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Dr Hackenslash

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Everything posted by Dr Hackenslash

  1. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    The Dickie thread would have cleaned itself up. That would have happened as the thread ran its course. Instead, it has been artificially cut short and God knows how many hours have been lost by companies across the UK, and beyond, while we argue. But not letting the thread evolve naturally wreeks of intelligent design. Darwin will be rolling in his grave.
  2. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'sullivan Thread

    But there is a very fine line between pointless gossip etc. If it turns out someone had a gay fling 10 years ago with someone who is known to have HIV/AIDS, then surely that's a valid addition as it could be expected to alter their life expectancy. Should the conversation be "Is X still alive?" er "Yes" then?
  3. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'sullivan Thread

    Give BHB some credit, Windsor. He can spell and the guest can't...
  4. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Here we go
  5. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    And having anonymous users is the ultimate form of Big Brother, ie we know where you are, but you don't know where we are.
  6. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    None of us had planned to do this. It just seemed to happen. Which is thankful because at least we're starting to consider the point of censorship - which is the only thing that is keeping us campaigners together.
  7. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    More importantly, what's going on on the Johnny Walker thread???
  8. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    And if there are 1,208 threads, pray tell, why can't us members use just one of them to blow off a bit of steam in Dicky O'Sullivan related ways?
  9. Dr Hackenslash

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Ah for the old Fleet Street days. The Vine Press isn't what is was.
  10. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Obviously, he's referring to Richard O'Sullivan. But I assume you are being tongue-in-cheek.
  11. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    And that's from someone with well over 1000 posts, so please, what exactly are Hackenslash & I doing that is so heinous? I am presuming that we are the 'you know who you are' to whom our esteemed administrator DWB is referring. Yes. Exactly. So how is it acceptable to sit around, waiting for people to die with unabated excitement but unacceptable to have a joke about their behind-closed-door habits? The world has gone mad. Jossie's Giants would be crying into St James Park.
  12. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    I'm not one to moan at admins, hell I don't like it on my board. But. In this particular thread, not the previous ones, the language and content appears to relate to Richard O'Sullivan and it's as clean as anything.
  13. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    That may be true, but the language wasn't pointlessly graphic. And it was amusing, to an extent. Like I keep saying, the Dicky O thread was considered as a stress reliever by those of us who wanted to let off steam while at work, or wherever. If that meant a bit of Carry On humour, then why not? I'm sure Dicky would be having a chuckle.
  14. Dr Hackenslash

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Hear, hear. And I hope no-one has failed to notice the irony of complaints about bawdy humour from people who administrate a site full of people waiting for other people to die...
  15. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    I think any modern pilot would have to be updated, obviously, but the original premise was a good one for its time & might not be so now (bloke living with two birds & continously trying to get in their knickers). I think what seventies sitcoms, such as MATH, had was warmth & characters that you could relate to, as against killer humour...but then there was much less that they could get away with in that era...a little like certain forums in the modern day. True. And the political correctness of the modern world means that the humour is not the same in real-life. MATH would have to be brought up to date because of this, and would lose some of its charm, no doubt. But would it be possible to bring it up to date. The feminist brigade would go mad at the basic premise of a man living with two women. The so-called liberal elite of this country believe in letting people do what they want, until it affects them. Which makes them more discriminatory than the people they used to moan at. Even Dad's Army would struggle these days - the central joke is about the British class system and Mainwaring being of the seldom-utilised until then lower-middle class. The powers-that-be would have us believe that there is no class structure, but they are above the rest!
  16. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    But back to the conversation. If Man About The House was offered to one of the big TV companies today, do you think the pilot would be successful. The problem is, sit-coms are going down the American route whereby there is no subtledy. The current "Friends" generation lack the patience to appreciate true comedy, and comedy timing - such as the exchanges between Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier in Dad's Army where a look could be better than a page of dialogue.
  17. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    I would agree with most of that but would like to raise an issue (I'll ignore the slur on tabloid journalists). Although some of the posts may have been somewhat near the knuckle, they were a continuation of a discussion rather than random filth. Yes, the conversation was going a bit far, I don't deny it, but given time the thread would have moved on to more englightened matters. Added to that, the Dicky O'S thread has been widely accepted as a DL "common room" where throwaway remarks can be made to lighten the mood of the day. If you just want to engage in chit chat, then join a forum with a Live Chat facility. Enough of the excessive and pointless trivia. This coming from a member who has the highest number of posts, by far, and hides his on-line status? Not to mention the Wikipedia stuff... Brinsworth House, are you with me one this???
  18. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    I would agree with most of that but would like to raise an issue (I'll ignore the slur on tabloid journalists). Although some of the posts may have been somewhat near the knuckle, they were a continuation of a discussion rather than random filth. Yes, the conversation was going a bit far, I don't deny it, but given time the thread would have moved on to more englightened matters. Added to that, the Dicky O'S thread has been widely accepted as a DL "common room" where throwaway remarks can be made to lighten the mood of the day.
  19. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    And in the words of whoever it was "The D O'S forum is our common room." And so say all of us.
  20. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Cheddar please. I'm sure I can scrape something off...I mean up! Yummy. I love the young Dickie O pic. Wasn't he a handsome little boy? Wasn't he just? And what a legend he became. An inspiration to all of us DODO's methinks. You've touched on something here. Look at pictures of people before they were famous and thnk "do they look like the legend they are destined to become?" In Dicky O's case, he certainly did.
  21. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Then again, in honour of Dicky O's current condition, we should probably eat all of our food minced up while piss is running down our legs?
  22. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    That was me, am working on a borrowed computer after suffering the dreaded blue screen, probably as a result of some virus from various dodgy links around here. I don't sleep with any other site. Pleased & honoured to have you as a DODO, Godot, but if you've got a virus could you sit over there please? Can you just shut the hell up about Dickie O'. This whole thread is total drivel. Oooh, look at her.
  23. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Have you got the original? I've got Grandad tucked away in the loft but I never played the b-side. It's great.
  24. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    http://tv.cream.org/specialassignments/themes/spoons.mp3 NOTE: DRAG THE LINK TO THE ADDRESS BAR AND IT WILL PLAY IN THIS WINDOW Also, the Jim'll fix it is available We've got to get it re-released. (Dunny's that is) With the crap that's about, it would get top 10 at least.
  25. Dr Hackenslash

    Dicky O!

    Agreed. But I would suggest everybody listens to Clive Dunn playing spoons. It's brought back so many memories. How the heck was that the B-side?

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