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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. I'm sure there must be a thread for him somewhere but I can't find it, but it looks like Brian Harvey is having another emotional 'episode'....




    It's here me duck.



    • Like 1

  2. Keith Webb Wright was an Australian politician, educator, and convicted child rapist. Wright died on 13 January 2015, aged 73.





    Mark Juddery died of cancer on 13 January 2015, aged 43. Was an Australian freelance journalist, author, humorist and columnist. He has also written comedy sketches for radio and television, as well as several short comedy plays, which he has directed and performed worldwide.


    These would have been better placed in the Hooroo Mate thread.

  3. Guardian has this piece on the only elected Communist (by party name anyway) in Britain........ some council fucker up in Scotland. 78 or about that (found it in another article).




    Any idea what's going on with his face? Doesn't look worth posting on the main thread but provides plenty of amusement here I think.


    Also, I found this while I was poking around in Socialist Worker (yeah sorry I do look at some sordid shit sometimes). Is this a joke or what? It's dated September 2013 not April 1........ (btw allow me to complete your article for you, you lumber-fingered twats......) "....force."



    Clarke could be suffering from Bell's palsy or summat like it.


    The fact that 17 professional risk takers who valued their right to offend dying spawns a worldwide march of solidarity and is being used as a platform to justify the pointless war on terror while 2000 people are massacred by Boko Haram in Nigeria and barely anyone in the west bats an eyelid despite the fuss made when they kidnapped a few hundred school girls. Why do we live in a world where the significance of news is so skewed?

    Were some of those 17 people that died not civilians in a supermarket and a couple of police officers, rather than 'professional risk takers'?




    Nearly 6,000 children die every day from starvation; that's analogous to over 10 fully laden jumbo jets crashing every day and barely a mention in the news. Once in a blue moon a plane with a couple of hundred people on board crashes and gets wall to wall coverage for days on end.

    • Like 1

  5. Dunno where else to post this but in a possibles thread but the news tonight is making it clear that Pauline - Ebola - Cafferky is on the mend and out of ICU.


    For a second there she was looking like a missed opportunity.

    Are you suffering from the early symptoms of Alzheimer's MPFC? You used the Ebola thread only a few days ago. :D


    Are you famous enough to get an obit?



    I'm not sure if he's famous enough (probably not) but George Gaynes (starred in Punky Brewster) is turning 98 this year. I have him on my personal Deathlist. There could be an obituary for him in American media, but probably not in British media. What do you guys think?


    He probably get a UK obit since he played the role of Eric Lassard in the Police Academy movies. Although I know him from the Steve Martin movie "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" where he played the role of Dr. John Hay Forest.


    As funny as the "podium scene" in Police Academy was... can't see it being enough to get covered over here. I mean what are they gonna put, "famous blowjob recipient dies"? That just sets a precedent that any old bum can get an obit if they got BJed... like Bill Clinton or someone like that..


    How about the headline: Man who kissed Dustin Hoffman dies!


    I'm asked what I think and I voiced it. Now I'm to lighten up? Ain't happenin; no apologies. It's a shitty list, sorry if that is butthurt.

    Rather than attack me state where I am incorrect and we can discuss. Oh and take your 2014 lists off your signature.



    I'll update my sig when I fucking feel like it, fucknut. I was waiting for confirmation of my 2015 DDP entry..... so shuuuut uuuuuuuup.

    And also, since when did "being asked for your opinion" mean you get some magical right to not have somebody tell you it's retarded?


    No-one wants to hear some "OMG WHY ARENT ALL 50 CHOICES SOME AMERICAN BALL-THROWING EXPERT NOBODY IN BRITTUN HAS EVER HEARD OF" horse shit that make you sound like a caffeine-addled, FPS-addicted, much-less appealing American version of Deathray? (Sorry DR, just kiddin'........ like you were when you called me a moronicos, etc. or something)


    However I thought "Cancel My Appointments" was a funny team name and if Spade is telling you to go away then I'm ready to do a complete 180 and give you a second chance. Just try to be slightly less of a cunt....







    I pointed out where you were incorrect - (here http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=944&page=63#entry217671) - and I'm still awaiting a reply SO WE CAN DISCUSS!



    Same here (on chrome , mobile version).


    Seems to be a very blue box round the search box too.

    Today Grim Reaper did indeed upgrade the forum software. About the topic descriptions: they still exist, I'm trying to get tme back in view.


    The blue box is also newly introduced, I presume it's something to do with CSS settings. I'll also have a look at that. but it's less urgent than the topic descriptions.


    I'll keep you posted on progress.






    Don't get rid of the blue box; I think Time uses it to travel in.

  9. Taylor Negron, a popular character actor in many films of the 1980s and 90s (Easy Money, Fast Times, etc) has passed from long battle w cancer. The most amusing thing here is that DeathList search box wouldn't allow me to search Negron. Oy Vey!

    Sir C



    With all the problems you've been having of late with your various contraptions, I suggest you invest in a new one.


    This is the only post with someone having the name Negron.



    • Like 1

  10. Why don't people just list their team names, that's all I do. They can be turned into a link once the DDP lists are up.


    For other comps on here such as HPDP you can link to the post where your team appears. For instance here is


    My HPDP team



    People can just click if interested, and it saves a lot of space.


    Didn't Joan Sims croak it back in 2001?

  11. You make a valid point. In my unimportant opinion, formed from interviews he has given and the transcript of the appeal posted previously, he's a cunt and she's a slag, so they probably each got what they deserved.



  12. http://www.freep.com...-dies/21262183/


    I would have 'started a new topic' for Christian/Gospel music but NOOOOOOOOOO I'm not allowed us I'm not signed in and when I sign in it doesn't let me post. Anyways here's your fucking obit.


    Sir Creep


    You've registered. Check you're using the correct e-mail address.



    I would have 'started a new topic' for Christian/Gospel music but NOOOOOOOOOO I'm not allowed us I'm not signed in and when I sign in it doesn't let me post. Anyways here's your fucking obit.


    Sir Creep


    I believe there already is a topic for religious singers and hymn writers


    Damn right: http://www.deathlist...mn&fromsearch=1


    Started by portmarycityfun if I remember correct.

  13. So, if any club signing him stands to net £2 million, why aren't Fort William FC on the phone, that'd liven up our little thread hereabouts.


    Wouldn't that cause all of their games to be indefinitely postponed? :D


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