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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk



    Did you know Castro is an anagram of Sac Rot?

    No, but I remember doing a crossword once and a clue was tidal forces upset communist president.


    P.S. I'm doing a crossword at the minute and I think 7 up is lemonade but I'm not certain.

    Hi! 7-up is a lemon flavoured soda/ fizzy drink. To me it seems sweeter than Sprite.

    Hope Castro expires soon!




    I used to be a big fan of Gary Glitter in the 70s



    It's not always a well received observation but I'd cop for GG being one of the best gigs I ever saw, an absolute showman!



    I was never a fan and I was reluctantly dragged to one of his gigs in the early 90s. To say he brought the house down would be an understatement. A good time was had by one and all.

  3. Did you know Castro is an anagram of Sac Rot?

    No, but I remember doing a crossword once and a clue was tidal forces upset communist president.


    P.S. I'm doing a crossword at the minute and I think 7 up is lemonade but I'm not certain.

    • Like 1

  4. It's all up to you MPFC to keep us all updated as I'm hating the summer weather I'm having in Zew Zealand at the moment. ;-)

    I look forward to you posting the results and keeping us all up to date. Do you think we should e-mail them to advise them of our support?

    Bring us a stick of rock back.

  5. There is no formal rule on picks that have died in the previous year and when they are replaced. If for instance as we have had this week a number of deaths pre-NYE and they are discovered around now, then subs are used if there are any. However, if it's discovered say in July that such and such carked it back in 2013 or something, then I Don't bother trawling past emails for subs and it's tough titty basically. Of course there are other cases such as that bloke from the Flintstones who may or may not have carked it (I have reactivated him in the database for this year under the thinking that IF he officially dies then we know for sure he's dead) and now Gerald Sim. If Sim is dead, then surely an obit will come and them maybe the subs will be activated if it is in the immediate future. But I'm not waiting too long...

    Possibly from the Liverpool Echo and then picked up by the nationals. I've said too much. :)






    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.


    In the late 70s I went to commission some electrical equipment we had supplied to a U.K. oil refinery. The equipment was certified for use in an area that is likely to contain an explosive gas and it was plugged into an ordinary 13 amp socket. When I queried this I was told that one side of the painted line on the floor was considered hazardous whilst the other side wasn’t. “Does the gas know that”, I asked.


    Yeah there's lots of fucktards around. The worst are the ones that actually think they're smart. (*motions/gestures vaguely towards his 'ma even though he's not really sure where she is*)


    Was this refinery in Scotland perchance? Some might say it's about the only fucking thing that's "refined" up there :)


    No, it's south of the Scottish border and east of the Welsh border. Ask Lindsey, she knows which one.





    You know Lindsey




    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.


    In the late 70s I went to commission some electrical equipment we had supplied to a U.K. oil refinery. The equipment was certified for use in an area that is likely to contain an explosive gas and it was plugged into an ordinary 13 amp socket. When I queried this I was told that one side of the painted line on the floor was considered hazardous whilst the other side wasn’t. “Does the gas know that”, I asked.


    Yeah there's lots of fucktards around. The worst are the ones that actually think they're smart. (*motions/gestures vaguely towards his 'ma even though he's not really sure where she is*)


    Was this refinery in Scotland perchance? Some might say it's about the only fucking thing that's "refined" up there :)


    No, it's south of the Scottish border and east of the Welsh border. Ask Lindsey, she knows which one.


    Back in court today, time to raise the thread and discuss the latest developments. Fuck knows, if he had the slightest suicidal tendency we'd have already seen the evidence. He's also extremely wealthy to the extent that no plausible fine for the latest charges could dent his comfort. So, probs not a 2015 contender for owt other than sudden, violent, death at the hands of someone else.


    Which tosser posted the ill informed nonesense above?


    It ain't gannin' well in court so far, loaded or not, there's a chance of custodial time, regular kickings and a toll being taken on GG's 70 year old frame.


    I've changed my mind MPFC; you're not suffering from Alzheimer's, you're suffering from self-deprecation. :D


    I'm sure once the Scots achieve independence, the foaming-at-the-mouth members of Al-Qaeda/whoever will find that to be an incredibly meaningful development, and they will make a maximum priority of ensuring that they only use some special dirty bombs which magically stop themselves from spreading their radioactivity as soon as they reach the Scottish border.


    In the late 70s I went to commission some electrical equipment we had supplied to a U.K. oil refinery. The equipment was certified for use in an area that is likely to contain an explosive gas and it was plugged into an ordinary 13 amp socket. When I queried this I was told that one side of the painted line on the floor was considered hazardous whilst the other side wasn’t. “Does the gas know that”, I asked.

    • Like 2



    You probably would get more responses if you'd just also designated it as a general general election discussion thread. Which you can still do with the handy editing feature.


    People are maybe sick of being asked to parlay this and that into deathpooling terms. Almost as sick as they are of being asked which Stephen will die first, etc...

    Agreed. This'll be the first general election I can vote in if some if you want to feel old. No idea where my cross is going at the minute.


    Holy fuck...


    I thought it; you said it.

    • Like 2



    Does anyone know if Gerald Sim is dead?A couple of teams have picked him.

    Was discussed on the Mollie Sugden thread and seems he is. I had him on my sit-com team last year, and just figured I got unlucky with no obit, so I dropped him this year.


    Last I looked, he was still alive. Couldn't find anything to state otherwise.


    The showbiz rag The Stage publishes obits from famous to obscure people and they've not got one for him. Remember he is the younger brother of Sheila Sim and she's still with us.


    Alex Salmond as Ed Miliband's Deputy PM. Swathes of celebrity tax dodgers throwing themselves off the top of the nearest accountants, and daytime celebs choking on a British Bake Off Battenberg, should keep us busy for a whole fixed term parliament.



    Hell yeah, that's dead pooling paradise if we could only find a way to stop those tax dodgers dodging off to the Cayman Islands.


    We could send a task force to invade the Caymans and then occupy them so that the tax dodgers ... Oh, hang on, we haven't got any aircraft carriers and won't have a fully operational one until 2020. Bugger!

  13. Not sure what to do with this story but ignoring it 'twould be criminal.

    Speaking of criminal, NASCAR driver Kurt Busch says his ex is a trained assassin who has killed drug kingpins!

    So it's a fringe celebrity and racing. Apologies for not having a proper location for this gem.

    Sir C



    You didn't read my PM. http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1552&page=3&hl=nascar#entry53140 :)



    You probably would get more responses if you'd just also designated it as a general general election discussion thread. Which you can still do with the handy editing feature.


    People are maybe sick of being asked to parlay this and that into deathpooling terms. Almost as sick as they are of being asked which Stephen will die first, etc...

    Agreed. This'll be the first general election I can vote in if some if you want to feel bored. No idea where my cross is going at the minute.


    I'm voting for whichever party wants to make the biggest pension cuts to Norfolk telephone-pole spanner-monkeys.



    Are the Monster Raving Loony Party fielding a candidate this time round?


    (btw can a mod please lock this topic once its comedic course is over? (don't say "now then?"). It's really annoying having 2 "oldest people" threads...this one only exists cos a n00b decided to ask a n00b question)

    It will sink into the deep and come to rest among the other unglorious topics.






    Well it did but it's resurrected itself.




    Incidentally Gladys Hooper, Britain's oldest person, celebrated her 112th Birthday today. Looks like she might hold that title for a while.





    She's immobile and under a blanket, she might say she feels like a 70 year old but I'm not seeing her waddling down the Post Office to grab her place in the pension queue. She's one of ours however much she protests.



    She's a bit of a cougar then. Wouldn't that finish her off?




    We'd only know if someone gave it a go CoF, send her love letter and keep us informed of the results!



    Therein lays the problem! :)


    Incidentally Gladys Hooper, Britain's oldest person, celebrated her 112th Birthday today. Looks like she might hold that title for a while.





    She's immobile and under a blanket, she might say she feels like a 70 year old but I'm not seeing her waddling down the Post Office to grab her place in the pension queue. She's one of ours however much she protests.



    She's a bit of a cougar then. Wouldn't that finish her off?


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