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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Hollywood Possibilities

    I'm aware my cinematic tastes are generally odd, but Reuben, Reuben is a personal fave. Sorry to hear this news. SC One of my favorite sandwiches.
  2. deadsox

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Not sure what your problem with "dead at" is Casey. It's a normal and acceptable phrase for obits. Even humble folks get a "dead at" whatever age they are in their obituaries. I still chuckle when someone is "dead at 69" because I think "well at least he died happy". But that's just me.
  3. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Hey Sir C, you say there was a lively discussion about Michael Ilitch in this thread. I'm not seeing it but am interested since our Death League draft is coming up in late February. Is he finally going to go?
  4. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Do your own dead pool then. I'm sick of this fucking moan, moan fucking moan. I've worked by balls off for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS and all I get it "Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi!" If you don't like the rules, don't fucking enter. Simple as fucking that. That's it. 2017 is MY LAST YEAR. PERIOD. Someone else can fucking do it. I'm sick of my time being wasted like this. Someone else can take up the fucking cudgel and spend hour after hour, entering teams, making updates etc etc and having to put up with moaning minnies every fucking year. I've taken it as far as i can go. No more. and Paul Lambert can fuck off an' all... Please try not to let some people's moaning and negativity to dishearten you. Please don't make any hasty final decisions just yet. I think your doing a brilliant and fantastic job. I have no problem with the rules you set out. I'm half Scottish and have spent much of my recent years in Scotland and don't think there's anything anti Scottish at all in your system. The other half of me is scouse which is also another motivation for me to feel I should rush to your defence. Some People need to take a step back and think about what their saying. I am very grateful to you for all your hardwork. It's impossible to please everyone so don't get stressed even trying. Take care mate ☺ I will add my thanks and appreciation for your work Blackie. The rules are very straightforward and if people want to moan about it, let them. I, like many others have failed to get a "hit" for picks in the DDP that fail to get the required obit but keep a good attitude about it. The great majority of the players are the same. If you decide to stop running the DDP it will be understandable but I hope you continue. Once again, thanks for all your hard work these last several years.
  5. deadsox

    Liza Minnelli

    Probably the last chance I had of gettin down with the beautiful Judy Garland. I'd have had my way with those remains. Don't judge. SC Judging...........
  6. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    S'cuse the pedantry but... Their very survival proves it wasn't genocide Genocde: The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. I don't think genocide has to be 100% successful to qualify. After all, there are still surviving Native Americans and European Jews.
  7. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    Minnesota Mark Dayton collapses during a speech: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/governor-minnesota-mark-dayton-collapses-while-delivering-address/
  8. I'll keep an eye on him for everybody.
  9. My New England Patriots versus the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI (they affect Roman Numerals in these things). As a lifelong Patriots fan, I never thought a shoestring franchise like the Patriots would ever get to the heights where everyone hates us and now refers to us as "The Evil Empire". Real credit is due to owner Robert Kraft, coach Bill Belichick and of course, best QB of all time Tom Brady. Let the hate begin!
  10. deadsox

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Just my opinion JT, but this may not be a good site for you.
  11. deadsox

    Sir John Hurt

    Rip Robert Mugabe 1924-2017. I didn't pick you for the DDP, but I knew that was a mistake. I should've trusted my instincts. He recently arrested a man who predicted his demise in 2017: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-38651506 Shame on you for trying to keep news from your DL colleagues Bobby Mugs!
  12. deadsox

    Sir John Hurt

    Funny thing, Bobby Mugs, I had both him and you on my minor league roster in the 2016/2017 Death League. I now think he was a poor choice but you may be back on the team in 2017/2018.
  13. deadsox

    Please Let It Be... Paul McCartney

    Helter Skelter. bladon, are you Charles Manson? If so, how are you feeling?
  14. deadsox

    A Joke

    Can't imagine it today. Couldn't imagine it then.
  15. deadsox

    Lone Rhinoceros

    All well and good Sir C, but I'm not sure what any of this has to do with deadpooling. Are you in a league that allows animals?
  16. deadsox

    Ask A Deathlister

    No. It is indeterminate. Example: 6 / 2 = 3. Then working back 3 x 2 =6. 6/0 = ?. But ? x 0 = 0. Any number multiplied by zero is zero so you can't work back therefore it's indeterminate. The limit (right or left) of a positive number divided for a positive zero (or 0+) is positive infinity. The limit of a positive number divided for negative zero (0-) is a negative infinite. Anyway it's not and indetermination form as the function does not exist in the point you are considering (discontinuity on R) but you can still calculate left/right limits which don't require the function's existence in that point. 0/0, inifinity/infinity, inifinity*0, 1^infinity, inifinity less/plus infinity are forms of indetermination that remain even after the partial aritmetization of inifinity simble. I would enjoy it if our new friend bladon would weigh in on this.
  17. deadsox

    Donald J Trump

    I would say a reality show "The Trumps in the White House" is a natural.
  18. I think that would cease being wanking and become necrophilia.
  19. Britt Ekland was food poisoned back in August 2016, and her beloved dog Tequila died about a month later. However, it's highly unlikely that Britt will pass away anytime soon. It would be devastating if she did. I'm curious as to why Britt's death would be devastating. Are you two personal friends? Well he cant wank to a corpse can he................or can he? Hahah, of course not. I would never wank to a corpse, that would be disturbing and pathetic. In all seriousness, to answer your question, deadsox, Britt is one of the most famous Swedes post-Garbo/Ingrid Bergman era. She's right up there with people like Maud Adams, Ann-Margret and May Britt (Sammy Davis, Jr.'s ex). In addition, there are also a few Americans with partial Swedish ancestry like Tippi Hedren (50%, paternal lineage), Mamie Van Doren (75%) & Julie Newmar (maternal lineage, 25% I think)! I'd hate to see any of them go. I mean, you were around back in the 70s, so you should be able to 'get' why Britt would be a national treasure for us. We're very off-topic now but I blame that on the new Finn bladan. PERKELE. Thanks for your answer Pre. I am actually a fan of bladan and now you bring up another question. What does Perkele mean?
  20. Britt Ekland was food poisoned back in August 2016, and her beloved dog Tequila died about a month later. However, it's highly unlikely that Britt will pass away anytime soon. It would be devastating if she did. I'm curious as to why Britt's death would be devastating. Are you two personal friends?
  21. deadsox

    Jack Chick

    Why should they. Your not the boss of their forum (and neither am I). I never visited this thread before but now I'd like to keep it open, just to talk about Sir C. behind his back.
  22. deadsox


    Personally, I don't give a Schmidt.
  23. deadsox

    Deathrace 2017

    Congratulations Death Impends.
  24. deadsox

    Deathrace 2017

    I wear one just like that for deer hunting.

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