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News Obituary Write Up Game.

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Was thinking about this idea that isn`t officially a pool but might be interesting.Imagine you have been given a job as an obituary writer/programmer at a mainstream national news network and you are responsible for updating and adding obituaries to the news networks files to be used when someone notable conks out.Then imagine you have the capacity to oversee 25 obituaries a week.If you were in that situation who would you choose?You can post the names on this thread each week.Bear in mind that you can only pick names your hypothetical boss wouldn`t question.You can pick whoever you like each week but of course, it is embarrassing the more high profile they are.If someone falls ill list your changes but if someone dies not on your list then you would have to write it up there and then.Not a pool as I say but a good way to be smug if you get timings right.Could be good to share ideas with a twist that wouldn`t give unique picks away.Here would be the ones I would be working on this week:


George H W Bush

Barbara Bush

The Queen

Prince Philip

Donald Trump

Charles Manson

Jimmy Carter

Pope Benedict

Pope Francis

King Michael of Romania

Nobby Stiles

Billy Graham

Tony Booth

Vera Lynn

Theresa May

Douglas Hurd

Peter Sallis

Leslie Phillips

Denis Norden

Desmond Tutu

Jacques Chirac

Helmut Kohl

Gord Downie

Leah Bracknell

Stephen Hawking


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