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  1. Hello again! Welcome to edition number 13 of Kill or Save! Unlucky for some? Just the ones who can’t stand newer music. We’re going great guns in our quest to rifle through everything that has found itself the top end of the UK singles charts, and we’ve just expanded our mission! Having completed the No.1s and No.2s from the 1960s through to the 2000s, we’re both moving on to No.3s (with host @wannamaker) AND going back and covering the two decades we’ve until this point ignored: the 1950s and the 2010s. This game right here? The No.1 hits of the 2010s. Fancy reliving all the action? See below for links to all Kill or Save games to date: 50s No.1s; 60s No.1s; 70s No.1s; 80s No.1s; 90s No.1s; 00s No.1s; 10s No.1s (you are here) 50s No.2s; 60s No.2s; 70s No.2s; 80s No.2s; 90s No.2s; 00s No. 2s; 10s No.2s 70s No.3s; 80s No.3s; 90s No.3s (IN PLAY!) Christmas Special 2023; Christmas Special 2024 (IN PLAY!) So, the 2010s. So recent, and yet so…not. The X Factor was a thing back then and now isn’t (thank fuck). Corona was still only either a beer or a eurodance group from the 90s. TikTok was just a Ke$ha song. Threads were just clothes. AI was just a big bloke in the pub who sat there every day from 10:30am. And the music…the music was…yeah…better than the charts would suggest, I’d say. Never mind. We’ve got a lot of killing to do. This’ll be a fun and wholly cathartic exercise. Yeah Yeah, Rules Schmules: Each song starts with 20 points (whether it deserves it or not). You can vote once a day. Since we all live in different parts of the world with all sorts of different timezones, please add a date at the top of your votes to avoid any confusion (e.g. 6/5/24, Mon 6 May, etc.). Each day you may add up to 4 points to and subtract 6 points from any songs in the current round. You can split your points between as many songs as you like. You must use all six minus points unless it's a round-ending turn, and you must give at least one plus point. Placeholder posts are allowed, but if you don't edit your votes within 5 minutes, then the next person can go and do their votes. Consecutive votes are not allowed. Before voting, please listen to the songs of each round and vote according to your own opinions, don't vote for songs because they're high/low on the board or because of your opinions about the artist, only the song matters. Make sure you copy and paste the most recent voter's scoreboard when you take your turn to score. For your own ease, ‘paste as plain text’ to get rid of the previous poster’s formatting. Then, delete their +/- scores, add yours, adjust the song’s points total and make your scores bold. As an example: 24 List Topper — Diego’s Nightmare +4 20 Didn’t Listen — Dump Me Later 20 The Ignored — Nobody Knows Me 19 Deckchair Shufflers — Faffing About -1 16 Drivel — Dreck 15 Bottom Of The Pile — Diego’s Favourite -5 And once again, from the heart of my bottom, thanks so much to our careful and attentive players who spot and correct any errors that arise (we're only human, after all). The game runs sweet as a nut thanks to you. See, below, the complete list of 244 UK No.1 songs from the 2010s. Lord have mercy on your earholes. And if you’ve been affected by any issues raised by this, the Samaritans are always there at the end of the phone for you. Call free on 116 123. As usual, we’ll go through 5 group stages, beginning with the No.1 hits of 2010/11, followed by a grand final consisting of the 25 songs that have qualified, where we will ultimately decide what the undisputed best chart topper of the 2010s is, and the artist(s) of said song can and will enjoy a TikTok revival and at least a few more minutes of being relevant. 2010/11: 65 songs - the last 6 songs will make the final 2012/13: 65 songs - the last 6 songs will make the final 2014/15: 61 songs - the last 6 songs will make the final 2016/17: 24 songs - the last 3 songs will make the final 2018/19: 29 songs - the last 4 songs will make the final So gang, oil up and get your extra-large, ultra-realistic, double-ended scythes at the ready, for it’s time…to Kill or Save.

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