmless is to LFN as gentle is to Dylan Thomas. Simples!

  8. No firm evidence of death yet, you cannot claim DDP points. A bit like Steve Fossett last year.


    Oh, and it's just a bird. Maybe I should put up a posting for the ant I killed in the kitchen?

    Just a bird? Philistine. I have just been watching Ospreys in Scotland, The ones we watched on the river Cassley had just the one chick. Another nest about seven miles away was deserted when only one parent returned. That said the Ospreys generally are doing quite well and there are plenty about in Scotland, everywhere except Fraserborough. I'm on the move from nest to nest just now (Funchal today) hence sporadic posting. I can't help noticing there seems to have been an influx of dickheads on the forum. Oh well, I guess it's the silly season. Whoever you are, welcome dickheads but don't overstay and don't on any account upset our cherished regulars. I have noticed some rather rude comments directed at the gentle LFN, Lardy, Rotten Ali and the "mostly harmless" Honez to name just five. If just one dickhead could be converted in to a reasonably articulate poster I guess that would be a result. I'm not holding my breath.

    If I am meant to draw an inference that I am a dickhead, get a life. Some people obviously have no sense of humour.


    Oh dear, no Applecool, please don't draw that inference. Read the note. It said Philistine, not dickhead. You live in Australia so I'm not sure whether you are a Prisoner of Mother England or a genuine Aussie. But it must be tough there at the moment, living with the shame of defeat at Lords. You have my commiserations. I guess the ant was called Flintoff.


    I slept well in my bunker DDT after a glass or two of chilled Madeira.

  9. It is sh*te.


    Reminds me of Art Garfunkel or Leonard Nimoy.

    Or what was that Australian guy's name? Ron something.

    Ah NAP, I think you're thinking of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.

  10. White 10, an osprey.


    No firm evidence of death yet, you cannot claim DDP points. A bit like Steve Fossett last year.


    Oh, and it's just a bird. Maybe I should put up a posting for the ant I killed in the kitchen?

    Just a bird? Philistine. I have just been watching Ospreys in Scotland, The ones we watched on the river Cassley had just the one chick. Another nest about seven miles away was deserted when only one parent returned. That said the Ospreys generally are doing quite well and there are plenty about in Scotland, everywhere except Fraserborough. I'm on the move from nest to nest just now (Funchal today) hence sporadic posting. I can't help noticing there seems to have been an influx of dickheads on the forum. Oh well, I guess it's the silly season. Whoever you are, welcome dickheads but don't overstay and don't on any account upset our cherished regulars. I have noticed some rather rude comments directed at the gentle LFN, Lardy, Rotten Ali and the "mostly harmless" Honez to name just five. If just one dickhead could be converted in to a reasonably articulate poster I guess that would be a result. I'm not holding my breath.

  11. 5-0 to England.

    Did you get distracted by something half-way through posting Godot? Surely you meant 5-0 to England's weather.


    That's morely likely than any other 5-0 result in this series.

    Well you have to be a bit optimistic living here Gunjy. The weather hasn't been too bad of late although it looks as if it's going to hit this match. I was imagining the glory of a series whitewash and the even greater glory of predicting it, fantasist as I am, but that was before Ponting and Katich got stuck in to us. Looks like it's time for plan B today: get them all out for 350 before lunch then build up a good total to finish the match in four days. That ought to do it. Ooo look, a pig with feathers has just landed in the garden.

  12. Wasn't sure if this is the right spot but here goes...Robert S. McNamara, the secretary of defense vilified for carrying out the Vietnam War, died Monday.


    You've probably found the most relevant thread on the right subforum (proof if need be there are so many random threads in random places) if a little late, I wouldn't know, I ignore the DL gestapo, however on the subject of etiquette could you turn it down a little? Please. :)


    Of course feel free to ignore me like I ignore the other 57 anal bastards around here. I like a rebel, except of course when they choose to use comic sans or support southampton :blink:


    What's wrong with Southampton?


    Bugger, nothing (well apart from the heartbreakingly obvious). That should have read P'ortsmouth.


    Also ignoring the 57 anal bastards, would it be too out of the way to ask for the use of "on" between died and Monday? He died on Monday.

  13. Don't think me strange but I vote for watching random people doing random things. Or just putting oddballs in here for their entertainment value. Now being the inquisitive sort this could equally go in room 101 as you never quite know WHY they do the things they do.


    Today on the train a couple of rows in front of me were an oldish couple. Already in a bay of four the gentleman decided to sit diagonally behind the lady but would incessently go back and forth to fiddle with the bags throughout the hour I was aboard. Here is the action I found most bizarre: In his own private bay of seats he produced a can of Coke Zero and another 500 mL bottle 5/8 th full of what looked like Coke Zero again. Each of these bottles were in clear plastic bags. He rummaged around for a key to open the ringpull then poured in some of the contents to the Coke bottle then after another faff produced a 500 mL bottle of water which was about 1/2 drunk. He poured in some water to the now topped up bottle of coke but it still looked like Coke. To the bottle of water he added the rest of the can of Coke. This took on the colour of a Long Island iced tea, which is undoubtedly a favourite of mine (when accompanied with all its *white spirits* and sours and not in this case water). He examined the colours in turn and then took a long drink from both bottles before wrapping them back up in their bags. At this point I was a bit miffed he wasn't going to pour them into each other to even up the concentrations.


    Anyway, for room lovely I'd like to put in strangers as there's nowt so queer as folks. Even if hell is other people, from a distance they're really quite funny.

    Mono, he was probably an actor rehearsing a part in a Beckett play. In fact that was probably the whole play.


    However Jean Claude Van Damme is the only Belgian actor and he didn't have the "moules" to be him!

    Supposing he wasn't Belgian? I've just been on a train in France and I'm not Belgian. Or perhaps he just imagined himself as Van Damme. But I doubt if Van Damme would do Beckett. I could be wrong. I still think the rehearsal scenario is feasible. It would explain why the lady was sitting in a different set of seats since she might have been coming to the first night and he didn't want to spoil things for her. I've been in a Beckett play that involved a bottle and a banana but the bottle was made of glass and the banana was made of banana stuff. This could be a "modern" interpretation. I have also seen someone rehearsing on a train before. This was an actress on the tube. But it wasn't Beckett and she managed without props. I got off at Green Park so never found out what happened.

  14. Don't think me strange but I vote for watching random people doing random things. Or just putting oddballs in here for their entertainment value. Now being the inquisitive sort this could equally go in room 101 as you never quite know WHY they do the things they do.


    Today on the train a couple of rows in front of me were an oldish couple. Already in a bay of four the gentleman decided to sit diagonally behind the lady but would incessently go back and forth to fiddle with the bags throughout the hour I was aboard. Here is the action I found most bizarre: In his own private bay of seats he produced a can of Coke Zero and another 500 mL bottle 5/8 th full of what looked like Coke Zero again. Each of these bottles were in clear plastic bags. He rummaged around for a key to open the ringpull then poured in some of the contents to the Coke bottle then after another faff produced a 500 mL bottle of water which was about 1/2 drunk. He poured in some water to the now topped up bottle of coke but it still looked like Coke. To the bottle of water he added the rest of the can of Coke. This took on the colour of a Long Island iced tea, which is undoubtedly a favourite of mine (when accompanied with all its *white spirits* and sours and not in this case water). He examined the colours in turn and then took a long drink from both bottles before wrapping them back up in their bags. At this point I was a bit miffed he wasn't going to pour them into each other to even up the concentrations.


    Anyway, for room lovely I'd like to put in strangers as there's nowt so queer as folks. Even if hell is other people, from a distance they're really quite funny.

    Mono, he was probably an actor rehearsing a part in a Beckett play. In fact that was probably the whole play.

  15. celebrities are falling like acorns from the autumn trees. rip karl

    Flies, surely. It's summer.


    There has to be a more original simile?


    What else, what else.....?



    ......like the loosened remains of last night's Vindaloo.


    ......like the ears of ripened corn in tomorrow's Weetabix.


    ......like snowflakes in somewhere unusually snowy for summer.


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