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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Aren't we all immortal in the sense that we can, at any given time, ask ourselves "am I alive right now?" The answer will always be "yes" in true Descartes style. Once we die, we won't have the consciousness to actually know that we are dead. So...the timespan between our brain's birth to our brain's death is eternity. Nothing comes before or after eternity.

    Rene Descartes was a drunken fart, "I drink therefore I am". - The original MPFC.


    Can he outlive Olivia de Havilland?

    Was wondering this earlier when I tried to make a list of survivors from the Golden Age of Hollywood.I reckon Kirk will go first.


    Of course Kirk will go first; women always live longer than men.




    BBC tweeting that Lord Montagu of Beaulieu motor museum fame has died

    Edward John Barrington Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 3rd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu, to give him his full moniker. Article up. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-34106225


    A DDP team gets the motor running, head out on the highway....

    A complete aside: Cajun French pronounces that surname BOWL-yay.... Or some mouthful-of-crawfish thing along those lines.

    Any Parisian French speakers can tell me how that should really be pronounced? Appreciated in advance.




    In France one would pronounce Beaulieu BOW (as in bow and arrow) L'YUH. That's a reasonable approximation. There are a number of places in France named Beaulieu.


    The English one is pronounced Bew-lee, for no logical reason that I have ever been able to fathom. We normally pronounce Beau as BOW, and lieu as L'YOO or LOO. Except when it is part of Lieutenant when we pronounce it LEF (bangs head against desk).


    And this is a belvoir.

    A colony of 'em lives in a castle just down the road from me.
    • Like 3



    Diana - or as her name is pronounced in her native land - Daah-yaah-nuuhhhrrr.



    I don't know anyone who pronounces Diana like that.


    Me neither. Hereabouts that name is pronounced 'deeaanaa' ('aa' representing the vowel in 'aargh') with stress on the second syllable. Her shine has waned a bit here.


    Except maybe Paul Anka


    He is a very dirty old man and sinner. Boogie Nights is one of the most pro fag, pro drugs ,pro secular music,dirty movies ever made. Whatever happened to the God fearing,child producing Burt who made Christian movies like Sharkys Machine,Smokey and The Bandit II,Deliverance and Gator. Myself I blame that Jezebel slut Sally Field for pushing leftist ideas in his head during the Smokey movies.

    Yep, I'm afraid the novelty of this gag has officially worn off now


    How long has this been going on, Fred?


    • Like 1


    Dr Hawley Crippen was convicted and hanged for the murder of his wife, Cora. The remains of the body referred to in court were subsequently found by DNA testing to be those of a man.



    So, he botched his own attempt at transgender surgery on the missus and tried to escape before the results did for his career, right?


    Nah me duck, he was a quack homeopathist.

  7. Not sure about his corporeal chances but as leader he'll get 2 years tops before being moved aside a la Ian Duncan Smith and replaced by a union-sympathetic "safe pair of hands" Alan Johnson. It'll be Johnson v Johnson in the GE 2020...

    "Pun plunderer", "Blazing Saddles", "Johnson v Johnson"; you are a wag TMIB. :D



    Couldn't this have been posted in the US sitcoms thread?

    I think she is famous enough to have her own thread.



    Her only famous role is for a teen sitcom that ended close to 30 years ago. If she has her own thread why not everyone who has starred in a CW show. Maybe someone can start a thread for Xander and Willow from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


    Why hasn't Ronnie Corbett got his own thread?


    Right here's one that I can't seem to find a consistent answer to.


    My surname is Smith, therefore if you're writing about my situation you would write 'Mrs Smith's situation'. But if my surname was Jones, would you write 'Mrs Jones' situation' or 'Mrs Jones's situation'?


    And before you all call me thick, I'm never sure which lane I should be in to go straight across a roundabout, and I didn't know Morocco was in Africa until I was in my late twenties. So bollocks.

    Historically, it was "Mrs Jones' situation" but "Mrs Jones's situation" is more favoured these days.


    Language evolves, not always for the better.


    Teaching in the U.K. is abysmal; that's why we are so far down the world ratings. My nephew was never corrected in class in the use of a double negative and it was left to myself to teach him. The first time he corrected his English teacher when she used a double negative he received a detention for being 'disrespectful'. I didn't do nothing means you did something and he didn't do anything wrong.


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