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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. It didn't help when the airport imposed an airport development fee on all passengers and consequently Ryanair buggering off aviateur07.gif


    Ideally that's what landing fees are supposed to cover.


    Aircraft up to 3 tonnes (inclusive) per 1/2 tonne or part thereof £8.60

    Aircraft over 3 tonnes or part thereof £17.20

    Aircraft over 40 tonnes Standard Landing Fee for first 40 tonnes and 1/2 rate thereafter


    Free landing fee incentive: landing fees will not be charged for aircraft up to and including 3 tonnes MTOW, which are based at Blackpool, City of Derry and Exeter airports. Landing fees will be waived for point to point flights between these airports provided a fuel uplift is made on departure.


    The catchment area is terrible. To the west: water. To the north: bugger all until Lancaster. To the south: let's use Liverpool. To the east: let's use Manchester and the scores of destinations they have. I think Blackpool had about half a dozen destinations.


    That's all well and good for the passenger airlines, but for those using small prop aeroplanes it's a bit of a bugger. The vortices created by a small jet can cause a bit of turbulence in the air which can take a couple of minutes before they subside. Taking off behind one of those in a cessna 152 isn't much fun.


    OH YES IT IS! Fly my pretties, fly.

  2. Re the Airport Development Fee, to quote from the airport website (my italics):

    Blackpool Airport operates an Airport Development Fee (ADF) to supplement its investment programme and secure its future as the regional airport for Lancashire and the Lake District.


    As there isn't going to be a future, at least as an airport, would all those who've paid the £10 ADF now be entitled to a refund? Presumably Balfour Beatty will still make a ton of money out of it's eventual sale.


    I'm sad to see it go, purely for nostalgic reasons - it was the airport I had my first ever flight from back in the seventies (20 minute pleasure flight in a single-engined deathtrap).


    Geraldine Mayall asked for her money back and was basically told to sod off.

  3. It didn't help when the airport imposed an airport development fee on all passengers and consequently Ryanair buggering off aviateur07.gif


    Ideally that's what landing fees are supposed to cover.


    Aircraft up to 3 tonnes (inclusive) per 1/2 tonne or part thereof £8.60

    Aircraft over 3 tonnes or part thereof £17.20

    Aircraft over 40 tonnes Standard Landing Fee for first 40 tonnes and 1/2 rate thereafter


    Free landing fee incentive: landing fees will not be charged for aircraft up to and including 3 tonnes MTOW, which are based at Blackpool, City of Derry and Exeter airports. Landing fees will be waived for point to point flights between these airports provided a fuel uplift is made on departure.


    The catchment area is terrible. To the west: water. To the north: bugger all until Lancaster. To the south: let's use Liverpool. To the east: let's use Manchester and the scores of destinations they have. I think Blackpool had about half a dozen destinations.

  4. Our family dog Mckenzie was put to sleep yesterday evening aged 12.


    I am sorry to hear that. It is always sad to lose a loyal friend.


    I'm genuinely saddened for your loss. When my dog Butch died, I cried my heart out. Sadly, I can't say the same about my parents.

  5. What's on MR SF tonight? Five pints of best Marston's Pedigree means I'm unable to look it up!


    Why, thanks for asking CoF.

    Big album is the newie by Soft Walls (sound a lot like Spiritualized - so we'll play some Spiritualised too), we're also playing a sizeable chunk of a new album by a bloke called Robert Reed that is an uncanny ringer for a 2014 remake of Tubular Bells. Other delights include a track from the new(ish) album by Spoon, a paint-peeler from Neil Sedaka's album for kids and a jaw dropper to start us off called "Rockin' with the Sikh" by Peter Singh (the Panjabi Elvis).


    All on from 10-midnight http://www.miskinradio.co.uk


    Next week The Ethel Merman Disco Album. Wow! I had forgotten that exists.


    In the very early 1980s I was a roller-skating barman in a very camp "fun-pub" nightclub and one of the DJs would play a track at the end of the night to help clear the place.

    • Like 3

  6. I can get to the 2048 square pretty easily, my method requires me keeping my largest-valued square anchored to a corner. Can even get to 4096 every now and then.


    Mr Rotten has done 4096 tile at least twice. I've yet to get it but been quite close (topped at 33,688 points). I don't post images here but I'll try and add a screen grab of it in Facebook.


    Edit... Done. No porky pies here guys.


    I thought you meant you'd got 30,000 on a tile. My apologies.

  7. When this guy goes, the Queen has fulfilled her mission.


    Not quite. She still has Queen Victoria's record reign in her sights, which will be claimed less than a year from now...


    Then she'll do Desert Island Discs.


    Who Do You Think You Are would be a bit pointless.


    On the other hand; many requests have been made to access private royal papers etc and refused. I hope Charles will take a different stance.

  8. If you're that bothered, there's a link below to a whole album's worth of lyrics by Cock and Ball Torture (who are amongst the leaders of this little clique). Somewhere or other hereabouts we already have the entire lyrical content of Torsofuck's glorious goregrind offering Erotic Diahorrea Fantasy. Which is - frankly - harder, funnier and altogher more accomplished than most pornogrind stuff.





    What's on MR SF tonight? Five pints of best Marston's Pedigree means I'm unable to look it up!

  9. People around the corner from me who insist on parking their sodding car in front of their ground floor garage instead of putting it in.






    This type of thing really fucking winds me up. How does this selfish cunt expect someone in a wheelchair, or someone with a pushchair and toddler, to get past? Oh yes, that's right, he expects them to have to go out into the road. When I had young kids in the pushchair and people parked on the path causing me an obstruction, they usually found their wing mirrors on the floor when they returned to their cars. Fucking twats.


    I agree that's totally selfish, he should get a ticket for causing an obstruction. I can't really see the rest of the street, but it looks like there are parking spaces on the other side of the road unless they only permit parking on one side.


    There are double yellow lines on the opposite side of the road, however, the only buildings on that side are factories converted to residential and they have their own off-road huge car park. They don't park on the street because they would then have to walk through the car park to gain access to the property.



  10. Cliff doll doubles as car security and family pet, or summat. Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk...orfolk-29458666


    The mind boggles as to whether or not they leave it in the boot while traveling or have it strapped in one of the passenger seats as they're driving along.


    Your answer is to be found in the report:


    Despite regularly making people look twice, Mr Stolworthy said the replica Sir Cliff did not turn any heads at customs.


    He said: "I couldn't believe it at Dunkirk when we got the ferry. Cliff was sitting in the back seat in clear view but nobody said anything at the border control."


    They are from Norfolk.


    It probably doubles up as a sex doll so they can have a 'threesome'


    Or a living sex doll.


    Would it be living if it's made out of MDF?


  11. Cliff doll doubles as car security and family pet, or summat. Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk...orfolk-29458666


    The mind boggles as to whether or not they leave it in the boot while traveling or have it strapped in one of the passenger seats as they're driving along.


    Your answer is to be found in the report:


    Despite regularly making people look twice, Mr Stolworthy said the replica Sir Cliff did not turn any heads at customs.


    He said: "I couldn't believe it at Dunkirk when we got the ferry. Cliff was sitting in the back seat in clear view but nobody said anything at the border control."


    They are from Norfolk.


    It probably doubles up as a sex doll so they can have a 'threesome'


    Or a living sex doll.

    • Like 1

  12. It's the thought that counts...


    There was barely any thought involved


    Just ignore him (charon that is)


    BTW I've had to suffer through that level of shite almost every single day I've known my mother, so....

    He's obviously "not all there"....... (your brother in law that is)

    From ever since I could remember until my 18th birthday, my mum gave me a birthday card with a football theme on the front; she was an avid football fan and she knew I couldn't stand the game.

    On my 18th birthday I got up late and rushed out of the house having forgotten to look at my card. On getting back home that evening she started an argument and I opened the envelope to reveal a football themed card. I pointed out to her that she knew I hated football but every year I get a football card. The following year I got a card with a plane on the front having been a total aviation nut for at least 12 years.

    I don't recollect ever receiving a birthday present during all those years.

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