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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Key - good for opening doors.


    Major - good for giving orders in the Army.


    When stuffed in sentences for emphasis in news writing they're signs of a bad hack. Of course they're all over the place in management speak (as in KPI - key performance indicator) but nothing can be done about that.

  2. There's been a bit of chat about people using big words and overuse of certain words here. What words or phrases would you happily see discarded in to the dictionary shredder (note careful avoidance of word filter)?


    Significant is a bete noir of Handrejka. Bete noir might be somebody else's bete noir. Top of my list is in tandem meaning one behind the other, but frequently misused, particularly by sports writers, as a phrase for a partnership.

  3. [rant] If I can throw my two cents worth in here, I find this thread amusing, and the fact that the swear filter is being used (or abused) is extremely funny. I think the majority of people whingeing about it are fekin pathetic.


    Where's your sense of humor? Lost up your own arseholes by the looks of things. I'm sure there's more to life (or death) than moaning about a few swear words being slightly changed. [/rant]





    Eight posts since March and you think your opinion is relevant?

    F'uck off.

    Now that was amusing. :D


    Talk about monkey see monkey do! Don't you have an opinion of your own Godot?




    Well I do Paul, but it just gets filtered out. And someone has to eat the tics off LFN.

  4. WAHEY it's Funtime Friday! I have no kid, another spanking new bottle of vodka and two litres of orange juice just waiting to be poured down my dry-as-Ghandi's-flip-flop throat. I might even have a kebab too. I love my life.


    Enjoy LB :party:, I love mine too, I got the all clear on some health issues today and after all the upheaval of a marriage breakdown and moving to a country area where employment is extremely low I'm going back into paid employment in 2 weeks time, so you can guess that the wine is flowing freely here tonight, may give the kebab a miss though as they haven't quite reached the Borders yet, roast pig on a spit is the local yokels sort of thing :D .

    Enjoy your wine LG and have a kiss from me.



  5. Obama continues traditional US pigdog imperialist aggression policies towards smaller, weaker nations.


    Oh Barry Barry, it was all supposed to be so different this time.


    (Incidentally, why is he 'recumbent' in the thread title? Does he spend a lot of time in the horizontal position?)


    Interestingly, the fly put up a more spirited defense before being vanquished than did the entire Republican Guard in both Iraq wars combined.


    And France in WWII.

    Not to mention Jeff Goldblum.

  6. [rant] If I can throw my two cents worth in here, I find this thread amusing, and the fact that the swear filter is being used (or abused) is extremely funny. I think the majority of people whingeing about it are fekin pathetic.


    Where's your sense of humor? Lost up your own arseholes by the looks of things. I'm sure there's more to life (or death) than moaning about a few swear words being slightly changed. [/rant]





    Eight posts since March and you think your opinion is relevant?

    F'uck off.

    Now that was amusing. :D

  7. Word on the street has it that the poor gullible fools (sorry, the Godot swear filter has changed my attempt to write m'oderators) do not have the powers to f'uck around with the swear filter and that only twatheads (duh, it's done it again) can do so. Looking at the list of twatheads (sorry, A'dmins) there are not many contenders.


    I really do not want to get into the debate over swear filters etc, I'm afraid most of this thread has passed me by over the last few days as I've had a real change in my circumstances and for the better, it was only that another mod PM'ed me and told me that the mods were being called fools that brought it to my attention, yes I admit we can be, I hold my hands up to major tinkering in certain annoying peoples sigs and I remember when the DL had an intake of mods back in August 2005 lots of sigs were tinkered with, mine certainly was and my real name appeared on it for a few days as it's a Marillion song (and no I am not called Kayleigh :blink: ) and to this day TLC still thinks stilt walking is my hobby :evil2: . I do object to being classed as a fool of any variety though, for 4 weeks in Nov/Dec last year we had a massive amount of spammers hitting this web forum, it was constant and if those threads hadn't been removed the threads you all enjoy would have been buried under an uncountable number of threads advertising how to get your dick hard, give her the perfect orgasm etc. I spent far too many hours on here deleting post after post and banning the spammers at all times of the day and night and I know other mods did too, so please don't be so quick to judge us, we do a lot of background stuff to keep the forum running and enjoyable and seriously, if mods could have tinkered with the swear filter it would have been done back in August '05!


    Lady G, I would not dream of calling the poor gullible fools poor gullible fools. It's my swear filter that's doing that every time I try to write poor gullible fools. There it goes again. Annoying isn't it? It's what passes for satire on here these days. No offence intended to you or any other m'oderator.

  8. PS. I don't think MPFC you will be so allegedly neutral when you see what has happened to your precious team.



    Carlisle United



    Nah, I don't get it.

    That's because the swear filter f'ucker changed it back from Manchester United which had been appearing in its place. We ain't safe in our language any more. The genie has been let out of the bottle or summat and order won't be restored until we vote with our feet. I've only got about seventy posts anyway before I retire at 3,000.


    Madame Defarge you're a saint. To have a full bells and whistles inquiry in to something like that when it was caused by some office martinet suggests that people have too little to do. Torture is too kind for such people. I need to go on your course Lardy.

  9. Well the humble opinion of the pseudo-Belgian jury thinks some people are wetting themselves over a whole load of nothing. If anything it could ignite a magnesium-bright spark of ingenuity amongst regular posters, encouraging experimentation on a scale not seen since a little project went horribly wrong in Manhattan. The richness and diversity of the English (and Dutch) languages are at stake here, where else could one find the inspiration to exploit the zirconesque quality of muffafucking and cocktractor to humouristic effect. 99.3% of the posts are plain dull of late, which can't make for a distracting break Godot can it? In fact to be honest of late I'd prefer to re-read the knee deep piles of J Bollocks Chem on my desk than the drivel we are constantly churning out here.


    Anyway, I add my tuppenceworth as I stand up and say I was another one of the instigators, encouraging a poor anonymous mod to have a fiddle. Now moving swiftly on and back to felching.

    Mono and Handrejka outed! I say burn 'em as witches! Get your facts right Mono - it's 99.4 per cent of posts. I have just checked and my underpants are dry, if a little sweaty. But I don't think the two of you could have done this alone, even if you were pulling the strings, so to speak. This was an inside job. Where is Star Crossed when we need him?


    PS. I don't think MPFC you will be so allegedly neutral when you see what has happened to your precious team.

  10. Yeah, but - either way - the question remains which side of the debate - admins or posters - has had the sense of humour bypass. Obviously, in the great Iranian election challenging tradition the greater number is right, summat. (It's a.......MIRACLE!)

    FFS if we come on here we can't mind the odd whoopee cushion or arsey remark at our expense. My middle name is tolerance. Ask Canadian Paul. It's not a question of sense of humour bypasses but about what passes for humour. My humour is at a pretty low ebb as I'm under a lot of pressure of work at the moment - and that really is a four letter word. So I flit on to the site looking for something stimulating such as Lardy's last spat with a neighbour or the latest maudlin bulletin from Fraserborough. I'm quite happy to read some banal post about the death of the last refugee from the great Tongan earthquake of 1937 or the glory days of C'arlisle United (were there any? Note: that's been splatted now too ). I don't even mind f'ucking with the swear filter for a subtle joke but this has worn thin 'is all. Also it's not posters against twatheads (sorry, filter still in place). I doubt if more than one a'dmin was responsible and it was hilariously side splitting for a post or two, I'm sure.


    Candy floss



    Yes it was.


    On the other hand, do I really give a flying f'uck about any of this? No, not a bit. Now get down off that fence MPFC and tell it how you really see it rather than the "some say this and some say that" attempt at statesmanship... or summat.


    And another thing - while I will be getting it in the neck, I am speaking for others on this too.


    Candy floss it. I didn't want to be the fekin shop steward on this.

  11. Word on the street has it that the poor gullible fools (sorry, the Godot swear filter has changed my attempt to write m'oderators) do not have the powers to f'uck around with the swear filter and that only twatheads (duh, it's done it again) can do so. Looking at the list of twatheads (sorry, A'dmins) there are not many contenders.


    List of twatheads


    Death Watch Beatle

    Football Fan

    Grim Reaper


    Heaven Can Wait

    Magere Hein

    Stayin Alive

    Stayin Alive2


    Death Watch can be ruled out as I've met him and he drinks beer and stuff. Football Fan rarely clocks in these days, Hein hasn't been seen for over a year and I'm not sure that Stayin Alive has managed to achieve his stated aim, even at the second attempt. I assume GRMod is a spare for the GR who also hasn't been down for a while and, well, it couldn't possibly be How Crabs Walk (bugger, that swear filter again) could it? Could it? I couldn't swear to it (and that's the problem). Say it ain't so.

  12. As far as I can see this is the list with maybe a few omissions. I assume it's been compiled by a moderator. I had hitherto believed that mods were chosen for their maturity and good sense but it seems lacking here. I agree wholeheartedly with LFN that use of the word filter in this way is simply puerile. Worst of all it lacks any humour or consistency. If you're going to f'uck around with the word filter the first rule should be "don't." If you can't help yourself, the second rule says "be imaginative" and the third rule says "be consistent" with the fourth "don't push it." This latest intervention breaks all of those rules.


    F'ucking around with the swear filter in this way seems ill-mannered and ill-conceived at a time when the the forum needs to be encouraging contributions from its regulars, not pissing them off. It's not as if it's gone beyond a joke because it wasn't a joke in the first place, just irritating. So whoever the tamperer is, and you know who you are, please stop being a clown and a muppet and whenever you feel the urge to play with the swear filter go play with yourself instead or take a long walk which amounts to the same thing according to this checklist.



    F'uck = toffee apple

    C'unt = clown

    Twat = twat

    Bastard = bastard

    s'hit = excrement

    bloody = bloody

    bugger =bugger

    Shag = shag

    twatface = twatface

    f'ucker = I have piles

    f'ucking = fekin

    f'uckwit = muppet

    a'rse = bott

    a'rsehole = donkey doo

    piss = piss

    pissing = pissing

    tit = tit

    fart = fart

    c'ock = ding-a-ling

    bollocks = bollocks

    w'anker = Walker

    s'ignifcant = worthless

    s'ummat = simmit

  13. Twitter, it's great for health news. Peter Tork from The Monkees has announced the cancer he thought he was rid of has come back.


    found out weds my cancer has recurred... shocked, but stabilizing now...dr says 80% chance they can get ahead of it...i'm pretty optimistic!

    How does that work? Wouldn't you have to be following him to see that on Twitter? I assume it was reported somewhere else that he had Tweeted his news. He doesn't have many followers. Ex-Monkees can't be much of a draw any more.

  14. Robert Kennedy was assassinated today in 1968...


    I remember it well. I was going round a zoo in Derbyshire when they broke the news. I remember thinking "f*ck it, another one," well probably a milder exclamation since I was a kid. I can't remember what kids were using for exclamations of shock 40 years ago. It was probably "oh!"

  15. Does anyone else hereabouts actually see the attraction in this kinda strangulated, subterranean toss-off caper?


    Not me, that's for sure. Stephen Milligan and I may have been engaged, but that was as far as it went. Honest.

    Yes, he did like to bury his face in plastic bags. I'm sure you made him very happy - for a while.

  16. With the 65th anniversary of D-Day on the horizon, is it worth starting a WWII thread yet?


    No. There are still hundreds of survivors in each participating nation.

    Fair enough. My topic-initiating total shall remain resolutely at 1.



    G'day deathlisters.


    Maybe we could start a thread about one of the conflicts in between the World Wars, Spanish Civil war perhaps?


    Yes, that was the idea behind this thread - to mop up those surviving various conflicts, actions, disasters etc from times past that, realistically, are not on their own (unlike the Titanic for example) going to stimulate a lengthy discussion. There has already been some mention somehwere of that dodgy Wikipedia entry with its limited number of Spaniards.


    Sometimes it's a fine call between an exclusive and a collective thread and were we to have many Spanish forum members it might be merited. Anyway it's something you might chat about with the other 43 body snatchers. I mean it's not as if they are Munchkins, is it?


    I should add there that I mean Spaniards, not body snatchers although some Munchkins may be body snatchers and some, indeed may be Spaniards. There's an outside possibility, I suppose, of a Spanish Munchkin body snatcher (not you perchance?) and if anyone knows of one, he or she - that is the SMBS - probably deserves their own thread, or at least an appearance on Spain's Got Talent which I imagine would feature a lot of women with castanets, stamping their feet to Flamenco guitar. A flamenco-dancing Spanish Civil war veteran munchkin would be quite a draw. But his fame could make him vulnerable to kidnap. I can see the headline now in El Mundo, translated: Body snatching gang seize civil war veteran munchkin dancer - McCann connection suspected.


    ¿ Could our antihero also be a sombrero wearing ex-matedor with a connection to the Costa del Crime, grassy bott ?


    Damn I've been filter foiled, grassy a rse

    The disguise will fool no-one.


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