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  1. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool VIII: 2024-25 season

    Report post Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) RULES: The competition will start 10 SEPTEMBER 2024 (all lists must be posted or sent in to me by 11:59pm (GMT) Sep 9) and scoring will end Aug 31, 2025. Submit a list of 26 people. The first name OR last name of the first person must begin with an A. Second person with a B. You get the idea. No joker. Please use this format A - Alan Arkin B - Harry Belafonte C - Clark Gable etc . . . . . Obit sources include those used by the Windy City Deadpool (Derby Dead Pool, plus for North America The NY Times, LA Times, CBS News, Fox News and MSN). Also acceptable: CNN, ABC, NBC, Rolling Stone and Time. Due to the large number of names possible, and because the more tenacious of you can find the folk on the very fringes of celebrity, please police your own obits and notify via post on this thread. NEW: This will be a self scoring pool. I will maintain a hits list and standings table and be responsible for double checking lists that are in contention for victory toward the end of the game. You do not have to update your score after every hit, but every few months would be nice to keep the standings somewhat accurate and interesting. SCORING: A hit using the first name (letters except as below) - 1 point A hit using the last name (letters except as below) - 2 points A hit with the first name at (A, E, I, O, U, Y) - 2 points A hit with the last name at (A, E, I, O, U, Y) - 3 points A hit with the first OR last name at (Q, X, Z) - 4 points A hit with an alliterative name scores the points for both first and last names as specified above (so an alliterative at the A spot would be worth 5 points, the B spot would be worth 3 points, the Q spot would be worth 8 points) NAMES: General titles such as Queen/Pope/Prince, etc. are NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE for scoring at that letter. Single names submitted (Cher, Madonna, Pele) will be treated as first names. I prefer to see real names used (e.g. Richard Penniman instead of Little Richard). No animals, due to the ease of earning the WS bonus. BONUSES: Whippersnapper Bonus (WS): dies at age 75 or younger = 2 points (if there is substantial ambiguity or birth year is unknown, no bonus will be awarded) NEW: No solo or duo bonuses will be awarded this year to make self scoring simpler. Solos = 3 points Duos = 1 point Vowel Movement Bonus (VMB): hit your names at all five vowel spots (A, E, I, O, U) = 5 points OR hit any four of your vowels + your name at the letter Y = 3 points NOTE: Do not try to score this bonus with a single hit by picking a name with all five vowels in it. That ship has sailed! You must hit 5 names at all the vowel spots (or Y) to get the bonus! Late Bloomer Bonus (LBB): If a single player is left without a hit, that player will automatically earn 20 points! This is a backdoor way for someone to potentially go from the cellar right into the thick of things. 20 points is not likely to win the game, but it is certainly a nice place to work for the come from behind win while also having a full list of 26 names left to score. Scoring Example: if someone gets a hit with 71 year old Zadora Zephyr, the score would be 8 + 2 (WS) = 10 pts TIES: Will be broken by the date the final score is reached. That is, if three folks end up with 48 points, the person that got to 48 on the earliest date will be the winner.  This was a pivotal rule one year! SUBS: Please check your list at the start of the game to make sure all names are still alive. I will allow a sub for that letter, but it can't be someone who is new to the DP radar since the game started. That means no one who is diagnosed with cancer/has an accident after your original submission. Enjoy!

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