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Brinsworth House Baiter

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Everything posted by Brinsworth House Baiter

  1. Brinsworth House Baiter

    DL in "The Sun"

    And so are everybodys common day folk. Maybe, but they don't get their second home paid for by the tax payer, like MP's do. What about the benefits brigade who get their rent paid for them? What about us? Exactly what is your problem?
  2. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Here you go, bud. Biting Her Lip Just For You
  3. Brinsworth House Baiter

    The Bermuda Triangle

    Good point BHB - Some powers at this point in time may be very dangerous and perhaps even science wouldn't be able to handle it. Although if there was a way to make travel quicker Example: To travel from America to Canada in 20 minutes? How amazing that might be? But i'm sure it would all have to be well tested and even if something like this was discovered it may take many years before it would actually be put to use. Depends how amazing Canada is I suppose... I've heard it's very Conservative these days.
  4. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Indeed! I've just got off the phone... she has a filthy mouth. I'm not so keen on the fellatio part now...
  5. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Posh and Becks

    All the weights you can ever lift won't get you my ass. Movement to procure, said 'derriere' would result in me repeatedly stabbing you with manic vigour of a Chelsea Headhunter, who's just been given diplomatic immunity. "Chelsea headhunter who's just been given diplomatic immunity." Class. In the future I shall be stealing that relentlessly.
  6. Brinsworth House Baiter

    The Bermuda Triangle

    I'm no boffin, but if scientists learned how to use the energy from this area, is there not a danger that as against changing our world, it might make it disappear altogether? Mind you, I suppose you can't get more of a change than that.
  7. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Ah, it was drugs then, the reason for your high spirits. I thought Carlisle might have signed Ronaldinhio or something...
  8. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Or is that exploding Charles Kennedy orifices here, computer worship here? Now that makes a good image...! Not if you throw Dicky O into the mix as a spectator it doesn't...
  9. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Exploding computer orifices here, Charles Kennedy worship there. Man, it sounds like you've had a good afternoon...
  10. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Got nothing fresh to add...just wanted to be the 800th post on this thread! Yippee!
  11. Brinsworth House Baiter


    Just seen MortalCoil's avatar (on the Posh & Becks thread, I think)- Clive Dunn morphed with the Terminator (least I think it's the Terminator's eye). Don't want to be thought of as a sycophant, but this seemed to be the obvious place to mention I really like it.
  12. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I wonder how much she charges per hour? Suddenly my earlier post about presenting Dicky O' with a printed version of this thread, This Is Your Life Style, doesn't seem so stupid now (personally I always had a great deal of faith in it). It's certainly an entertaining notion, being able to hire Sally. If I wasn't on benefits I'd pay her to do my washing up & throw the Dyson around whilst dressed up as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For no other reason than I'd be able to. Well, that & the slim chance that it might prove to be arousing. It's almost enough to make me wanna quit reading The Sun & get a job. I said almost.
  13. Brinsworth House Baiter

    DL in "The Sun"

    My greatest fear is that would actually happen. As I've said on other threads, this country is in terminal decline for an obvious reason: Generally, stupid people have stupid children. Stupid people have more children than clever people. So there are far too many stupid people for the clever people to deal with. I heard a certain German man came up with a solution to the problem once... You're not John Prescott, are you? The country's decline has nothing to do with 'stupid people having stupid children' & culmatively having more children than clever people, but everything to do with the gradual decay of standards within society. For the latter I think you'd be far better off laying the blame at the feet of those in the corridors of power than at the feet of those on the 'Chatsworth Estates' that you appear to despise so much. If a government is prepared to offer its populace more money for not working than they do for actually being in employment, then you can't be surprised when there are willing takers. Same principle applies for the terminal decline- if you're going to ban parents from chastising their kids/ let the courts dish out laughable sentences then the kids are going to run riot. It doesn't matter a F**k whether their parents were stupid or not. Decline starts at the top, bud & works its way down.
  14. Brinsworth House Baiter

    DL in "The Sun"

    No, no, no. I might have stood up for Sun journo's, but let me be clear - Sun readers are thick as pig sh*t. They would never be able to run the country - there's no way any of them would give up their benefits... And the winner of the most condescending post of the day award goes to... Actually your post is misinformed & incorrect- if we ran the country we'd be able to award ourselves more benefits.
  15. Brinsworth House Baiter

    DL in "The Sun"

    So is the Telegraph a 6", 9" or 12" read? And so the penile humour commences... Which proves my point...it doesn't matter which newspaper we take, when it all comes down to it we're all brought down to the same level every time we hear a fart, a cock joke or see a pair of tits. God bless this island!
  16. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Gary Glitter

    Or even worse, release a new album. regards, Hein It would be better than most of the stuff in the charts at the moment. A bizarre duet with Eminem would be great, perhaps with Jimmy Saville in the video. "Do you wanna sit on my lap, my lap, my lap.... "I'm the paeder, I'm the paeder... Or, without lyric changes... "I'm the man who put the gang in bang." If only he knew when he wrote those words! Maybe he did. Is there such a thing as paedophile irony?
  17. Brinsworth House Baiter

    DL in "The Sun"

    So, what started as an excited 'hey, we're in the nationals!' thread basically degenerated into a big willy contest over who reads the most intellectual newspaper. I'd wager that a great per-centage of these people reading the broadsheets as they commute to work are actually using them to shield their copies of The Sun/ Choirboys Quarterly. Jeez, get over yourselves.
  18. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    I was just speaking to your mother, actually. Wonderful woman... expert in the art of fellatio. Anyway we were talking about your outbursts and she mentioned something about bed wetting. How is that these days? PMSL... sweet, bud, tres sweet, as the French would say. Have you still got his mother's number?
  19. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Talk Like A Scotsman/St Andrews Day/Burns nicht

    Looks like it's fraught with danger, this Burns Night malarkey: Wild Haggis
  20. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Lol... yep, if only Fred West had watched a little more Andy Pandy...
  21. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Mr Himler, it has come to my attention that this is the wrong website for the attention you require. Try this link WWW.JUGS.COM, i think it will be more to your liking I checked out your link & performed an exhaustive search, but I'm buggered if I could find Sally Thomsett on there...
  22. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Near misses 2006

    I read it on the info/news channel. It said Slim something, I'm pretty sure that it was Whitman. Too much to hope that it was Fatboy I suppose?
  23. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Godot, bud, Christ only knows what a psychiatrist would make of all that...
  24. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Albert Hofmann

    Mick Taylor quit the Stones cos he couldn't handle the fame/hard drugs, he probably did go a bit mental but hey, it was the '70s wasn't it? 'If you didn't go mental on hard-drugs, then you weren't there' Cheers, thanks for confirming that... thought I was going mental for a moment.
  25. Brinsworth House Baiter

    Albert Hofmann

    I knew he was still alive (surprised to learn he's still touring though), but I just thought I remembered him being in a loony bin after he left the band. I must be thinking of someone else.

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