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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Okey, this may sound kind of lame, but I like some help from the astablished members here on how my personal death list should look like for next year. Since I entered this site I've always had difficulty processing the flood of information on here. I've tried many times to closely look at the "ideas and possibilitys"-thread but it's so overactive that I never really have the time to look these people up and catogorise them on importance and sickness, and oftenly feel that it just become's to much to make sense of. If some experienced members here could help me through it a bit and (how sad as it may sound) can help me compose my list for next year, I'd realy apriciate it.


    I made a list wich can function as the base (lot of people could die and get sick in the upcoming year) for my personal list next year. From a professional/experienced view how does it look, who should I add and who should I leave out???


    1. Ariel Sharon

    2. Johannes Heesters

    3. Farah Fawcett

    4. Frederick Chiluba

    5. Tanja Nijmeijer

    6. José Alancar

    7. Željko Šturanović

    8. Don Van Vliet

    9. Bobby Robson

    10. Abu Ayyub al-Masri

    11. Fidel Castro

    12. Corazan Aquino

    13. Patrick Swayze

    14. Elizabeth Taylor

    15. Norman Wisdom

    16. Ted Kennedy

    17. Vincent Siew

    18. Adolfo Suárez

    19. Pierre Cardin

    20. Princess Lilian, Duchess of Halland

    21. Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

    22. Louise Bourgeois

    23. Ali Hassan al-Majid

    24. John Demjanjuk

    25. Stephen Hawking

    Vaagheid, it looks to me as if you can swim on your own now. It's a lovely looking list, if slightly long for the DDP. Don Van Vliet!! You big tease.

  2. With the 65th anniversary of D-Day on the horizon, is it worth starting a WWII thread yet?


    No. There are still hundreds of survivors in each participating nation.

    Fair enough. My topic-initiating total shall remain resolutely at 1.



    G'day deathlisters.


    Maybe we could start a thread about one of the conflicts in between the World Wars, Spanish Civil war perhaps?


    Yes, that was the idea behind this thread - to mop up those surviving various conflicts, actions, disasters etc from times past that, realistically, are not on their own (unlike the Titanic for example) going to stimulate a lengthy discussion. There has already been some mention somehwere of that dodgy Wikipedia entry with its limited number of Spaniards.


    Sometimes it's a fine call between an exclusive and a collective thread and were we to have many Spanish forum members it might be merited. Anyway it's something you might chat about with the other 43 body snatchers. I mean it's not as if they are Munchkins, is it?


    I should add there that I mean Spaniards, not body snatchers although some Munchkins may be body snatchers and some, indeed may be Spaniards. There's an outside possibility, I suppose, of a Spanish Munchkin body snatcher (not you perchance?) and if anyone knows of one, he or she - that is the SMBS - probably deserves their own thread, or at least an appearance on Spain's Got Talent which I imagine would feature a lot of women with castanets, stamping their feet to Flamenco guitar. A flamenco-dancing Spanish Civil war veteran munchkin would be quite a draw. But his fame could make him vulnerable to kidnap. I can see the headline now in El Mundo, translated: Body snatching gang seize civil war veteran munchkin dancer - McCann connection suspected.

  3. German architect Moritz Kock (54) died on Air France Flight 447, after visiting Oscar Niemeyer. Both met to speak about a swimmimg pool, which will be buildt in Potsdam near Berlin. After inviting Niemeyer to Germany, Kock decided ti visit him in Brazil. The ancient Brazilian architekt did not like to fly. (Now he know's, why!)



    So is this the curse of the squid? Moritz Kock sounds like someone in the silly names thread. At least he got his swimming pool although possibly a tad larger than he envisaged. I expect it will be built now with a wave machine, water splash and a high dive platform thanks to the untimely flash of inspiration.

  4. What is it with Gordon Brown commenting on these lowest common denominator reality TV stars? Firstly he made a statement when Jade Goody died, and now this? I mean seriously, are these people that important that the prime minister has to talk about them? (To his voter base, probably yes...)

    I wouldn't call her lowest common denominator and this isn't reality TV in the Big Brother sense (or no silly billy sense). She does sing well. I read somewhere that Boyle was starved of oxygen at birth whereas Goody and her fellow housemates were starved of publicity before uncle Max waved his wand. Boyle's fame is a phenomenom. She's as big in the US as she is here, possibly bigger (although I hadn't heard of her until Saturday). Sadly, if she has really flipped, she may never get the chance to demonstrate her undoubted talent. But it never stopped Jimmy Savile (whose talent isn't undoubted).


    Brown can't win. If he ignores these people he is pilloried and he gets it in the neck when he comments, not that I want to be an apologist for Gordon Brown and this morally bankrupt Parliament.


    If she does make it out with some treatment and she has the right support and depilatory advice, she could be a positive image for people with mental health problems and that has to be a good thing.

  5. That's a very colourful Godot-Squid - he's just had a fight with a Japanese whaler, apparently. I have created a squid too ( now there's a sentence I never thought I'd use ). I couldn't bring myself to call it ' Six-Squid ', so it's just called ' Six '. !!

    I see there's a bunch of six squids on there. I guess your's is the green and blue one that's just been attacked by a penguin.

  6. OR you just can't admit you're wrong and you can't be arsed checking before you post?



    Can't think of anyone else like that...


    Anyway...Danny La Rue has died aged 81.


    He probably has his own thread but I'll be stuffed if I can be bothered with that bloody seach feature.

    What a drag.

  7. I would say that your disparate "mob mentality" has forced certain members (eg Banshee Screams, One Man Jury) to just stop bothering being involved in this site.


    In terms of Banshee Screams, I have been as active as anyone to hit on his/her strange statements. However, I would never stifle those absurd reasonings. I feel the moderators and the "in crowd" are stifling a wider debate on life.


    Perhaps the destlist site should be consigned to oblivion. Unfortunately, it appears to be collapsing in on itself...minimal entries...


    Would anyone like to shake up this site and argue fully that this is not the case?


    There is no mob mentality on here.

    Take a look back at the poll I ran an age back regarding Mr Scream.

    As many people believed that he should remain a member of this site as those that wanted him run out of town.

    That plank of your argument is, respectfully, bollocks.

    "In crowd?" I suppose there is a collective of members that have interacted off site and have even met each other ( Guilty M'lud ) but its hardly an "in crowd" just ordinary people, most of us posting in a manner and style vastly different to each other. We dont scheme, conspire nor do we have any agenda. We are here for many different reasons and get from the site what we put into it.

    Im trying to understand what you mean by "wider debate on life?"

    Most of the traffic on this site is probably about anything and everything that does not include the names of DL 2009.

    We have discussed birth, death, art, nostalgia, wrestlers, music, hates, likes.........do I need to go on?


    You could have mentioned the erudite exchanges on dog poo. Also the DL has one of the most comprehensive collections of squidology anywhere on the web, plus some pretty good info on obscure bands, munchkins, WWI veterans, Titanic survivors (how many left?) and, most recently, vulnerable and expired ice hockey players.

  8. Really a kind of nightmare!!!


    [/Obama´s Dog is called BO and Barack Obama is B.O.

    And we all know that Dog is God backwards , therefore Satan , God´s Enemy.

    BO´s Mom was a commie hoe ,who didn´t believe in God.

    Oh Dear Almighty God have mercy on us!!!

    Bush Junior´s middle name was Walker ,as predicted in the book of Revelations, one Beast would walk the Earth ,and the other would arise from the Sea(= Obama= Kenya ,Hawaii). to be continued...]

    Bo is a Portuguese Water Dog (= Obama= Squid= Leviathan= Beast)

    Portuguese is Niemeyer´s native Laguage.

    Portuguese water dogd love Tomatoes(= RED = Communists).

    Obama a squid? That explains everything. Thank you for this fascinating analysis. Brazilian contributors can find an Oscar Niemeyer squid here now - a bit sick looking.

  9. I know it's an odd thing to miss, but I wish they'd bring back white dog poo. Dog poo used to dry out and dissolve into dust then get washed away by the rain. These days it sits around in a sticky pile and goes hairy, until you stand in it. It stinks a lot more now, aswell.

    A great idea.

    Not so great when your pre school aged child runs up to you, white turd in hand, and tells you that they have found some chalk....

    Time was when dog excrement was called "pure" and the white crumbly stuff was highly sought after among the pure finders, originally known as "bunters" according to Henry Mayhew. The dog crap was collected from the streets in London's east end and sold to the tan yards for as much as a shilling a bucket if it was the dry white type as that possessed more alkaline. So it turns out your youngster LFN as been quite discerning if not entrepreneurial as there isn't the same demand for it these days.


    And no this isn't a line from Call My Bluff.


    Edit: how extraordinary: I wrote dog sh*t and the naughty word finder changed it to excrement, a word I don't think I have ever used in my life. Amazing what technology can do these days. I wonder if it only does it with the prefix "dog".


    Experiment: excrement, dog excrement, dog excrement. I only wrote one excrement there so if there are two or more the naughty word finder has done its stuff.


    What about dog diarrhea? That should have read dog sh*te. But it's OK if dogs leave their pure everywhere.

  10. I quite like bicycles.

    You should be cursing the idiots who design roads so badly.

    Not just in relation to bicycles. British Motorways are a disaster even without cyclists on them.

    Yes, I totally agree about roads in general. But I wish that bike riders had some duty of care. They should have to pass a test like any other road user and common sense should make them have insurance even if the Government don't. In Worcester, there's a silly old cow who creeps up behind you (on the pavement, I might add) then rings her bell to make you move out of her way. How I'd like to push her under the next 18 wheeler that comes by!

    A bike is a wonderfully streamlined and economic way to travel (as long as your not going too far) but the fact that any old muppet can weave all over the place on one, like a drunken kitten, makes me shiver.

    Don't move to Amsterdam.


    By the way, welcome Madcow, I hope you will stick around. Now about these sprouts, you've got it all wrong. They're the best vegetable on the planet. My mother-in-law hates them which makes them even better. Every Christmas I hold a spoon over her plate and say "you'll have some of these won't you" all self-righteously and she says "no" through gritted teeth. It's just piling up the hate which suits me.

  11. Something must be done or the DL should list itself next year.


    Agreed, it's quiet but it hadn't struck me as terminal. We could have an 'introduce a friend' scheme, seriously. Or leave business cards in London phone boxes......on second thoughts, that sucks. Or cook up some 'event' in which one of us posts something outrageous and one of us anonymously complains to the papers, always good for a bit of traffic that one.

    Aye but there seems no shortage of new members, it's just that most turn out to be shite posters and few of those who aren't, bother to stick around. The one by Madcow the other day was quite provocative, having a go at Brussels sprouts and all that, but will she return? We've had a few mad cows in the past who have been quite entertaining for a while but they never stay the course. It's the existing members (including me) who are not tuning in as much as they used to do. I mean I don't miss the scream, not one bit (well maybe a tiny little bit). But where are the slaves? Where's Lady Die and Boudicca? What happened to TLC? Why did Tempus Fugit work so hard to wipe away his presence? Is he standing for Parliament or something (summat)?


    Maybe generating a bit of adverse publicity wouldn't be a bad idea.

  12. It's not working is it - the Deathlist I mean? I can't recall a time in the years I have been coming here when there has been so little traffic. Most of the banter has gone and since there are so few postings much of the quality has gone also. What worries me most is that no-one seems to care.


    I'm a big fan of the Deathlist and the deathlist community, even though I don't know most people personally. You know what to expect when you open various posts, particularly among the stalwarts. But it's as if a collective sense of can't be botheredness has engulfed the site. I know I feel that way a lot of the time.


    Perhaps it's because this has been a poor year for the list so far, or perhaps it's because there is so much competition for time on the internet these days. It's not the first time we have worried about postings and I wouldn't want to get in to an "it was better in the old days" debate but it's a bit sad when I get most of my laughs these days from reading Windsor's amusingly miserable posts. But the post-to-laugh (or interesting point) ratio has definitely gone down.


    Can anything be done or is the Deathlist in terminal decline? Oh, and by the way, when did anyone last go on Notapotato's Hartlepool Deadlypool site that used to work as a spillover from all the stuff going on here?


    Is better health care ruining everything? People just go on and on these days and maybe we're just getting tired of waiting. Prospects seemed to be looking up with Swine Flu but it hasn't done the business. Of course a big death will revive things for a while but posts soon settle down again to what is barely a tick over rate. Something must be done or the DL should list itself next year.

  13. Don Revie died 20 years ago today. Having just read The Damned United I think they should have given Clough longer at the club but Revie's presence was so strong he never had a chance. Still, that team should have won a lot more than it did and Clough had the last laugh at Notts Forest. I wonder if the good times will ever come back. It's a travesty a city such as Leeds should be in the old third division, like Newcastle in the second, not that I give a stuff any more.

  14. Just seen the new Star Trek film, not bad but too many special effects when they could have done much more with the characters and story line. I didn't think much to Simon Pegg as Scotty but casting was good otherwise and it could be a good start to rebuilding the old franchise on the big screen. Leonard Nimoy looks ancient. Maybe it's time for a Vulcan on the deathlist.


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