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Guest Big Arse

Sharon Osbourne

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I understand that Sharon is to be found slapping her a*s for Asda advertisements soon. More reasons to shop at Morrisons.


(The above is UK specific; Asda is part of WalMart, and Morrisons is owned by a bluff Yorkshireman)

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Shucks is in fact quite an old word, usually said as "Aw, shucks !"

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Guest, Guest_bob and steph are clearly different people (probably)

Guest & Guest_Bob are the same person ...


However Guesty, as you've been visiting since July, isn't it about time you became a member ?

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Guest Timmee

Sharon Osbourne has been voted "Bitchiest TV Moment" in a recent poll after her appaling & unnecesary outburst on the "X Factor Final" TV programme.


Even co judge Simon Cowell was visibly shocked at her prolonged rant reducing the winning contestest to tears. The 10 "Bitchiest TV Moments" were voted for by the British public for a Channel 5 TV programme.


Even Elton Johns rant during a tennis match filmed during the making of "Tantrums & Tiaras" was pushed into 2nd place!

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Sharon Osbourne has been voted "Bitchiest TV Moment" in a recent poll after her appaling & unnecesary outburst on the "X Factor Final" TV programme.


Even co judge Simon Cowell was visibly shocked at her prolonged rant reducing the winning contestest to tears. The 10 "Bitchiest TV Moments" were voted for by the British public for a Channel 5 TV programme.


Even Elton Johns rant during a tennis match filmed during the making of "Tantrums & Tiaras" was pushed into 2nd place!

Er...has this site got crossed with the "and what did you watch last night?" website?

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Sharon and Aimee Osbourne have withdrawn from "The Vagina Monologues" show and flown to the US to treat Aimee for an undisclosed illness.




Having never watched "The Osbournes" I'm not clear on whether Aimee took part in it - didn't one of the daughters say no to doing it?


DWB :referee:

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Guest One Man Jury
Sharon and Aimee Osbourne have withdrawn from "The Vagina Monologues" show and flown to the US to treat Aimee for an undisclosed illness.

Yeah, they've discovered she suffers from the family hereditary disease - lack of a brain!

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Guest guesty
Sharon and Aimee Osbourne have withdrawn from "The Vagina Monologues" show and flown to the US to treat Aimee for an undisclosed illness.

Yeah, they've discovered she suffers from the family hereditary disease - lack of a brain!

As she's good looking, and smart enough not to appear in that trashy tv show. That's almost certainly not the case.

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Guest IYG

Seeing as the Osbourne house did go up in flames not long ago I think that is reason enough for them to quit the show.

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Sharon and Aimee Osbourne have withdrawn from "The Vagina Monologues" show and flown to the US to treat Aimee for an undisclosed illness.




Having never watched "The Osbournes" I'm not clear on whether Aimee took part in it - didn't one of the daughters say no to doing it?


DWB  :dead:

Aimee had surgery after she discovered a lump in her breast.


Osbourne daughter in cancer scare

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Have read through this thread, and apart from wishful thinking, what's it about?

I have read elsewhere that the Osbournes are worth millions, but why?

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I have read elsewhere that the Osbournes are worth millions, but why?

Extremely clever marketing in a sadly, celebrity obsessed world, although they have played the clowns and seem to be able to laugh at themselves as opposed to say the Beckhams thus drawing attention away from Ozzy Osbourne's lack of musical ability, apart from his first solo album 'Blizzard of Ozz' which has some truly great songs on it and also 'mama' from the 'no more tears' album. (Are records even called albums anymore now that everything is cd and not vinyl?)


Hope this helps.

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(Are records even called albums anymore now that everything is cd and not vinyl?)

I think the answer to that is that they're still called albums, but not records, unless they're LPs. "Album" is a generic term (I hope that's right, Mr Josco!) encompassing CDs, LPs and cassettes, but as I expect you know it's almost impossible to buy new releases on vinyl these days and cassettes are also falling from favour.


Having recently invested in a new record player, I will be going to a record fair in Maidstone on Sunday week and will no doubt be coming back with armfuls of second-hand LPs and singles, much to the dismay of Mrs Cerberus, who then has to listen to them (cue cries of "what's this rubbish!" etc)

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Having recently invested in a new record player

How did you manage to invest in a new 'record player' from what I can gather they are like gold dust nowadays, I was lucky enough that about 5 years ago Lord G bought me an all singing, dancing (Hah) stereo system it has a turntable. so i can listen to all my favourite songs, just they way they used to sound, bit of a scratch thing going on there, but hey things have changed just about to go and listen to some great music on cd at 4 in the morning, to be continued,........... Stryper and AC/DC are calling me ......................................................

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Stryper and AC/DC are calling me ......................................................

Both together?


Highway to Heaven perchance?

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...just about to go and listen to some great music on cd at 4 in the morning, to be continued,........... Stryper and AC/DC are calling me ......................................................

For the sake of your neighbours, i hope you have headphones - you can't play that stuff quietly!


Heard some AC/DC on the radio last night: "You Shook Me All Night Long."

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...just about to go and listen to some great music on cd at 4 in the morning, to be continued,........... Stryper and AC/DC are calling me ......................................................

For the sake of your neighbours, i hope you have headphones - you can't play that stuff quietly!


Heard some AC/DC on the radio last night: "You Shook Me All Night Long."

Ever heard Hayseed Dixie?


They're a bluegrass band who play damn fine AC/DC covers, soon to be playing a Scottish island near you,




P.S. I have no connection with them other than I like them.

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Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 has been known to spin the odd disc by them. I enjoy what he plays but I'm not sure I could stomach a whole album (or concert).


DWB :dead:

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Yes they were briefly en vogue on Jeremy Vine's show on Radio 2 a little while back. He played their versions of "Ace of Spades" and "Walk This Way" quite a bit. I'd like to know what Lady Grendel makes of them.

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Ever heard Hayseed Dixie?


They're a bluegrass band who play damn fine AC/DC covers, soon to be playing a Scottish island near you,




P.S. I have no connection with them other than I like them.

Yes, they are pretty good, they played in Glasgow a few weeks ago, some of our friends went along, said they were great, especially the duelling banjos bit.

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Guest lucy
:blink: i need to know the home address of all the osbournes so if you no reply back

i dont now it eater but if u have found out write back pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse

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:blink: i need to know the home address of all the osbournes so if you no reply back

i dont now it eater but if u have found out write back pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse

This is a deathlist forum. It is neither google, nor a celebrity address finder service. Please direct your inquiry elsewhere. :D

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Guest Moronsons

Is anybody hoping that Sir Ken Morrison Dies Soon?

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Is anybody hoping that Sir Ken Morrison Dies Soon?


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We are not in any way affiliated with celebrities, we simply predict their deaths.


Predict? That is clever. Maybe guess, hope or (in Sharons case) pray.

You're praying for Sharon's death? That's plain wrong.

If you are going to pray for a death at least make it frankie Lane or someone actually on the list.

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