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Cat O'Falk

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Posts posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. The Tories who are going to feel safe are surely Cecil Parkinson and Norman Tebbitt, for different reasons. God bless you, Cecil, for sticking to the real thing and God Bless Norman for telling us all that there was a cover-up.


    Leon Brittain always gave me the creeps and the lady Jane who he met in 1967 sounds credible to me, so let's see what develops.


    Lord Lambton was another apparently good guy and dear Jeffrey Archer was of the right stuff, as Sally Farmiloe and the prossie who he met from Rochdale of all places will testify.


    Stephen Milligan was the one who got it wrong in the sex game, poor sod!


    I'm mgoing to start thinking about some of the Labour guys around at that time, not to mention the Liberals.


    What a great line that was " I fought and bit the pillow when Jeremy Thorpe was around....what would he have bitten if it had been the fat bastard from Rochdale? Is Norman Scott still with us?

    Fairly sure that Norman Scott - as in the former male model and pillow biter - is dead, though I just did a quick Google and couldn't find the proof.


    He's on Facebook so he's brain dead at least.

    • Like 1

  2. There has been much discussion of Rolf's artwork and his own musical offerings but listening to my ipod over the weekend he also featured on a number of Kate Bush tracks in particular he played didgeridoo on the title track of The Dreaming and he is The Painter on the concept second disc - A Sky of Honey on her 2005 album Aerial. So will she decline to play these at her forthcoming gigs for fear of association.


    I'm genuinely quite disturbed by this worrying trend. Why are people assuming that the work of disgraced artists must be suppressed or destroyed? There's plenty of classic art, literature, music, films etc whose creators were dodgy people.


    By the same token, if say a builder gets done for some infamous crime, they don't go out and knock down all the houses he built, do they? No. Well then.


    Fred West was a builder and I'm pretty sure Gloucester is still on the map.


    Gloucester is, but 25 Cromwell Street isn't.

    I think the reason that they need to destroy the work that this person has done is the feeling that if they possess or take enjoyment from the work that they're in some way supporting the crimes perpetrated by that person.


    I haven't destroyed any of my Rolf Harris albums, although the t-shirt I have now gets worn when I do gardening.


    I haven't destroyed any of my three Caravaggios either and he was a bit of a naughty boy. :D

    • Like 3

  3. There has been much discussion of Rolf's artwork and his own musical offerings but listening to my ipod over the weekend he also featured on a number of Kate Bush tracks in particular he played didgeridoo on the title track of The Dreaming and he is The Painter on the concept second disc - A Sky of Honey on her 2005 album Aerial. So will she decline to play these at her forthcoming gigs for fear of association.


    I'm genuinely quite disturbed by this worrying trend. Why are people assuming that the work of disgraced artists must be suppressed or destroyed? There's plenty of classic art, literature, music, films etc whose creators were dodgy people.


    By the same token, if say a builder gets done for some infamous crime, they don't go out and knock down all the houses he built, do they? No. Well then.


    Fred West was a builder and I'm pretty sure Gloucester is still on the map.

  4. My moneys on Ken Dodd being the next arrest. The way he used to hang about with all those those diddy men was very suspect ...


    Didn't he acquire two new diddymen after his last trial, Diddy Pay and Diddy Eck?

    • Like 4

  5. I'm probably taking a bit of a risk asking this, but does anyone here feel just a bit sorry for Rolf? I mean its pretty much open season on him.It's like he was Hitler reincarnated or something! I mean it's not like he actually killed or even raped anyone is it!


    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing.


    Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now.


    Who the fuck is Big Ron?





    Isn't that one sexy motherfucking love machine! :clap:

  6. I'm probably taking a bit of a risk asking this, but does anyone here feel just a bit sorry for Rolf? I mean its pretty much open season on him.It's like he was Hitler reincarnated or something! I mean it's not like he actually killed or even raped anyone is it!


    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing.


    Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now.


    Who the fuck is Big Ron?


    If he's reading this, expect a knock on your front door. :D

  7. I'm probably taking a bit of a risk asking this, but does anyone here feel just a bit sorry for Rolf? I mean its pretty much open season on him.It's like he was Hitler reincarnated or something! I mean it's not like he actually killed or even raped anyone is it!


    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing.


    Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now.


    In which case, I hope he gets bummed to death by Andy Coulson.


    I wonder if coulson will still be saying that prisons are a holiday camp when he gets out.


    Jeffrey Archer said it too and just like Coulson, went on to experience the conditions at first hand.


    There's a moral there I think.

  8. I'm probably taking a bit of a risk asking this, but does anyone here feel just a bit sorry for Rolf? I mean its pretty much open season on him.It's like he was Hitler reincarnated or something! I mean it's not like he actually killed or even raped anyone is it!


    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing.


    Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now.

  9. If you have ever watched a TV programme called Border Agency, which is about people trying to get into the large island down under, Rolf stands no fucking chance. They're not as daft as us, letting all the scum that we do into the country.

    Well, unless he has given up his Australian citizenship,I doubt very much whether the Aussies would be able to turn away their bastard son.

    It COULD be a case of us revoking his citizenship and deporting the c**t, however,Im pretty sure that there will a shit load of human rights laws which would prevent us from sending him back.


    He's still an Aussie I think so we could deport him once he's served his sentence (probably to avoid the aussies letting him off), wonder if it'd be worth the effort though.


    Both of his parents were born in Wales and apparently "Those born abroad to a British father before or after 1983 or born after 1982 to a British mother need not pay any nationality registration fees, undergo a good character check, or attend a civil ceremony as they are considered automatically British and can apply for a passport directly through the Identity and Passport Services (IPS)".


    In other words, he can't be kicked out.

  10. Hello, Guest...no good labelling yourself as a 12 year old boy....there should be 2 of you.


    Talking about Glitter, the song "Do you wanna touch me" is almost as vile as the question "Do you wanna be in my gang".


    Was Glitter ever in Rochdale when the fat bastard was around?


    Fat bastard in Rochdale ... Whoever could that be?


    Nice one squirrel!

  11. After the sentencing, we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable "I'm too sick to be in prison" routine? it seems to be what's done with high-profile court proceedings these days (Pistorius is practically already there at this point)


    I'm betting on an at her majesty's pleasure scenario, in 2 or 3 years he'll be released on compassionate grounds and slink into obscurity, popping up in deathlist forums with the occasional health update.


    Like Jack Lyons in the Guinness scandal; he avoided gaol due to ill health and went on to live for the next 20 years before croaking it aged 92.


    I can't remember who it was but I seem to recollect someone had Alzheimer's, avoided gaol and made a miraculous recovery a couple of years later.

  12. Rolf's big day tomorrow, and I am thinking in terms of 6 years, Sex Offenders register for life, or what's left of it, and more cases to come forward after this trial.

    What was it about "family game shows" in the 60's, 70's and 80's that gave Harris, Savile and Hall room to create mayhem?


    Any other presenters around that time who, on reflection, might have been dodgy. Were the Blue Peter people pure as driven snow?


    Unless you've got a shitload of money, I'd be very careful If I were you.


    Here's what the Daily Mirror has to say about Blue Peter Presenters.

  13. I was just thinking if Amelia Earhardt is still alive she would be one of the only people born in the 1800's still living. If her plane was found by the Japanese she theoretically could be alive as women tend to live long time in that country.


    She's alive and well but not living in Japan.


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  14. I was trying to search for that video the other day, but all that was coming up in my search were reports about the trial and the odd video footage of him at Glastonbury.


    All I need now is someone to reupload Jarvis Cocker's Stars In Their Eyes appearance as Rolf.


    If you're really really desperate, you can buy it. :duck:

  15. Time for a sweepstake -I reckon he will get 10 years with 5 years non-parole.Higher or lower?


    I actually think the judge will be fairly lenient. Because of his age and positive attitude (compared with Max Clifford) he might even get a suspended sentence, or maybe 2 or 3 years jail time


    Time for definite, but Rolf might even comply with a treatment programme and I'd say 30 months tops.


    Treatment program's might be fair enough if this was the kind of over-familiarity we were looking at in William Roach's allegation, it's something much more sinister though.

    I think a treatment programme would be a complete waste of time and money; he's hardly likely to go out and do it again, if not on health grounds, then on account everyone knows what he's like and will steer clear.

  16. Since I live in a country that doesn't do trial by jury, I don't understand a thing of this. Aren't there some Standard Instructions to the Jury which cover that?





    This may not be the right place or time to discuss this but I am interested in your comment.


    How is Dutch justice perceived?

    Who decides on the guilt or ortherwise?


    A few years ago it was suggested by Jack Straw to limit trial by jury in certain complex cases and the reaction this provoked was as though he had suggested barbecuing kittens.


    I understand the arguments for being tried in front of your peers but we need to look at all options and experience of fully developed democracies that cope without the system should be allowed to inform the debate.


    If, for example, you put a truly heart-rending case of assisted suicide before a jury, the chances are the defendant will be acquitted, even if they said they did it when giving evidence. A bench trial would almost certainly find them guilty.


    Although it doesn't happen very often, a jury can ignore a judge's direction. Probably the most famous case being Bushel's Case which resulted in a commemorative plaque being placed in the Old Bailey. It says: "established the right of juries to give their verdict according to their conviction".



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  17. 200px-Harland_Sanders.jpg



    No bullshit, I was discussing Rolf with a fairly young person about an hour ago and she said; "Is he that guy from KFC?" Our favourite fried chicken outlet may just have landed itself a marketing problem!


    My 18 year old nephew said the exact same thing whilst we were watching the news last night.


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