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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. 39, gay (very happy with it), in a relationship for over 15 years (also very happy with it), 2 cats (very very happy with them), starting a new job in March (turning point in my life. I hope I will be happy with it) :D

    So I'm not the only gay in the village. Are there any more?

    • Like 2


    Charles must be fed up by now don't ya think?



    Dunno, he's got to pensionable age without a proper job, manages to sound off about the stuff he cares about and still gets to hang around with important people. And, he's never tasted poverty or lost sleep over the danger of redundancy.


    I can think of worse ways to stumble through your seventh decade.


    Aren't you supposed to be on t'radio now or summat MPFC?




    Comb over now being compared to the Simpsons episode where Mr Burns wears a wig...

    Yeah, it does pose the question "Is it or isn't it"?

    To one side of his head the hair is combed forwards a la Colin Crompton ( RIP) so its looking more wiggy than real.


    Gutted about Dennis Wise's hair, as a few years ago I would have fucked the little twat ragged.






    EFA!!! :D


    I'd still give him one.

  4. Is it a sign of immaturity that the first thing I thought of when seeing this thread was a bunch of French housecats having a good time or summat? Just askin'...don't judge! :ph34r::ninja:

    Nah, it's nostalgia - which ain't what it used to be.

    • Like 1


    Zsa Zsa can barely move, see, hear, understand what is going on, etc.



    A fair summary of her film career I'd say.


    Although when she slapped the face of a cop in The Naked Gun 2½ it seemed pretty realistic.




    Well maybe you lazy fuckers better put deaths in the Dead of 2015 FIRST where each and every 'celebrity' death qualifies, and this subcategory shite later. I'm not obligated to do a name search. I look in Dead of 2015. It ain't there I'm posting.





    Why do you have to be an ass? I got no problem with a death that big being also posted in the "Dead" thread but it was already being discussed here... way before you posted here......... fucknut


    "Don't fart outside my trailer and tell me there's a tornado comin'" as you guys might say over there....


    I look in Dead of 2015. It ain't there I'm posting. = You Brits gotta learn to do things the American way.

    • Like 1


    Couldn't find him on the forum, John Bayley, hubby of Iris Murdoch http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11360441/John-Bayley.html

    I almost put this guy on my DDP just cos he once wrote a novel called "The Queer Captain". What is that, something halfway between Brokeback Mountain and The Caine Mutiny?

    anyway.. if I'd realised he was the husband of someone some people had actually heard of I might have done!


    Think carefully now Doc; how many gay cowboys were there in Brokeback Mountain? I'll give you a latitude of a thousand either way.

  8. I'm not a big fan of democracy as we know it, but it beats all alternatives that involve absolute power hands down.


    One can hardly blame democracy for the fact that the people elect the wrong politicians.


    I do know a few improvements on 'our' systems:

    • Do away with elections and appoint MPs by lottery, an appointment one cannot refuse, similar to jury duty.
    • Put people who leave government office automatically on trial, to check if they did their job well. Pensions only after acquittal, jail sentences otherwise.




    I'm sick and tired of governments commissioning enquiries only to dismiss the findings because it will lose them the next election. If they commission the enquiry and dismiss it then the cost should come out of party coffers.

  9. Isn't that the uniform, that they wear over their normal attire (or nothing at all, as a lawyer friend of mine used to do on hot summer days before air conditioning)?


    ETA: looks like she's wearing gloves in the lower picture.





    Luckily for Obama it wasn't a black cap.


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