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  1. I particularly get annoyed when I have a reasonable hit in a pool and don't get the QO to score it. Case in point John Starling in the Windy City, or Henry Gray or Randy Romero in several high profile pools. Granted, these may not be household names, but they are certainly accomplished folks and not just quintuplet moms or cancer bloggers. I am pretty disciplined at avoiding those, even when they would be easy points if accepted. This is not a criticism of those pools, just my frustration when a name I feel should score doesn't get respected by the main media. So this type of pool does not rely on the QO, it relies on the tried and true names already commonly accepted in the games. Plus I think it will have the added benefit of being a pool that you can submit a team and forget about it for a while, or you can stay active and improve your chances of winning just a little bit. Here is the idea: I will post a list of 80 selected surviving names taken from 1) the Deathlist over the past two years, 2) the Derby Drop 40 for 2020, and 3) a few of my own liking which did not make either source 1 or 2. Entries will submit a list of 40 of those names, ranked from 40 pts (at the top) down to 1 point at the bottom. So, yes, put your favorites at the top. Bonuses: a daily double will get you +10 points A solo hit will get you +20 points, a duo is worth +10 pts, and a trio is worth +5 pts for each player In addition, any solo, duo or trio can be replaced AT THAT SPOT with a new name from the list of 80. This is where list maintenance helps your chances if you stay alert. Also, a hit at the 13 spot or 19 (in honor of the virus) spots can also be replaced with a new name from the list of 80, every time it hits. So these spots recycle their points and are potentially valuable. So do you use your Top 40 right away, or hold a few sure things back to bring them in as replacements? You decide. The game ends the first time we have a full calendar month without a single hit on an active list. So as long as the scoring remains active, the game keeps going. Technically it could go 80 months, but we know it will be much shorter than that, I am hoping one to two years to wrap it up and crown an inaugural champion. Entries close when the third hit on the list of 80 dies, or when we get 15 entries, so it could be a few days, or a few weeks from now. At that point I will post a master list of entries. You can PM your lists to me, or post them to this thread. The game starts as soon as the first entry is received. I will PM my list to that person in return for safe keeping as well. Hope it sounds fun and good luck to all!! I will post the list of 80 later this afternoon.

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