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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk




    Well my grandparents were in four different nursing homes over 12 years or so.

    Ahh, nursing home savvy!!

    I can see Mary seizing the opportunity here and doing a Bill Sykes by getting you to break into Brinsworth House and the like to go and open the front door for him.

    He will be up and down the corridors making notes for hours.


    Top work lads, you've just reminded me that I came across a 'client' at work today who has his own Wiki page, not a guarantee of an obit I know, but I think he'll get one somewhere - now, how can I ensure the old git hangs on till January 1st, because I'd bet my boots he'd be a unique pick for Lard!


    Do you normally come across your clients????????


    Susie Dent to I think Nick Hewer on Countdown; "you've never come across a teddy?".






    Helicopters, now that's a forced landing when the engine quits :shock2:.


    I think the word that describes it, is "plummet"


    No it ain't.


    I was thinking more in the ways of this forced landing


    Sorry Phantom but from the video it's clear the helicopter wasn't plummeting towards the ground; had it done so, everyone would have died and no one did.


    "Landed on it's side" says the reporter; the official NTSB enquiry begs to differ. It landed upright, then bounced and flipped over. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.



    1. 1.
      a steep and rapid fall or drop.
      I think it can be classed as a rapid fall or drop.


    It wasn't steep and it wasn't rapid; read the full report.




    Helicopters, now that's a forced landing when the engine quits :shock2:.


    I think the word that describes it, is "plummet"


    No it ain't.


    I was thinking more in the ways of this forced landing


    Sorry Phantom but from the video it's clear the helicopter wasn't plummeting towards the ground; had it done so, everyone would have died and no one did.


    "Landed on it's side" says the reporter; the official NTSB enquiry begs to differ. It landed upright, then bounced and flipped over. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.




    But is Henrietta Lacks REALLY dead?

    Interesting philosophical question, that.


    The phenotype who was Henrietta Lacks is dead and likely to remain so in the forseeable future. Her genotype is very much alive. As long as we don't know how to create a phenotype from a HeLa culture, the difference with dead is slim.


    Indeed, maybe there is even a third kind of death, after cardiac death and brain death, it's cell death.


    With no need to start a new thread :lol:


    • Like 1



    20 years ago today, Vivian Stanshall died in a house fire. He was 51



    Coincidentally, today's also the 120th anniversary of the death of Sir Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baronet


    Where is the councidence?



    Clicking on the link provided by Time you will read:
    Sir Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baronet
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Sir Henry Rawlinson" redirects here. For the character created by Vivian Stanshall, see Sir Henry at Rawlinson End.

  6. Practice Force Landing is something you do rather a lot of when learning to fly. In theory at any rate you can put a small Cessna 152 (What I learnt in many years ago) or something similar into a field and walk away. How true that turns out to be in practice may well be another matter, spotting what looks like a smooth field from 3000ft agl or so isn't a cakewalk and there's electric wires and other things to consider, but it can be and is done if not routinely, not that rarely either.


    It's a far different story in something the size of a commercial jet, although perhaps surprisingly (or maybe not) that has also been done, see this (I remember the levee one from the examples at the bottom).





    Edit since phantom posted at the same time nearly: I suffer badly from 'vertigo' as well, but as best I can make out it's not terribly rational (beyond the obvious), I have had terrible vertigo in the Eiffel Tower and similar structures, and even at ground level in a tall building with a high atrium whilst looking up..


    But never, ever in a plane. Can't really explain why, just is. Make of that what you will.

    I'm the exact same.

    • Like 1

  7. I should have started this with a bang and Andrea Crouch back early January, as this post isn't as juicy. But with nowhere else to really post it, let's give those who sing to The Lord their own forum.


    Mark Hall, a member of the band Casting Crows has cancer of the kidney and plans to have it removed.

    Sir Creep


    I think this new thread is covered by MPFC's Hymn Writers thread started back in 2005. As far as I know it's not been archived.

    • Like 4



    Just over three years after unsuccessfully dying from shooting himself in the head.... Daniel von Bargen

    Sorry but how does one unsuccessfully shoot themselves in the head? Either they hit the target or they didn't.



    He shot himself in the head but didn't inflict a fatal wound. It's fairly simple to deduce. that's what he meant but didn't say


    On a point of pedantry he was successful in shooting himself in the head. I have to go with SC on this one. Did I just say that? :huh:

    • Like 2


    In the early 70s my friend Tim received a detention for originating a note passing in class. The teacher saw it being passed, took possession of it and realised from the handwriting it was Tim. Written on the piece of paper was peen wank.



    Okay, you ever heard it any other time? I still think had a very low and borderline-cryogenic status until the age of "4chan" super-dweeboids who all somehow manage to hack impenetrable US security computers AND Hollywood starlet's dirty phone pictures at the same time using only one hand.


    Not from around the time of the incident 'til today.


    Can I just throw the term 'peen' in Room 101? It has neither the strength of the word 'cock' nor the accuracy of 'penis', and it makes me heave a little every time I read/hear it. Thank you.

    Good change from the usual Room 101 stuff...

    It was probably intended (semi-consciously) to make people feel uncomfortable. It's definitely an internet-era coined word, coined by someone who batters their own about 50 times a day..... or did when he invented it.

    I'd be amazed if there's any record of it before 2000....... or even 2005 for that matter.

    There's many reasons why it makes you feel so grossed out but I don't wanna go into them, maybe someone else who does feel like being gross and is also thinking the same as me about it, will do so. :)


    In the early 70s my friend Tim received a detention for originating a note passing in class. The teacher saw it being passed, took possession of it and realised from the handwriting it was Tim. Written on the piece of paper was peen wank.

  11. The only people who will be convicted for historical offences against children are those without power and influence. You will not see any retired senior politicians being convicted or even tried at court.

    The reason being, they know too much to be allowed to ever appear in court and the possibility of them naming names is unacceptable to the establishment. These convictions of minor celebrities from the entertainment industry are a side show designed to distract public attention from the abuses of the people in power.

    "The home of former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor has been searched by police investigating historical allegations of child abuse."



    OK he wasn't senior but I reckon a few people wouldn't like to see him in court.


    no but you just have to develop some patience.All things will come to those who wait....

    Not necessarily, i have been waiting for about 10 years for Zsa Zsa Gabor to die and it still hasn't happened, beginning to think it will never happen.


    Peter Falk she ain't!


    Arent't "done it" and "guilty" different things? There may be justifications or excuses why his lawyer thinks he's not guilty.


    I don't know more about US law than what I picked up from courtroom drama (which I rarely watch), so I may be totally wrong.


    Well I think they're hoping for a "yes he did it, but it was his brother's idea".


    Much like Greg Owen and Kelly Gissendaner



    That reminds me of the time we were in a restaurant in Dublin. There was a cheeseboard on the menu.

    Wondering if it would have Irish cheeses or a general selection, I asked the waitress what kind of cheese was featured.

    She didn't know. She would have to go and ask in the kitchen, she said.

    On her return, she had the answer.

    "It's just cheese", she said.


    Was there a bouzouki player in the room?

    • Like 2

  15. Get over that erectile anxiety and penis envy by comparing your junk to the established average.

    Complete with video segment.

    Sir C


    Then if necessary you can go on like the 17 year old who had reduction surgery.


    "When flaccid, it measured almost seven inches in length and had a circumference of 10 inches - around the size of a grapefruit."

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    Hey Doc!

    I stated a couple weeks ago re: Deaths is 2015 thread and all the other threads/forums. At the school I went to we learned about sets and subsets and teacher drew big circles that would intersect or would be (as in this case) completely encircled by the larger circle.

    As I claim, every single person who dies that we care to post is a member of the set 'Deaths of 2015'---that HUGE circle on the chalkboard. They may also be a member of a subset small circle inside that big circle. I will be posting them I their appropriate subset, if any, as well as the Deaths of 2015. That should be one-stop shopping for a list of the dearly departed, so as I don't post about someone who's even mentioned but buried in some other thread. The search function isn't very useful seeing as it doesn't sort them by date. Anyway.... I got lazy today cuz I had three to post (you know, racing to be first pfft) and cut/pasted the damned things. It was a first for that. I'm disappointed in myself too :-(


    As for any frays around here I've no part nor care to be but I am happy to point out when someone is wrong--about anything. I'm an argumentative sonovabitch like that. I'll leave you two lovebirds as you were.


    Dad, I couldn't care less about how your sweater-wearing sunday school teacher taught you to draw concentric sphincters on a chalkboard during the few moments in the late 50s when you weren't doing duck and cover drills! It has no meaning! And like anyone who has half a brain worth saving Hitler-style, I only see whirring spiral vortexes when people try to start explaining stuff with circular bullshit.


    The only reason why you should post something in the Dead of 2015 when you've already posted it in the relevant thread is because you think it's notable enough that it should go on there so people can scroll through at the end of the year and remind themselves which big names died. Since the most memorable thing about that senator is the funny joke you made, he definitely doesn't count. Okay? YOU SWIVEL-EYE CROP CIRCLE MOTHERFUCKER.


    Also suggest I'm gettin jiggy with Deathray again and I'll do another complete 180 and call for your banning


    I think you mean vortices; you are British and this is a British website. duck.gif

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  17. If you were saying that it looks a bit like the guy in my avatar....... thats just some guy from a film :rolleyes:


    Also, I would have been far too young to be able to get along unmolested in the world of TV in 1994.

    I think you look more like Arthur Wellesley. :P


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