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Posts posted by Godot

  1. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    Sounds like my goose just before it took off for the last time.



    PS. Maybe this could go in the animal antics thread.

  2. Former model Bettie Page has just suffered a massive heart attack and is reported "critically ill".


    She was involved with the sexual revolution of the 1960's.


    One to watch, if she stumbles on with her life in the balance to Jan 1st, deffo obit-worthy. She'll get coverage, if only for the excuse for papers to run her pictures one more time.

    Yeah, it's outrageous the way they do that.


  3. Former model Bettie Page has just suffered a massive heart attack and is reported "critically ill".


    She was involved with the sexual revolution of the 1960's.


    No she wasn't. She was a 1950s pin up model who earned some notoriety posing in bondage shots. By the 1960s she had put that behind her and had become a devout Christian. The 1960s sexual revolution probably had more to do with the contraceptive pill first introduced in the US in 1960. In fashion and film the biggest influences were European - Bridget Bardot, Mary Quant, Twiggy - although its roots were in the US with the Kinsey and Masters and Johnson's reports of the 40s and 50s and the Beat writers had an influence too.


    Wouldn't you be miserable if you've spent half your life in a cellar with only a dirty old man for "comfort"?


    Sounds like heaven to me.


    And anyway, the Welsh are Europe's most miserable twats.



    Von Trapp would have made a splendid pseudonym for Joseph Fritzel with his young von in der trap, so to speak. He could have entertained his family with Cliff Richard's "The Young Vons" and told them stories: "Vons upon a time...."


    Perhaps it is time to get my macintosh, pickelhaube and body armour.

  5. Stage struck? Fancy immortality? Think a head.


    So you're suggesting that thinking about something to be done with your skull after your death is something to do before death?


    Well that's what he did and, yes, that's why I posted it here. Sometimes I see things and think: "Ah, that's quite interesting, I wonder if fellow deathlisters would be interested? Now where could I post it? Ah! I know, I'll put it in "Things you could do..." although clearly this is something to do after death so I needed to use the "think ahead" contrivance to make it fit. Is that a clear enough explanation for you?



    And it's a damn sight easier than thinking about something to be done with your skull after your death after death. :rolleyes:


    Yes, your logic on this score is ironclad and I readily withdraw my tentative objection.


    Alas for poor Tchaikowsky, he is also withdrawn. We hardly knew him.

  6. Remember the Monkeys are not awarded until the Oscar season in February (or maybe January this year, the panel has yet to decide) so there's plenty of time for recollections. But it's good to start thinking now. With the modest powers invested in me as clerk to the panel I would be happy to receive PMs or you can nominate in the thread.


    There will be the usual categories. Here is a list with 2007 winners :


    Death of the year: George Melly

    Thread of the year: Kate and Gerry

    Poster of the Year: DDT

    Post of the year: Harry Potter/Star Wars letter (Boudicca).

    Rant of the Year: LFN/Harrymcnally

    Avatar of the year: Anubis the Jackal

    Newcomer of the year: Monoclinic

    Joke of the year: MPFC


    There may be one or two other minor categories such as spat of the year, pedant, sulk or best link but there's really no point in having attention seeker or ramble of the year since, as always, there could be only one winner.

  7. I have reviewed my posts in this thread and wish to apologize. Godot, I had no right nor justification to question your honesty. I became angry at what I perceived to be a sniping post. My comments to you were nasty and mean spirited. My being annoyed does not excuse them. What started out as a sincere expression of thanks for my blessings (or good fortune if you prefer) became something else entirely. Godot, and the rest of my DL correspondents, please accept my apology.

    Well I guess I could overlook it just this once deadsox but don't let it happen again. Meanwhile I would like to apologise to the goose.

  8. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, Godot. :crossbone:

    Thanks again. Anyway we gave him a decent send off today. The church was packed. My only quibble was that there was no booze. I know he would have wanted booze there. I hope that doesn't happen when my time comes. I'm going to make plans.

  9. There are geese called "Canadian", regardless of where they are. I've shot many of them as a catharsis for my frustrations with our neighbors to the North. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Goose

    They tend to be large, though, and it would take quite the heft person to consider one for luncheon.


    I kill and eat lots of animals and am only saddened that politicians aren't more palatable.


    I don't mean to quibble (with you anyway, Harry) but my point was that the name of the bird is "Canada Goose" not "Canadian Goose" as your submission clearly demonstrates. An open season on politicians would certainly be something to consider although cleaning them would be quite a chore.

    Yes, I made a mistake. It was a Canada goose and yes, Flanders, it was a big bird which made a good lunch for two plus cold for lunch the next day, then curried pickings for the whole family the day after. I had a pigeon as well and still have a brace of pheasant to go. Oh, and I saved a few feathers for fishing flies. I don't see why this should be hard to believe. We were shooting guns in England when the only real Americans were running around with bows and arrows - before you shot most of civilized them for which you were able to give thanks.


    And another thing, I come from a town in Yorkshire that makes Maryport look like the French Riviera and was reared on muck sandwiches with added Rickets. Snobs in our town were people with indoor toilets and we didn't have one. I'm not so little either. Not sure about effete. If you mean cultured, yeah that's true, I know where Belgium is.


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